The Devourer

Chapter 78

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Ling Tian looked at thirty part of the raw meat emanating rich spirit energy. In order to remove the bones, he had to put a bit more energy.

" Mn. This should be enough." Ling Tian muttered.

" Rayne... Don't tell me.... You're going to eat it all on your own?!" Esdeath asked Ling Tian in shock.

" Yeah. And don't talk while eating. It's bad manners." Ling Tian said.

" ..... "

Ling Tian stabbed one of the piece and cut it into 8 pieces and plunged them into an adamant pike he made. It looked like a chicken stick.

" Now then..."


Ling Tian spewed out fire from his mouth onto the meat and he controlled the temperature to a degree he was sure that the meat won't burn.

After a few seconds, Ling Tian stopped. Esdeath was shocked while Virgo didn't seem to have any reaction to this.

" *Munch!* *Munch!*" Ling Tian bit off a part of the meat and ate it.

" *Gulp* It's not bad!" Ling Tian said after he swallowed the cooked meat piece.

Esdeath and Virgo were not surprised by Ling Tian's barbarian like eating, since they had seen similar sights before.

Ling Tian repeated the same process and within twenty minutes, the entire bear corpse was cooked and eaten up by Ling Tian alone.

Esdeath was completely shocked by the monstrous appetite of Ling Tian. She had never seen someone eat so much. That was a bear more than thirty feet big in height. Even if this monster beast has much more bones than flesh, it is still impossible according to her to eat so much.

Virgo had her mouth slightly open from shock. The amount of food Ling Tian ate was enough to feed a certain fire spitting Dragon Slayer for at least five days.

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Their hunger just faded when they saw Ling Tian eating. Suddenly, a horrible smell struck their senses.

Ling Tian who just finished eating also smelled this and knew what it was.

Ling Tian turned towards the girls who were still cultivating and saw black sticky stuff coming out of them.

" Master, what is that black sticky thing coming out from them? It's smell is quite unbearable." Virgo said.

" That's impurities present within their body. You should be grateful that you don't have any impurities because of that 'Voice'." Ling Tian said.

Ling Tian's Nature Energy although little, is cleansing Xin Qinyue, Yan Zuqing, Su Xumei and Lin Ke'er's body. Compared to the other three, Su Xumei's body only excluded little bit of impurities since Ling Tian had once used Nature Energy on her to save her from a curse along with Su Mengyan.

Ling Tian used ice to cover them and after seconds, the ice shattered and disintegrated into ice mist. The girls were good as new.

After five minutes, the girls stopped their cultivation and opened their eyes. They looked at Ling Tian with complicated emotions, except for Xin Qinyue.

They were grateful and shocked. The current situation didn't seem like a reality to them. They just achieved three years worth of cultivation just by eating a spoon of stew? Who would believe such a thing.

Their cultivation had soared.

Xin Qinyue's cultivation has increased from Mid Stage 4th Level Mortal Core Realm to Initial Stage 9th Level Mortal Core Realm.

Su Xumei's cultivation has increased from Peak Stage 3rd Level Mortal Core Realm to Initial Stage 9th Level Mortal Core Realm.

Lin Ke'er cultivation has increased from Mid Stage 1st Level Mortal Core Realm to Peak Stage 7th Level Mortal Core Realm.

And finally...

Yan Zuqing's cultivation has increased from Mid Stage 9th Level Mortal Core Realm to Late Stage 1st Level Earth Core Realm.

Not only has their cultivation increased, their foundation became more solid and stable.

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Each one of them wanted to say some words of gratitude to Ling Tian, but they didn't know what to say.

Ling Tian used his Nature Sense to sense their uneasiness and realized what it was about.

" You don't have to say anything. Just think of it as you owing me one." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

Ling Tian didn't do anything intentionally, so he didn't expect any gratitude to begin with.

" Don't forget to finish the food." Ling Tian said with a serious expression.

Xin Qinyue and the others didn't even retort against Ling Tian and started eating their remaining stew.

After thirty minutes, Night.

The girls including Esdeath and Virgo finished eating. The girls' cultivation increased even further.

Right now Xin Qinyue is at the Peak Stage 6th Level Earth Core Realm, Lin Ke'er is at the Initial Stage 5th Level Earth Core Realm, Su Xumei is at Initial 7th Level Earth Core Realm and Yan Zuqing is at the Peak Stage 10th Level Earth Core Realm. Esdeath and Virgo, although their cultivation didn't increase, their physical body is strong enough to rival a Peak Mortal Core Realm cultivator. Strangely, Little Blue was completely unaffected by the food that completely changed the other girls.

The four girls now had cultivation that surpassed Ling Tian's Spirit Energy cultivation. But that doesn't really matter to him since his overall battle power is capable of fighting and killing anyone below Divine Emperor Realm.

