The Devourer

Chapter 71

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Ling Tian was smiling, but that smile froze when he saw Xin Qinyue staring at him in disbelief. He had made a blunder, that is, he ignored Xin Qinyue.

Just now he showed off a bit of his strength so that Lin Ke'er would show some confidence and have faith in him. He never intended for Xin Qinyue to witness his strength.

If Ling Tian had realized Xin Qinyue's presence before, he would have made sure that he will knock her out. He didn't mind showing her his strength, but she really doesn't know how to keep a secret.

" Um... Yue'er, can you keep this thing about my strength... A secret?" Ling Tian asked.

The girls snapped out of their shock. Yan Zuqing was looking at Ling Tian as if she was looking at a monster. Lin Ke'er was staring at Ling Tian with a frightened gaze then she looked at the unconscious disciples and thought that they were simply seeking death when they annoyed Ling Tian before.

Xin Qinyue was still staring at Ling Tian in a daze. She didn't know how Ling Tian is so different from what he was in the past.

Su Xumei was the calmest of them all. Yet she couldn't help but marvel at Ling Tian's strength. It was as if everything was easy for him.

Ling Tian saw that Xin Qinyue was not responding, so he went towards her and flicked her forehead with a finger.

" Ouch.. What did you do that for?" Xin Qinyue asked while rubbing her forehead in pain.

" You didn't answer me." Ling Tian said.

" Answer you? For what?" Xin Qinyue asked confusedly.

" Will you hide the fact that I'm this powerful?" Ling Tian asked.

" Hide? Why would you want to hide such awesome power?! Brother Tian, you're even stronger than my father! The sect will definitely treat you well if they know how strong you are!" Xin Qinyue said in an excited tone.

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Ling Tian was relieved to know that Xin Qinyue isn't afraid of him. But was quite worried that she might spread out the fact about his strength. He just killed Yuan Qinghe, an Enforcer of the Battle God Sacred Land. He definitely isn't strong enough to fight against an entire Sacred Land with his current strength.

" Yue'er, can you keep it a secret? If you don't, I'll just leave the Spirit Advent Sect and you will never get to see me ever again." Ling Tian said in a serious tone.

" What?!" Xin Qinyue was startled by what Ling Tian said, so were the others.

" Why Brother Tian?" Xin Qinyue asked in a trembling voice.

" I have my reasons." Ling Tian said.

" Mn. I understand. I'll keep this secret for you, Brother Tian! So don't ever leave me!" Xin Qinyue said in a sad voice.

" Seriously... If you don't want others to know about your strength, then why show-off your strength like that?" Yan Zuqing couldn't help but ask.

" You're telling me, I should have left you all to die?" Ling Tian asked Yan Zuqing.

" That's not what I meant." Yan Zuqing said.

" Brother Tian, what is your cultivation level?" Suddenly Xin Qinyue asked the question that the others also wanted to ask.

" I'm at 4th level Earth Core Realm." Ling Tian said.

" Are you kidding with us? If you don't want to tell then just say so!" Yan Zuqing said.

" But it's the truth though." Ling Tian said while he shrugged his shoulders.

" Well whatever. Lets cook that thing. I'm starving." Ling Tian said as he pointed at the headless bear corpse.

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" Are you out of your mind?! Our bodies will explode if we eat the meat of such a powerful monster beast!" Yan Zuqing said in a bit of alerted tone.

" Hm?" Ling Tian suddenly remembered that not everyone is like him who has a monstrous metabolism. With their low cultivation, if they eat this high level monster beasts flesh, their body will burst because of the immense Spirit Energy in the flesh of the monster beast even if its cooked.

" It will be alright! I'm here, aren't I? I'll make you Bear stew!" Ling Tian said.

" What should we do with them?" Su Xumei pointed at the unconscious disciples and asked Ling Tian.

" It is best to let them sleep so their soul can stabilize. Their soul was shaken up when that bear came." Ling Tian said.

Ling Tian, then looked at Lin Ke'er, who had been silent this whole time and said, " My little disciple, are you impressed by my power?"

