The Devourer

Chapter 73

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At the outskirts of the forest that Nameless lake is in.


On a tree was an adamant tri-pronged kunai stabbed into it. Suddenly a black dressed youth appeared next to the tri-pronged kunai with one hand on the kunai.

This black dressed youth is Ling Tian!

Right now, Ling Tian was feeling a bit unwell even though his blood is showing it's satisfaction with Ling Tian's actions.

Ling Tian wouldn't have massacred the monster beasts if it weren't for a certain thing.

Ling Tian has three Eye-Bloodlines. They are Copy-Wheel Eye, Samsara Eye and All Seeing Endless Eye!

Ling Tian's All Seeing Endless Eyes are sealed until his Saiyan bloodline reaches a certain level, but that doesn't mean it isn't functional.

From the very beginning, the All Seeing Endless Eyes always activated on their own and aided Ling Tian without him knowing, at least, till the time when Ling Tian got all of Devil God's memories.

The All Seeing Endless Eyes have only two skills/powers. They are Omnicompetence and Omniscience. But these two skills/powers make this eye bloodline almost invincible.

With Omnicompetence, one can see through and understand anything and everything.

With Omniscience, one can see through to all timelines.

But in the end, the level at which one can use these two absolute skills depends on their soul level.

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After killing the Silver Blood Bear, Ling Tian's All Seeing Endless Eyes had activated for a moment and showed him a foresight of the near future.

In that vision, thousands of monster beasts invaded the forest of the Nameless lake and attacked Ling Tian and the girls. But for Ling Tian, it was no problem. But whatever happened afterwards was a Nightmare!

The presence of all this monster beasts awakened a terrifying monster that is slumbering in the deep underground beneath the forest of the Nameless lake.

It was a pitch black coloured western dragon! A True Dragon, Apocalypse Evil Dragon! The most viscous of the Dragon Race! It is just like a Legendary Super Saiyan! It can only find satisfaction in destroying everything that exists before it.

The moment it emerged, 10,000 miles of the surrounding was completely annihilated! Xin Qinyue, Yan Zuqing, Su Xumei, Lin Ke'er and even an Elemental like Little Blue perished in an instant. Only Ling Tian managed to survive, but he wasn't too far away from death.

While being barely alive, Ling Tian witnessed how the Apocalypse Evil Dragon annihilated everything. Even the so called Divine Emperors couldn't stand up to it.


Thinking back to the vision, Ling Tian's mood became very gloomy.

That Apocalypse Evil Dragon was terrifying, but Ling Tian didn't feel fear. The credit goes to the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline. Even Eternal Gods couldn't cause his blood to feel fear.

But Ling Tian did feel despair. He couldn't protect anyone. He didn't even get the chance to lift his finger when the Apocalypse Evil Dragon Struck.

" Sigh... From what I saw in the vision, that thing must be at Half-step World Creation Realm, while it has the battle prowess of someone at 8th level World Creation Realm. It must be slumbering underneath this place since there is a lot of Nature Energy here. But within a few hundred years, the Nature Energy will run out and that will be the time it will probably awaken." Ling Tian muttered.

According to the vision, the awakening of the Apocalypse Evil Dragon was supposed to happen three hours from now, at night.

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But, because Ling Tian got the knowledge of the event, he will obviously not let the tragedy occur.

Ling Tian chose the most simple method to prevent the event of Apocalypse Evil Dragon's awakening.

It was to get rid of the cause. And the cause for this soon to be tragedy are the thousands of High-level monster beasts that fought for supremacy.

So Ling Tian eliminated them all without leaving even one behind.

" I have to get more stronger!" Ling Tian muttered and looked at the ground. Beneath this ground deep underneath, exists the reason for Ling Tian's anxiety.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's eyes shone with decisive light and he retrieved a big one edged black sword with big lengthy guard which looked like a cross from his System's inventory.

This was Black blade Yoru.

' System, upgrade this.' Ling Tian commanded the System in his mind.

