The Devourer

Chapter 79

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Esdeath and Virgo were stunned by Ling Tian's suggestion. Esdeath was blushing when she thought about her sleeping with Ling Tian. Virgo didn't show any reaction.

" So?" Ling Tian asked.

Of course, as always, Ling Tian clearly didn't put much thought into his words. He only had the intention of separating Esdeath and Virgo.

Virgo looked at Esdeath who was keeping her head down. Then she looked at Ling Tian and said, " I'll stay with you, master."

" Mn. Then that's settled." Ling Tian said.

Esdeath was startled awake from her imaginations and looked fiercely at Ling Tian and said in a dominating tone as she held Ling Tian's shirt.

" I am sleeping with you!"

" Eh?" Ling Tian looked confused and a bit startled at Esdeath's words.

Esdeath was looking at Ling Tian with fierce determination which confused him.

" O-Okay..." Ling Tian said subconsciously.

" .... " Du Lingyun was speechless by this turn of events and couldn't help but be a little jealous of Ling Tian's luck with women. Even a cold girl like Su Xumei is friendly with Ling Tian.

" Okay, here is the key. Now if you'll excuse me." Du Lingyun gave a metal key to Ling Tian and left the place.

Ling Tian looked at the key then said, " Lets go."

Suddenly, Little Blue who was clinging to Ling Tian's back jumped off him and ran towards another direction.

Virgo and Esdeath wanted to chase her, but was stopped by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian used his Soul Sense and saw that, Little Blue went to Yan Zuqing and she was picked up by Yan Zuqing.

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" It's alright. She went to Zuqing." Ling Tian said.

The two women didn't say anything. They knew that Little Blue was a bit more friendly towards Yan Zuqing.

Suddenly, the Spirit Vessel trembled a bit and started levitating into higher altitude. Then a white film of energy covered the entire Spirit Vessel like a sphere and the Spirit Vessel started moving forward in a bit of speed.

Ling Tian and the girls entered the room designated for them. It was a single wide room with only a stone bed.

Ling Tian sighed and bought three luxury beds from the system and set it on the room.

" Well, go to bed early." Ling Tian said.

" .... " Virgo stared at the beds. She didn't question how Ling Tian got them, since she herself can use materialization magic, which can materialize inanimate objects.

" Why are there three beds?" Esdeath asked.

" Isn't it obvious. One for you, one for Virgo and one for me." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" .... " All the things Esdeath imagined was shattered by Ling Tian's words.

" You girls go to bed. I have some things to do." Ling Tian said as he moved to a corner of the room.

The girls sat on their beds and stared at Ling Tian putting up some minor array formation in the room.


At the same time.

A few miles away from the Nameless lake, near a forest, a lot of youths who seemed to be disciples of some sect were lying on the ground all bloodied.

They were not dead, but unconscious.

At the same place, a man in red armour was holding the head of a fellow who was kneeling before the red armoured man.

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This red armoured man was Uchiha Madara.

He was reading the memories of the disciples of some sect in order to know more about this world.

Unlike Ling Tian, Madara would not allow himself to be at a disadvantage. And not knowing about this world is a big obstacle for him that he needs to overcome.

By searching the memories of all these disciples using Yin release mind techniques, Madara gained quite a bit of the knowledge about this world although not all.

He got to know of things like Sacred Lands, the eight divine continents etc.

Madara had a faint smile on his face as he let go of the disciple he was holding.

" The Divine... This world is much more fun." Madara muttered.

Madara was feeling excited, because from the memories, he saw that beyond mortal cultivators are divine path cultivators. And from what he saw, each of them have power far surpassing even Kaguya, the rabbit princess.

Then he remembered about a certain black clothed youth and had a thoughtful expression.

" Is he a Divine as well?"

This certain black clothed youth that Madara thought of is Ling Tian. Madara was uncomfortable with Ling Tian because he reminded Madara of people like Naruto, Hashirama, Obito. Although not the same, Ling Tian was very similar.

