The Devourer

Chapter 81

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Ling Tian turned to Virgo and the shackles with chains caught his attention. There was some sort of enchantment on it, but it wasn't spirit inscriptions.

" Virgo, your shackles.... Why don't you remove them?" Ling Tian asked.

" It's bound to me, master." Virgo said.

Ling Tian got near Virgo and took her hand and touched the shackle.


The shackles got off from Virgo's wrists, which greatly surprised her. This was her Origin Celestial Magic Equipment along with her Maid Suit. Even the Celestial Spirit King isn't able to deprive her of this.

But now, Ling Tian got them off her just by touching it. Suddenly she remembered something.

" Master. Were you the one that changed my clothes into sleeping clothes last night?" Virgo asked.

" Yeah. I couldn't let you guys sleep in your usual clothes, so I went ahead and modified your clothes into a low grade transforming Clothes. It can transform into any clothes you desire." Ling Tian said.

" .... "

" .... "

Virgo and Esdeath were both speechless. They wondered how Ling Tian is capable of saying it with a straight face. He just changed the clothes of two women.

" Master, we need to get a lot of things. We don't even have the tea leaves to make a morning tea. It's very frustrating, not being able to do my job." Virgo said to Ling Tian.

" Mn. I'll get it for you later. Now lets go outside." Ling Tian said.

Esdeath was now much bolder with Ling Tian after the kiss they shared. She didn't blush every now and then. She got up and her clothes changed back to her original general clothes and she fixed her head cap.

Ling Tian then saw that Virgo put her shackles back on. Ling Tian didn't say anything to this. He is perceptive enough to know that those Shackles are very important to her since it is one of the last thing she has from her previous world.

Ling Tian, followed by Esdeath and Virgo got out of their room. There they saw Yan Zuqing and the other girls standing outside talking to each other.

The girls' eyes widened when they saw Ling Tian and the two women coming out of one room.

Suddenly a blue petite figure jumped at Ling Tian, to which, Ling Tian smiled and caught the petite figure.

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This petite blue haired girl is Little Blue. She snuggled in Ling Tian's embrace like a little kitten.

Yan Zuqing looked at this with a slightly bitter smile. No matter how much Little Blue spends time with her, Little Blue doesn't act like she does with Ling Tian when she is with Yan Zuqing.

Suddenly, Xin Qinyue pulled Ling Tian's sleeves and asked, " Brother Tian, did you do that 'thing' with them?"

" Do what?" Ling Tian asked a bit confused.

The girls however were startled when they heard Xin Qinyue's words. Including Esdeath and Virgo, they understood what Xin Qinyue meant by her words.

But unfortunately, Ling Tian didn't. It's not that he couldn't. He looks at Xin Qinyue like she's a Little girl. So he didn't even think much about Xin Qinyue's words which has slightly hidden meaning, which anyone could decipher.

" .... "

The girls talked to Esdeath and Virgo about various things while they were walking towards somewhere. Since Ling Tian didn't have anything to do, he simply followed them.

Esdeath wasn't as modest as she was before and began to talk more with the girls.

They all arrived before a big wooden door. Yan Zuqing turned and saw that Ling Tian was still following them.

Her face became red as she asked him, " How long do you intend to follow us?"

" Dunno. By the way, where are you going?" Ling Tian asked.

" Didn't you see the board up there?" Yan Zuqing said as she pointed at a white board above the big wooden door.

Ling Tian looked at the board and its words written on it and uttered, " Women's Privacy Compartment... "

" You mean this is women's dressing room or something." Ling Tian asked as he took a step back. Even he wouldn't blatantly enter such a place.

" Yeah it is. Now go somewhere else." Yan Zuqing said.

Ling Tian simply shrugged his shoulders and walked away as the women entered the place.

[Ding! Quest triggered.

Task:- Reach the peak of Heaven Core Realm.

Reward:- Random Bloodline(x2), Life Blood Jade(x10).

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Time Limit:- 8 days.

Penalty:- Lose Samsara Eyes bloodline permanently. ]

" What the hell?! What's with this quest?! Even for me, that's almost impossible with the time limit! And what's with this penalty?! Isn't it too severe for a normal quest?!" Ling Tian exclaimed in frustration.

Suddenly he remembered the ten Spirit Essence Pills, his grandfather had left for him along with a Saint Rank Long Sword and a Life Blood Jade.

" It's not impossible. I should be able to do it." Ling Tian muttered with a slight smile.

[Ding! Quest Triggered.

Task:- Level up the talents, Alchemist and Artificer to Level 50.

Reward:- Random Sub-System(x1)

Time Limit:- 30 Days.

Penalty:- Host's Ki will be sealed away. ]

" .... "

" Sigh... This System sure likes to put me in a tight situation." Ling Tian muttered in a helpless tone.

Ling Tian walked back to his room and sat there inspecting the powers of his Azure Gravity Ring.

" Wang!"