[Ding! Host has chosen to upgrade 'Black Blade-Yoru' for the cost of 1 upgrade point. Confirm?]

" Yes." Ling Tian affirmed.

[Ding! Would host like to use a catalyst?]

" Yes." Ling Tian affirmed again.

[Please present the catalyst to the system.]

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Ling Tian took out a God spirit jade, just like the time with upgrading Dragon Subduing Blade.

[Ding! Host has chosen 'God Spirit Jade'(x1) to upgrade the 'Black Blade-Yoru'.]

[Starting the upgrade process ....]

A familiar white light covered 'Yoru'.

[5....4....3....2.....1...0 Upgrade complete.]

[Result:- 'Black Blade-Yoru' is now a 10 star Top Grade Spirit Rank Combat Artifact.]

Ling Tian looked at Yoru in his hands and saw that in appearance-wise, there was nothing different. But the power and spirituality of the sword is now even higher than his Dragon Subduing Blade, even without an Artifact spirit.

The Dragon Subduing Blade is a 5 star Top Grade Spirit Rank Combat Artifact while Yoru is now a 10 star Top Grade Spirit Rank Combat Artifact which is just one step away from evolving into a Divine Rank Combat Artifact.

" Not bad. Now, for the next step..." Ling Tian muttered and took out a golden token with a gold colour stigma on the surface.

" System. How do I summon Amon from this?"

[Host just have to put a drop of his blood on the token.]

Ling Tian did as the system told him. As soon as his blood touched the token, a blood light shined and the drop of blood got absorbed by the token, then a gold flame erupted from the token.

An blue phantom appeared before Ling Tian amidst the golden flames. It was a bald and bearded old man with a strange third eye on his forehead. He had a white cloth covering his arms and his back.

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This old man is the Spirit of Politeness and Asuterity. The Djinn of fire, Amon!

Ling Tian expected this old man to say something like 'Who wants to be the king?' Or something like that. But even after a minute, the old man was staring at Ling Tian in an absent minded manner.

Ling Tian suddenly realized that he was being careless. The old man before him had no consciousness. It seemed like an empty vessel.

" System, what's going on?" Ling Tian asked the system.

[Host doesn't have to worry. This is a Djinn made by the system. So it doesn't have a consciousness as of yet. It will slowly develop a consciousness with time. This Djinn has all the powers of the Djinn Amon, host is familiar with. This Djinn is not bound by any limits and uses Spirit Energy instead of Rukh.]

" I see, so if I put this Djinn on the Yoru, what will happen to this Djinn? After all, this is a Spirit Rank Artifact we're talking about." Ling Tian asked.

[Amon will become a Fire Sword Spirit, forever bound to 'Yoru'. But it will remain as a Djinn as well. Host could say that it will only gain more powers but on the downside, it will be stuck with the Sword as it's body.]

" I see." Ling Tian wondered about things and realized that it was actually convenient for him. In Magi, the Djinns were artificially created by Solomon from Rukh. There is a chance that they are still bound to certain things which might be inconvenient for Ling Tian.

After thinking things through, Ling Tian raised his Yoru and simply said, " Amon, become my strength and aid me."

The absent minded figure of blue ghost like Amon turned into a golden light and entered Yoru. After the gold light faded, a gold stigma was now present on the the black blade near the hilt.

Ling Tian observed the big black sword and saw that Amon was going through some sort of transformation. He knew that Amon was evolving into the Artifact spirit of Yoru, since the System set it like that, Ling Tian didn't have to use the Blood God Arts to forcibly transform Amon into a Sword Spirit.

" Now that it has Amon as its Sword Spirit, I should change it's name." Ling Tian wondered as he stared at Yoru.

" Amol.... Amol... Amon.... Yoru..... Oh, Fu*k it! Just Yoru is fine!"

Ling Tian then kept the great sword Yoru in the Soul Storage Space. After all, carrying such a high ranked sword on him would only attract trouble.

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