The Devourer

Chapter 77

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Ling Tian looked over at Virgo who was holding the Lycka and Esdeath who was acting strangely around Ling Tian which confuse him.

Ling Tian got near them and picked them up over his shoulders.

Ling Tian was expecting some resistance. At least from Esdeath, but she was quiet and didn't struggle at all.

Ling Tian covered them both with his energy and instantly disappeared from the place only to appear near the entrance to the Nameless lake in a second.

Esdeath was shocked by the level of speed Ling Tian just showed. To Ling Tian, the barrier of sound limit is of no problem since he is 23 times faster than the speed of light.

Ling Tian saw that his clone was about to finish with the cooking and he set the women down.

" Wha-?!" Esdeath was shocked when she saw another 'Ling Tian'. Even Virgo was a bit surprised.

Xin Qinyue, Yan Zuqing, Su Xumei and Lin Ke'er were shocked at the arrival of Ling Tian.

Little Blue immediately ran towards Ling Tian and when she was in front of him she stopped then looked at Esdeath and Virgo for a moment then she looked at Lycka who was in Virgo's arms.

Little Blue then walked around Ling Tian then climbed onto his back, clinging like a koala.

Ling Tian smiled at this.

" Welcome back boss." Ling Tian's clone said as he looked at Ling Tian.

" Good work." Ling Tian nodded and made a hand sign.


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The Ling Tian's clone dispersed into smoke and Ling Tian got some information which wasn't anything particularly important.

" Brother Tian, what did you just do?" Xin Qinyue asked.

" It's just a clone technique. I had something to take care of, so I had to leave. So I just left a clone behind." Ling Tian said.

" A clone technique?" Xin Qinyue muttered in disbelief.

" Clone technique?! There's actually such a technique that makes a physical clone?!" Yan Zuqing asked.

" It's nothing special." Ling Tian said.

" What do you mean it's nothing special?! That clone even had a mind of its own! If others know about this, they will chase you to the end of the world to get that technique from you!" Yan Zuqing said.

" Lets just leave that, it's time to eat." Ling Tian said as he walked to the place where the clone was cooking.

" Brother Tian, who are those two?" Xin Qinyue asked as she pointed at Virgo and Esdeath.

" The pink one is Virgo, my personal maid! As for the blue one, she is Esdeath and she is my.... Ummm.... Well, she's important to me." Ling Tian said while he was busy adding Nature Energy into the stew because for these girls, they might explode if they take in so much raw Spirit Energy.

Xin Qinyue and Yan Zuqing conversed with Virgo and Esdeath and got along pretty well. While Su Xumei didn't say anything and Lin Ke'er simply stood there timidly.

Esdeath restrained her arrogance while talking to them as she saw that Ling Tian was on good terms with these women.

Virgo was polite with them, as always.

Virgo and Esdeath were looking at the Silver Blood Bear's corpse which had a piece of it's flesh being cut off for cooking dinner in astonishment.

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Ling Tian put the stew in eight bowls he bought from the System Store.

Ling Tian made a set of table and chairs with Wood release and put the bowls in the table and said to the girls, " Come on, eat up!"

Ling Tian pulled Little Blue away from his back and made her sit in one of the chairs. When he saw the girls simply standing there, he urged them to hurry up and start eating.

He even urged Esdeath and Virgo to join. Esdeath was feeling awkward, while Virgo wasn't very perturbed. He even went ahead and cleaned their hands using the power of his Glazed Ice Spirit Root.

Ling Tian took the dog from Virgo and gave it a bowl of bear stew as well and placed it on the ground.

The girls each ate a spoon of the stew and their eyes widened.

It was delicious. Too delicious.

The body of a monster beast is always nourished by spirit energy all the time, which makes the meat of the monster beasts incredibly rich in energy. So it is only natural that the meat of a monster beast will be delicious. Not to mention a high-level monster beast.

Ling Tian saw that Little Blue was looking at the bowl of stew confusedly. Ling Tian was about to help her when feminine voices of exclamation rose.