Madara knew from the moment he saw Ling Tian that, no matter what he plans, Ling Tian will meddle in it. So he knew that before he could make any major plans, he needs to get rid of Ling Tian. He already learned of his mistakes before his death in his previous world.

Madara is not going to make the same mistakes again. If he needs to become the supreme of this world, he has to get rid of a meddling fool like Ling Tian.

Madara is not foolish enough to give in to his impulses and attack Ling Tian right now. A few hours ago, when he was summoned to this world...

He had the thought of reading the memories of both Ling Tian and Virgo. But when he saw Ling Tian, he was shaken to the core.

Madara knew that if he attacked Ling Tian, he would be wiped out of existence. He didn't disregard his instincts that has always helped him.

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" Rayne Ashbringer.... The next time we meet, I'll be much stronger. I'll definitely revive the Uchiha clan in this world." Madara muttered as he clenched his fist.


Madara vanished from the spot, leaving behind more than a few bloodied unconscious unknown sect disciples.


Ling Tian had set up a sound blocking array formation in the room and put another formation around three meters around him.

Esdeath and Virgo were asleep on their beds, or rather, Ling Tian forcefully made them sleep as he couldn't concentrate with them staring at him.

Ling Tian took out an azure ring from his Soul Storage Space. This was the ring he got from the unknown cave in the Black Wind Forest.

Since Ling Tian's Void Level is one now, Ling Tian is able to buy anything below Saint Rank from the system. Even some weak inheritances can be bought from the system now.

Ling Tian bought a bunch of materials from the system and made an essence extract required for inscriptions.

Ling Tian drew a lot of symbols on air by using the essence extract. The symbols then combined into one symbol.

This is a basic Gravity Control Spirit Inscription.

Ling Tian then inscribed this inscription symbol into the Azure ring.

This Azure ring can now increase and decrease gravity upto 10x. Ling Tian was planning on making a gravity artifact that could put pressure on him and make him more stronger.

But the current Azure ring's gravity controlling abilities are of no use to him. Unfortunately, Ling Tian doesn't have the cultivation base required for a high-level inscription.

That's why..

' System, upgrade this ring.' Ling Tian said.

[Ding! Host has chosen to upgrade 'Azure Gravity Ring' for the cost of 1 upgrade point. Confirm?]

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' Yes.' Ling Tian answered.

[Would you like to use a catalyst?]

' Yes.' Ling Tian affirmed.

[Present your catalyst to the system.]

Ling took out a God Spirit Jade and said, " Here."

[Ding! Host has chosen 'God Spirit Jade'(x1) to upgrade 'Azure Gravity Ring'.]

[Starting the upgrade process.....]

A white light covered the Azure ring.

[5....4.....3....2.....1.....0.... Upgrade complete.]

[Result:- 'Azure Gravity Ring' is now a 2 star High Grade Spirit Rank Artifact.]

Ling Tian looked at the ring in his hand. It now had white markings and its light blue exterior has now turned dark blue.

Ling Tian wore the Azure Gravity Ring in his left hand and observed it's skills. The ring can increase or decrease the gravity around three meter of the wearer by 9,000 times at maximum. It can be focused on a single target as well.

It has many other skills and abilities, but unfortunately, Ling Tian's cultivation is not high enough for him to use even Saint Rank Artifacts, much less Spirit Rank.

The same is with the Dragon Subduing Blade and Yoru. When slaughtering tens of thousands of monster beasts, he simply used the exterior of the Dragon Subduing Blade, not it's spirit abilities.

With his current cultivation, Ling Tian is able to increase and decrease the gravity by 800 times if he uses the artifacts power. But he will be drained of all his spirit energy.

Ling Tian created this artifact for the sole purpose of training. But in the end, Spirit Energy Cultivation is essential for him after all.

" I'll put more effort into cultivation and increase my cultivation so I can use this thing without draining my energy." Ling Tian muttered as he looked at the Azure Gravity Ring on his left hand.

Ling Tian then decided to call it a night and went to his bed and fell into the soft bed. He instantly fell asleep.

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