Ling Tian knew that the same thing won't work more than a few times and each time its effects will decrease. The same is with this situation. Their potential were brought out as the fusion of Spirit Energy and Nature Energy entering the girls body. Within a matter of hour, four girls have become stronger by an entire Realm.

Even if he wants to see the same result, Ling Tian would have to feed them the meat of a much higher rank monster beast.

" Nghh.."

Ling Tian saw that the unconscious disciples woke up.

' Well, it was about time.' Ling Tian thought.

" What happened...?" A Profound Water Sect Disciple asked a bit absent mindedly.

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Su Xumei had informed him of the other three sects along with Spirit Advent Sect.

Profound Water Sect, Origin Water Sect and Blood Mist Sect.

" I remember now... That beast roar!!....." A disciple of Origin Water Sect exclaimed.

The disciples state of mind started to get a bit unstable and that was when Du Lingyun entered the fray.

" Calm down, Fellow disciples. Since we are still alive, then that means that high-level monster beast must have been simply passing through this place." Du Lingyun said.

Most of the disciples came to a realization and sighed in relief.

" But we have to move out of this place soon, who knows if we encounter another monster beast of such calibre." Du Lingyun said in a grave tone while his eyes were roaming through the disciples, searching for a silhouette.


Suddenly, a coughing sound interrupted his train of thoughts and when he turned around, he saw a very handsome black clothed youth staring at him was smiling.

Then he glanced at his side and saw several beautiful women. He recognized four women among them and one of them is his crush. He couldn't believe his eyes. He thought his eyes are playing tricks at him.

Su Xumei and the others now looked more fairer and beautiful. Yan Zuqing who was already beautiful enough to make a man weak in his knees became even more beautiful. And there was a light blue haired beauty beside Ling Tian, whose beauty could rival Yan Zuqing's.

" So, we're departing? Lets go." Ling Tian said nonchalantly. Ling Tian saw that the male disciples weren't really showing any lust at all. He was really curious to know why.

Du Lingyun sighed distressfully. He already promised that he would allow Ling Tian to travel with them, so he couldn't go back on his words.

Du Lingyun took out a rectangular shaped iron box from his storage ring and set it on the ground. The rectangular shaped iron box floated into the air about fifty meters above the ground and started to shine with a silvery light.

The rectangular iron box polymorphed into a gigantic figure. If there were people from Earth here, then they would definitely call it, a Ship!

But in this case, it could be called a flying ship. It was brown in colour and 160 feet tall and about 80 feet wide. It had compartments that could shelter at least fifty people.

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This was a Spirit Vessel. A Auxiliary Heaven Rank Artifact used for long distance travels. It had many spirit inscriptions on it, but they didn't catch Ling Tian's attention since the inscriptions are of mortal grade.

" What about those two women behind you? Don't tell me, they are coming as well?" Du Lingyun asked Ling Tian with a tired expression.

" Yeah! You're not going to say no to these beauties, right?" Ling Tian asked with a cheeky smile.

" ..... Sigh... Fine..." Du Lingyun said with a sigh.

Ling Tian smiled, then picked up the Lycka and said, " This puppy as well. You won't say no, right?"

" Ugh... Khhkk.. Do whatever you want..." Du Lingyun almost spat out blood. What does a little puppy matter when he agreed to let two extra humans tag along.

The massive Spirit Vessel levitated down.

" Lets leave everyone." Du Lingyun said.

Everyone got on the Spirit Vessel within seconds.

Everyone went to their compartments and Du Lingyun was forced to accept Ling Tian's terms. Xin Qinyue and the other three went to their rooms as well since they want to get familiarized with their current cultivation level.

" Even if you all want to come with us, there are only two rooms . Among the two rooms, one is not suited for staying. There are four of you. Even if you don't count the little girl on your back, there are still three. What are you going to do?" Du Lingyun asked Ling Tian.

" Hmm.." Ling Tian looked around the fifty rooms of the compartment with his Soul Sense and saw that eight rooms were filled with a lot of goods and understood why Du Lingyun said their were only two rooms. And one of these two room seems to be filled with monster beasts, which probably belong to the disciples.

Forty were occupied by the original forty selected disciples and eight were occupied by goods which are probably meant for the people of the place they are going to.

Ling Tian was in a tight spot. If it was two normal girls and him, then Ling Tian would have asked them to share a room.

But Esdeath and Virgo are obviously not normal girls. One is a Sadist and the other is a Masochist. Ling Tian wouldn't even be able to imagine the consequences, if he let these two stay in a single room without him looking after them. He can't let them share rooms with the other girls as well. Although Virgo might be fine, Esdeath is definitely a no go considering her personality.

" It seems we're staying in one room. Do you girls have some problem with it?" Ling Tian asked.

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