" Mn..." Lin Ke'er nodded albeit being shy as always.

" I see. Well, you'll also be able to get that strong after I train you for a while." Ling Tian said.

" Ke'er..." Yan Zuqing called Lin Ke'er in a melancholic tone.

Lin Ke'er was startled and felt like hiding somewhere.

" Ke'er, how long are you going to run? Now that you are his disciple, you're stuck with us." Yan Zuqing said while smiling.

" Sister Lin, you won't escape!" Xin Qinyue said as she held Lin Ke'er by her hand.

Ling Tian who saw this was quite confused. Su Xumei saw Ling Tian's expression and said.

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" Big sister Zuqing and Qinyue along with Sis Mengyan always wanted to be friends with Lin Ke'er because they are acquainted with Lin Ke'er's sister. But she always try to avoid them." Su Xumei said with an cold expression, as always.

" Friends, huh?" Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian smiled and then turned away and walked towards the headless gigantic corpse, leaving behind a confused Su Xumei.

Ling Tian stood before the headless corpse and stretched out his right hand and uttered, " Blood God Ritual - Blood Essence condensed Orb."

Suddenly the silver blood of the now dead Silver Blood Bear started radiating a silver light and silver coloured strings came out of the bear's corpse and gathered at the middle of Ling Tian's right palm.

The silver coloured strings started to condense into a small sphere and its size continued to increase. After about ten seconds, the silver coloured strings stopped coming out of the corpse and the sphere had turned into a hand sized translucent silver orb.

This was the blood essence of Silver Blood Bear!

' That's 73! Just 17 more high level monster beast blood essence and I'll be able to create the 'Blood Slaughter Sword'!' Ling Tian thought as he looked at the blood essence orb in his hand.

Ling Tian stored the blood essence orb in his Soul Storage Space and then asked Little Blue who was clinging to his back to get off, which she did and she went over to Yan Zuqing's side.

Ling Tian then picked up the monster beasts large corpse and turned towards the girls and asked, " Hey, you guys can sit over there while I cook."

" Okay." Yan Zuqing and Xin Qinyue said at the same time.

Ling Tian bought all the materials needed to make a bear stew from the System Store and cut a part of the bear meat. Ling Tian could feel the immense amount of spirit energy in the piece of meat.

After its done, Ling Tian looks around and saw that the girls are near the lake and not paying attention to him.

" Shadow clone jutsu!" Ling Tian quietly uttered as he made a hand sign.

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Another 'Ling Tian' appeared next to Ling Tian. This was the first time Ling Tian was using this cheat technique, alas, this time its not for training.

" Finish the cooking while I get rid of some pests before they enter this place." Ling Tian said.

" Yes boss." Ling Tian's clone said.

Ling Tian nodded and vanished from the place without a trace while the clone started to cook.


A few hundred miles away from the Nameless Lake.

Thousands of High-level Monster Beasts were fighting each other and trying to run towards the direction of the lake. But to be stopped by other beasts.

Ling Tian was looking at this with a troubled expression. It was obvious that the Silver Blood Bear had sneaked out from this horde and went towards the Nameless Lake.

" Lets see.... There are 18,000 Rank 5 Monster Beasts, 4,000 Rank 6 Monster Beasts, 700 Rank 7 Monster Beasts and finally 6 Rank 8 Monster Beasts. If I start to fight against them, this place will practically be annihilated which might attract unwanted attention. I can't fight a drawn out battle. I have to kill them swiftly." Ling Tian muttered as he looked at the Monster Beasts fighting and killing each other for supremacy.

Ling Tian took out his new sword/katana, the Dragon Subduing Blade!

" Fists are the best for drawn out fighting. Swords are the best for efficient killing. I'll end this all. It's a perfect debut for my Dragon Subduing Blade!" Ling Tian made a decision.

" Human Scum! What have you done to me?!" An enraged voice accompanied with a dragon like roar came from the blue katana which transmitted in Ling Tian's head.

" .... " Ling Tian went silent for a moment.

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