Suddenly an immature bark interrupted Ling Tian's thoughts about the Azure Gravity Ring.

Ling Tian looked towards source of the voice and saw Lycka standing near the door.

" You little... Where were you this entire time?" Ling Tian said as he picked up the pup.

" Wang!"

All he got in response was a happy dog bark from Lycka. Ling Tian sighed and put a soul mark on the little Lycka so that he won't lose it again. He is now completely in control of his immense soul power.

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Ling Tian let Lycka down and continued to examine the Azure Gravity Ring.

There were three main functions, this ring had.

One, It's ability to manipulate gravity.

Two, It has a Minor Inner World inside the ring in which life can exist.

Three, It has ability to grant user a temporary physical power up by 20 Times.

Ling Tian was currently concerned about the Minor inner world. Because, even if he created a planet inside his Genesis World, he himself will never be able to enter with his true body. After all, the Genesis World is in his body. And it could be considered a part of his body and soul. He will only be able to enter the Genesis World in his soul form, not with his real body.

So in order to have a special training place, the inner world of the Azure Gravity Ring is very useful to him.

Ling Tian observed the minor inner world of the Azure Gravity Ring and saw that it was full of green life and many water sources. It also has a small sun. But other than that, there was no other living beings in it.

It is understandable since the Azure Gravity Ring doesn't have an Artifact Spirit yet. So it could only be considered a fake Spirit Rank Artifact, despite being ranked as a high grade Spirit Rank Artifact.

But Ling Tian has to provide the ring plenty of Spirit Energy for it to work.

While Ling Tian was in his thoughts, the girls entered the room.

Ling Tian looked at them and saw that they had freshened up.

Esdeath came to Ling Tian and looked at his eyes with a serious expression and said, " Rayne, I agree with you having others. But, just don't leave me."

" What are you talking about?" Ling Tian asked in a confused tone.

" Brother Tian, I agree as well." Xin Qinyue said.

" Again. What are you talking about?" Ling Tian asked.

Ling Tian looked at Yan Zuqing, Lin Ke'er and Su Xumei for an answer but they didn't say anything.

" Virgo, what are these two talking about?" Ling Tian asked Virgo as he was sure that Virgo will explain it to him.

" Mistress Esdeath and Mistress Yue came to an agreement to share you with other women. Even Mistress Xumei took part in this." Virgo said with an emotionless expression.

" .... "

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Xin Qinyue went towards Ling Tian and said, " Brother Tian, Make me your woman today."

" What are you saying, Qinyue?!" Yan Zuqing yelled.

" Even if you say that, I ain't gonna fu*k a little girl. I'm not that desperate." Ling Tian said with a wry smile.

These words of Ling Tian wasn't heard by Xin Qinyue and Yan Zuqing who were arguing with each other. But others clearly heard it. Esdeath and the others had their mouths wide open in shock. Even Virgo was shocked by her Master's words.

" Sorry Brother Tian, I didn't hear what you said. Can you say it again?" Xin Qinyue said as she stopped her argument with Yan Zuqing.

" Oh? That? I said even if I -?!"

Before Ling Tian could finish his words, the two chains attached to Virgo's shackles extended and wound themselves tightly around Ling Tian, binding him. Esdeath made a ice dagger and placed it in Ling Tian's neck and coldly stared at Ling Tian with an expression that said 'Say one word and you're dead'.

Su Xumei sent a sound transmission to Ling Tian which stated, ' Say something motivational to Qinyue, or else.'

Ling Tian started sweating profusely at his current predicament. All he did was honestly offer his opinion. He doesn't know what these girls think, but he is completely against the idea of having sex with a girl who is barely 14 years old.

" What are you all doing to Brother Tian?!" Xin Qinyue exclaimed after her initial shock.

" ?!" Suddenly Ling Tian sensed something and his confused expression became serious.

Ling Tian immediately activated Copy-Wheel eyes to its second stage and used 'Spatial Movement' to teleport away from there.

The girls were startled by Ling Tian's sudden disappearance. At the spot Ling Tian vanished, laid a piece of paper and a tri-pronged kunai, Su Xumei is familiar with.

Yan Zuqing picked up the piece of paper and read what was in it.

" Something Urgent came up. Xumei, hold on to the knife and you know what to do. I'll be gone for a few days, but no worries, I'll be fine. I'll get you all Dragon meat when I come back. And Yue'er, you are showing promise. By the time you are eighteen, you will be a very beautiful girl. If you really end up being a very beautiful woman, I'll happily make you my woman. Esdeath and Virgo... Well,... Don't try anything funny while I'm gone."

" That's it." Yan Zuqing said as she finished reading the letter.


Meanwhile, in a very distant place where a group of disciples who were Spirit Advent Sect disciples were covering in fear. Even the two female elders who were responsible for leading the disciples were frightened.


Two Rank 9 Monster Beasts were fighting against each other and bringing havoc to the lands. This group of people couldn't leave here since even a stray shockwave could obliterate them.

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