Ling Tian turned to the girls and was slightly surprised.

Xin Qinyue, Lin Ke'er and Su Xumei's cultivation base was increasing at a rapid pace and for Yan Zuqing, her Mortal Core was transforming into an Earth Core, since she was already at the peak of Mortal Core Realm.

Even Virgo and Esdeath who were in the first level of Body Refinement Realm were now at the peak of 10th level Body Refinement Realm. This all happened within a matter of a minute. Unfortunately, Virgo and Esdeath didn't get any Cultivation Technique from the System like Madara and Nine Tails. Ling Tian also haven't given them a cultivation technique since its not been even twenty minutes since they met.

Because of the lack of a Spirit Energy Cultivation Technique, Virgo and Esdeath cannot go beyond the Body Refinement Realm, so the excessive gentle spirit energy is now strengthening the body.

But what shocked him was that, Lycka the puppy's aura seems to have increased. Lycka just laid down on the ground while it white fur shined a little. There were now traces of spirit energy in the dog's body.

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' It's evolving into a Monster Beast!' Ling Tian thought.

' Looks like I underestimated the Nature Energy again.' Ling Tian thought as he observed the changes happening to the girls.

There was still only about an hour for the sun to set.

Originally, Mortal cultivators should never be able to intake the flesh of a Rank 4 or above rank monster beasts, but because of Ling Tian's nature energy subduing the raw unsettled spirit energy into a mild and gentle spirit energy, it has shown a result that should be considered impossible.

Ling Tian had never intended for this to happen. He always thought with himself as a basis. For Ling Tian, even if he consume the entire Silver Blood Bear, his cultivation would only increase by a little bit and not to the point where he could achieve a breakthrough.

But for these girls, they are breakthrough to multiple levels just with a mouthful of the stew.

" Master, I feel incredible strength within me. It's increasing." Virgo said with a slight astonishment.

" Me too. What is going on, Rayne?" Esdeath also asked in astonishment.

" It's Spirit Energy. Your cultivation just increased." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" It means?" Esdeath asked.

" Well, to put it in simple words, your strength increased dramatically." Ling Tian said.

" Just by eating food?"

" I admit that this is very delicious, but master, that doesn't explain why our strength increased." Virgo said.

" Hoh! My Virgo is so smart." Ling Tian said with a gleeful smile.

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" Well, I'll explain everything about Spirit Energy later. Now just focus on eating." Ling Tian said.

Esdeath and Virgo could only nod their heads and continue eating. Although their Cultivation didn't increase, their body was being continuously strengthened.

As for the other girls, they are not called cultivators for nothing. The moment they sensed their cultivation improving, they were only stunned for a moment, before they closed their eyes and circulate their cultivation technique so they could make the best benefit of this lucky opportunity. Even the timid Lin Ke'er did the same.

They did not worry about their own safety as Ling Tian was here and they knew it too.

Ling Tian then focused on Little Blue. She was surprisingly eating on her own just by imitating Virgo and Esdeath's way of eating.

Ling Tian sighed and then walked towards the place where the remaining corpse of Silver Blood Bear. He reached and stood before it. He was wondering if he should eat it all. Because of his Saiyan bloodline mutating because of the three Origin Forces, his appetite is inhuman, even in terms of Saiyans.

' Should I buy some seasonings from the system? Then again, considering the level of this monster beast, it should be tasty even without seasonings.' Ling Tian thought and was reminded of the thousands of monster beast corpses in his Soul Storage Space. And more than three thousand of those corpses are of the same level as this Silver Blood Bear. Not to mention, the Rank Seven and Rank 8 Monster beast corpses.

Ling Tian made a long sword with his adamant spirit energy. The beast corpse levitated as Ling Tian willed it.


With one slash, all the outer skin of the corpse was sliced away.


With a second slash, the corpse was cut into thirty parts,at the same time, all the unnecessary body parts were excluded.

" ?!" Esdeath and Virgo were shocked by the level of precision, Ling Tian showed just now.

Especially, Esdeath. She had never seen such effluent swordsmanship.

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