The Devourer

Chapter 82

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Among the group of disciples, there were two people that Ling Tian could recognize instantly if he was here.

They were Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan. They too were frightened. One of the two female elders was Su Fengxi. If not for Su Fengxi and the other elder protecting the disciples by using their divine cultivation bases, they would have long died.

Of the two monster beasts, one was a green scaly humungous python while the other was a Yellow gigantic eagle like bird with silver stripes on its feathers.

The collision of these two monster beasts was destroying the entire lands.

" Damn Sky Lord! Don't think I'll let you have my treasure!!" The scaly python said as it launched itself towards the enormous bird.

" Stop me if you can Snake!! I'll get what I want!" The enormous yellow eagle like bird yelled as it sent a blade of wind towards the charging Scaly python.

The fierce battle between the two beasts continued.

Su Lingyan looked at the disciples who couldn't even stand after witnessing the monstrosity of these two monster beasts. She herself was feeling scared. But there was some force within her that was giving her the strength to stand.

Su Mengyan, on the other hand, didn't give into fear and was stubbornly looking at the two powerful Monster beasts with a determined expression.

There was also a blonde haired handsome man in white robes was helping the other disciples from losing their consciousness.

Su Fengxi along with another beautiful mature woman had put up a barrier around them all. They were giving it their all to sustain this barrier.

Su Fengxi had a pained expression as she saw the disciples of her sect in such state. She looked at the two beings responsible for this with a bitter gaze. A black clothed youth with a carefree smile on his face appeared in her mind.

' Would he have been able to defeat these monsters?' Su Fengxi thought.

" Fengxi! We have to increase the power of the barrier! Those monsters have started to get serious!" Said the other woman.

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" Yes! Sister Yan!" Su Fengxi said in response and put more Spirit Energy into the barrier.

" Kraaahhh!!!"

" Xiao!!!"

Dragon and phoenix like roars resounded throughout the entire place.

All the disciples lost their consciousness when those roars resounded. Except for Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan. Their bodies started to shine with a bluish white glow.

When they saw this glow on them, one image and name came to their mind.

' Ling Tian / Stupid Tian!'

Su Fengxi and the other woman weren't lucky like Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan. They were bleeding from their orifices. The Divine Core, they had conjured is on the verge of shattering.

The yellow eagle like huge bird flew up and condensed a massive ball of wind spirit energy and shot it at the scaly python.


The scaly python easily dodged the huge spirit energy ball with its extremely flexible body and then charged at the huge yellow bird.

But the spirit energy ball which the scaly python dodged made its way towards the group of the people from Spirit Advent Sect.


Suddenly, a black clothed youth appeared before Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan out of nowhere.

The two girls' eyes went wide with surprise and yelled, " Ling Tian! / Stupid Tian!"

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This yell made Su Fengxi who was about to fall down, flinch.

This black clothed youth is Ling Tian who had used the power of his Copy-Wheel eyes to get here when he sensed that the Nature Energy he had left on Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan were about to fade.

Ling Tian looked up and saw a massive Spirit Energy Ball coming towards here.

Ling Tian then saw Su Fengxi who was in a pretty bad shape and a woman next to her who was holding the barrier on her own. Su Fengxi was about to fall down.


Ling Tian instantly appeared next to Su Fengxi and caught her with one hand on her waist and her head supported by his chest.

Ling Tian felt pain in his heart when he saw Su Fengxi in this state. He started to use Nature Energy to heal her.

Su Fengxi weakly raised her head and saw a very handsome face almost bordering on the line of perfection.

" You're in quite the bad shape. I'll have to give you special treatment later." Ling Tian said as he smiled at Su Fengxi, while raising one of his hand upwards.

' He hasn't changed at all.' Su Fengxi smiled slightly then rested her head on Ling Tian's chest.

The woman who was next to Su Fengxi was startled by Ling Tian's sudden appearance. But she didn't have a chance to say anything as the massive Spirit Energy Ball was almost upon them.

But what she saw next almost caused her heart to come out of her body.


Ling Tian made a grabbing motion with his hand and the massive Spirit Energy ball burst into many fragments without causing any explosion.

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The two beasts who were fighting each other stopped and looked at the direction of Ling Tian.

' Dragon Scaled Python and Sky Lord, huh? They have the battle strength of a 5th level Divine King Realm practitioner, which is weaker than my 8th level Divine King Realm battle power. If I add my Weaker Legendary Super Saiyan transformation into the count, I have the battle power of a 1st level Divine Emperor Realm practitioner. So in the end, these two are not even capable of entertaining me. I'll just have to get over with it.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian analysed the two monster beasts and was quite disappointed. But he will definitely kill them.

Ling Tian looked at the two monster beasts and said while his sound is amplified by spirit energy, " You've gone too far. Don't expect mercy from me."

" Human! How dare you talk to me that way?!"

" Damn Human Ant! You dare to stand before this lord's presence?!"

Both the monster beasts were angered by Ling Tian's words. But they didn't immediately attack Ling Tian.

Ling Tian put a lot of Nature Energy inside Su Fengxi and then handed her over to the other woman standing by his side with a shocked expression.

" Pretty lady, we'll talk later! Now stand back." Ling Tian said as he put a fist sized ball of Nature Energy into the beautiful woman.

" Ling Tian!" Su Lingyan suddenly called out.

Ling Tian turned his head and saw Su Lingyan looking at him with a grateful expression while Su Mengyan looked at Ling Tian with a cheeky smile which quite stunned him.

That wasn't how Su Mengyan usually looked at him. Usually, she would menacingly glare at him.

Not that it mattered at the moment. Ling Tian smiled at the two of them, which caused them to blush. After all, Ling Tian has become more handsome because of his Nature Immortal Body.

" Don't worry, I'm just getting some food for us."

Ling Tian then rose to air and looked at the two gigantic monster beasts and said.

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" Welcome to the end of your life! I promise you..... It's going to hurt!"

The Dragon Scaled Python laughed when it heard this and said, " It's your life that's going to end, Vermin!"


The Dragon Scaled Python rushed at Ling Tian will unimaginable speed. Ling Tian too moved forward to intercept it.


An explosive shockwave was spread throughout the place when Ling Tian and the Dragon Scaled Python collided.

Ling Tian stood still after the collision but the Dragon Scaled Python was sent flying back with a miserable scream of pain.

' I intended to shatter it's forehead. But it seems I've underestimated a rank 9 monster beast's body.' Ling Tian thought as he clenched his fist.

Ling Tian had intended to shatter it's energy core which is situated deep in its forehead region. But the Dragon Scaled Python's body was strong enough to withstand Ling Tian's powerful fist.

Suddenly a large yellow spirit energy ball flew at Ling Tian in high speed, but Ling Tian simply flicked it away.

Ling Tian looked at the Sky Lord with an emotionless expression and said, " You don't have to be in such a hurry. I'm not going anywhere until I roast you."

" Why you.... Don't get cocky Human!!!" The Sky Lord yelled as its aura surged.

" For the last fu*king time! I'm not a Human! I'm a Saiyan!!" Ling Tian shouted in an irritated tone.


Ling Tian appeared in front of the Sky Lord in a flash and started beating it.

Punches after punches, He landed thousands of hits on it amidst the agonizing screams of the Sky Lord. Ling Tian made sure to control his strength as he didn't want this bird to die a painless death.

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