The Devourer

Chapter 72

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Ling Tian was feeling quite euphoric now. The one that just talked to him was the Flood Dragon that he had slayed a few hours ago.

" You're finally awake, my sword spirit!" Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Sword spirit? What are you talking about, Human scum?!" The Flood Dragon's voice resounded from the blue blade katana.

" Stop calling me Human. I told you I'm a Saiyan!" Ling Tian said feeling a bit irritated.

" Now where was I?.... Ah, Right! You see, you are dead! But I felt pity for you, so I changed your soul into an artifact spirit and put you in this sword." Ling Tian said.

" .... " The Flood Dragon or rather the now 'Dragon Sword Spirit' remembered what happened to it after listening to Ling Tian's words.

It remembered that it had foolishly provoked a 'Powerful Being', despite the being sparing it's life at the beginning. It was killed by the terrifying being before it could realize what hit it. And that terrifying being is the one who it is talking to now.

" Can I get out of here?" The Dragon Sword Spirit asked in a rather amiable tone which surprised Ling Tian.

" I think you still don't understand the situation. This sword is your body now. You're no longer the Flood Dragon that you used to be, but the Spirit Rank Combat Artifact, Dragon Subduing Blade! And you are its soul. And of course, I'm the master of this sword, which means I'm your master as well." Ling Tian said.

" .... " The Dragon Sword Spirit was silent.

" So I'm stuck as some weak ass sword and your slave now?" The Dragon Sword Spirit said in a self-mocking tone.

" What do you mean weakass? This is a top grade Spirit Rank Combat Artifact, the strongest and most powerful artifact in the entire Heaven's Fall World! It has the power to kill even me! Much less a weak low blood Flood Dragon like you!" Ling Tian said clearly annoyed by the fact that the Dragon Sword Spirit mocked his first combat artifact.

" .... So you are saying I'm super strong now?" Dragon Sword Spirit asked.

" Yeah, but we will talk later! I'm about to kill some annoying beasts and you are going to get your first kill as the Dragon Subduing Blade!" Ling Tian said with a battle crazed smirk. His Saiyan nature was starting to affect him without him even knowing.

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" Just tell me. Will I be able to leave this place and go to a place called 'Dragon Realm'?" The Dragon Sword Spirit suddenly asked.

Ling Tian was shocked for a moment. The Dragon Realm is the world of Dragon Race which exists in God's Realm.

" I'm surprised you know of that place." Ling Tian said in a surprised tone.

" It's my origin land! My blood told me! Will you be able to take me there?" Dragon Sword Spirit asked.

" Sure! It will just take some time!" Ling Tian answered with a carefree smile.

" Thank you." Dragon Sword Spirit thanked Ling Tian which surprised him.

It's not very often that you see a proud and arrogant being like dragons showing gratitude.

" No problem! From now on, you are my partner!" Ling Tian said.

" Mn." The Dragon Sword Spirit just made an agreement voice.

" Sigh... Show some enthusiasm, will you?" Ling Tian couldn't help but say.

" .... "

" Well, lets enter the battle field, shall we?" Said Ling Tian.



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*Crash* *Bang!*

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The scene right now was as if it was hell itself. Corpses of monster beasts laying around everywhere. The intense battle between the monster beasts were devastating and most of the villages and other human civilization that was near this location were wiped out by the battle between these high-level monster beasts.

The reason they were fighting is only for one thing. The nature energy in the Nameless lake. Previously because of the pressure of Immortal God present in that place, no one was able to enter the place.

But now, because of Ling Tian, the pressure of Immortal God is gone and all the monster beasts feel no suppression.

The Nature Energy can help them evolve, strengthen their bloodline and awaken their ancestor bloodline and many other uses. The monster beasts are willing to put their life on the line in order to get the chance.



Suddenly, and white meteorite like light crashed into the middle of the monster horde, killing many Rank 5 monster beasts and created a massive crater.

" Yah! You guys seem to be having a blast here! How about I join as well?" A human voice resounded.

A human figure slowly came out from the crater and which revealed to be Ling Tian, who was holding his Dragon Subduing Blade.

The monster beasts were stunned for a moment before getting angry at the 'Human' that interfered in their battle.


Three Rank 6 monster beasts rushed at Ling Tian with extreme speeds.

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But before they could reach Ling Tian, they were cut into hundreds of pieces. Only a blur was seen.

This was Ling Tian using Devil God's personal Sword Arts that he he had developed after practicing Sword for billions of years.

Abyss Soul Sword Arts!

Ling Tian was trying to make his body to adapt to this sword style. Because unlike understanding and comprehensions which is a thing of one's mind. The techniques and such, although Ling Tian has all the understanding of it, Ling Tian's body isn't adapted to the techniques that Devil God Virtyq practiced for billions of years.

That is why Ling Tian is going to use this opportunity to make his body adapt to the Abyss Soul Sword Arts, which was once known as the pinnacle of sword techniques.

" How did it feel to cut through that hard flesh?" Ling Tian asked Dragon Sword Spirit with a blood thirsty smirk on his lips.

" It felt amazing! Kill more! More! More!!" The Dragon Sword Spirit yelled in an excited voice.

" Well, aren't you excited?" Ling Tian smiled and said, " Lets begin the slaughter!"

Ling Tian vanished from the spot and hundreds of monster beasts were cut to death in that split second.

Slash after slash, Ling Tian's sword movement became almost invisible even to the Rank Eight Monster Beasts. Ling Tian's body was slowly adapting to the sword style of Abyss Soul Sword Arts. Ling Tian was getting more and more efficient in killing.

What Ling Tian was using right now was the basic slashes of the Abyss Soul Sword Arts. There is still it's speciality, which is the soul sword techniques and Abyss disintegration sword techniques.

After a minute, more than half of the monster beasts were cut to death and those that tried to escape also cut mysteriously.

Ling Tian was now moving at insane speed and cutting the Monster Beasts one after another! The more he kills, the more efficient he is getting in the Abyss Soul Sword Arts.

Ling Tian's Saiyan blood was thumping in excitement. Especially considering Ling Tian's legendary Super Saiyan lineage, he is meant for destruction. His powers are increasing yet again. But Ling Tian wasn't paying attention to his increase in power, but solely focusing on cutting every single monster beasts in a more efficient way.

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Within five minutes, there was only the six Rank 8 Monster Beasts and Ling Tian were left in the battle field that was full of thousands of corpses, all cut to pieces.

" Saiyan!! Why are you doing this to us?!" A gigantic purple Tiger like monster beast asked Ling Tian in an enraged voice.

" Hoh? It's the first time a beast hasn't mistaken me for a human." Ling Tian said while he thought, ' I've killed so much, yet I don't feel guilty. The stench of blood filled battlefield, it doesn't disgust me. I feel like I belong here, the blood filled battlefield!'

" Why do you interfere in our affairs?!" Said a Giant Black Scorpion.

" Just shut up and die!" Ling Tian said as he slashed his sword and...

The remaining monster beasts also died.

A total wipe-out! A total massacre!

Ling Tian looked around him, then bit his finger, making it bleed, while he wrote a symbol on the air with his blood and said, " Blood God Ritual - Blood Essence Condensed Orbs."

The blood red symbol hovering over the air shined and the entire lands trembled and was filled by blood red light.

The blood red light was present for three minutes before disappearing. There were thousands of blood red translucent orbs floating in mid air, while some were of different colours.

" Hehehe... With all this blood essence, I'll be able to create the best foundation for the Blood Slaughter Sword!" Ling Tian said.

Ling Tian then looked towards the direction where villages used to be and sighed.

" Although... It's a pity that I didn't come here in time. Otherwise, I could have saved them." Ling Tian said.

" Hm? The people of Sacred Lands are finally coming huh? I better leave." Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian then collected all the blood orbs and the monster beast corpses and stored them in his Soul Storage Space and disappeared from the place.

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