The Devourer

Chapter 83

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While Ling Tian was beating up the Sky Lord in the sky....

Su Lingyan and the others were looking at Ling Tian who was confronting the two monster beasts, in awe.

" I knew he was strong, but I never thought he would be strong to this degree." Su Fengxi muttered in disbelief. She has recovered a lot because of Ling Tian's Nature Energy.

" Yeah. He's basically toying with those two beasts." Su Lingyan said as she watched Ling Tian forcing the beasts to go to a distant place away from here. It was obvious that Ling Tian was being concerned for their safety.

" .... " Su Mengyan was silent and didn't say anything. But she was in awe of Ling Tian's strength. She was feeling that the world was unfair.

Ling Tian is only sixteen years old and she is now eighteen. Yet the differences between them is far too much. Ling Tian already has the power to rival the most powerful beings in Heaven's Fall World. Yet her?

But for some reason, Su Mengyan couldn't bring herself to hate him. She used to hate all men, excluding Elder Sun. Even 'Brother Xingtian' was slightly hated by her.

Similar to Su Mengyan, the others were also having their own thoughts about Ling Tian.

Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Fengxi knew that Ling Tian was strong. But they didn't know to what extent.

" Fengxi, who is that young man?" The beautiful woman with black hair asked Su Fengxi.

" He is called Ling Tian. I don't know anything other than that, He is very powerful." Su Fengxi said while not taking her eyes of Ling Tian.

" I see... He is very strong. Stronger than anyone I've ever seen." The beautiful woman said.

Up in the sky, Ling Tian was beating the Sky Lord black and blue and the Sky Lord couldn't even do anything about it. Even if it's a wind type monster beast that major in speed, Ling Tian wasn't giving it the opportunity to move and it couldn't outrun Ling Tian because of Sky Lord's gigantic body.

* Kraahhh!*

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The Dragon Scaled Python which was sent flying by roared and rushed at Ling Tian. It's tail end glowed with red light and smashed it onto Ling Tian.


But things didn't go like it planned. It's tail attack passed through Ling Tian and hit the Sky Lord on it's head while it's defense were broken by Ling Tian.

Without any defense, Sky Lord was struck to it's death by the Dragon Scaled Python which had shattered the energy core of Sky Lord.

The move Ling Tian used to evade Dragon Scaled Python's attack was a variation of Time Skip. Before the attack struck him, Ling Tian went into a different space made from the time he had skipped while leaving behind a phantom of him in the real world.



The Sky Lord crashed into the ground with tremendous force and the lands trembled and a huge part of the place was destroyed.

Sky Lord.... Dead!

Fortunately, Ling Tian made sure to draw these two monster beasts to a distant place, otherwise the people from Spirit Advent Sect would have most likely perished.

Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan were unable to see anything as the battle took place at a few miles away. But Su Fengxi and the other woman were able to see it because of them being divine cultivators. Divine cultivators has hundreds of times of enhanced senses than Mortal cultivators.

" Kraaahhh!!! How did you dodge that?!" The Dragon Scaled Python asked in a loud enraged voice as it roared.

" Oh, shut it!" Ling Tian said as he picked his ear with his ring finger.

" Why don't you just hiss like a snake you are, instead of imitating a dragon's roar?! It's so irritating to hear that its making my ears itch." Ling Tian said in an annoyed tone.

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" Kraaahhhh!!!"

The Dragon Scaled Python roared in anger and it's long body started to emit a bloody light.

" Power Burst, huh? Very well, show me what you've got!" Ling Tian said as he stared at the Dragon Scaled Python.

Power Burst is a unique skill of Dragon Race. It amplifies the Dragon's overall combat power by 10 times. Ling Tian didn't expect a monster beast with a very low dragon blood in it could use this skill.


The Dragon Scaled Python rushed at Ling Tian at high speed. Ling Tian didn't move from the spot. The Dragon Scaled Python struck Ling Tian with its forehead and sent him flying.

Before Ling Tian could crash into a mountain, the Dragon Scaled Python appeared in front of that mountain and struck Ling Tian again, which sent him flying upwards.

The Dragon Scaled Python flew upwards with extreme speed and appeared behind Ling Tian and struck him with its red coloured tail end.


Ling Tian crashed into the ground with very high velocity and force.

Su Fengxi who saw this from a distance almost fainted and the other woman was similarly startled by what she saw.

" Jajaja! You were just empty talk after all! Hmph!" The Dragon Scaled Python harrumphed as it stared at the spot Ling Tian had crashed into.

"Boom!" A sharp golden ray rushed out from below with such swiftness that it nearly cut the Dragon Scaled Python in half.

*Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh*

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Ling Tian floated above with only some scratches on him and his clothes slightly disordered. The white glow of Ki on him became sharper and shot upward, making him look like a heavenly saber.

The lands were trembling under Ling Tian's massive Ki. The Dragon Scaled Python was scared out of its wits.

Su Fengxi and the other woman were in awe at Ling Tian's display of power. Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan couldn't see anything as it was too far.

" That's it, huh? So much for your power up." Ling Tian said with disdain as he looked the Dragon Scaled Python.

" .... Damn you.... You monster!" The Dragon Scaled Python said in a trembling voice.

" I can't take that seriously if its coming from the likes of you." Ling Tian simply smiled a bit.


" Time to die, snake!" Ling Tian said as he charged a Ki ball in his hand.

Suddenly, the Dragon Scaled Python swallowed a green jade and its body started shining. The entire atmosphere got heavy.

' A Nature Being's core!' Ling Tian exclaimed in his mind as he instantly recognized what it was that the Dragon Scaled Python swallowed.

' So that's the reason the two monster beasts were fighting each other, huh?' Ling Tian thought. It all made sense. Nature Energy is extremely beneficial to Monster Beasts and will help them evolve even further and increase their potential.

A horn started to grow on the forehead of the Dragon Scaled Python. Ling Tian knew that this monster beast is evolving into a Flood Dragon. A much stronger one than the Flood Dragon he met at the Nameless lake.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

The sky turned dark and dark clouds started to gather above Ling Tian and the Dragon Scaled Python.

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This answered why the Dragon Scaled Python didn't consume the Nature Being's core before, as it was not confident in handling the Heavenly Tribulation.

But now, Ling Tian had pushed it to a dead end. The Dragon Scaled Python had no choice but to do this. Death was evident if it didn't do anything.

The Dragon Scaled Python was slowly evolving. Ling Tian didn't try to interfere with it as he didn't want to get caught in it's heavenly tribulation.

Suddenly, the Dragon Scaled Python looked at Ling Tian and its eyes shined with a golden light. Ling Tian was covered by a golden light for a second before the light vanished.

Ling Tian could swear that he saw a mocking smile on Dragon Scaled Python.

Before Ling Tian could ponder anything, a bolt of Lightning came from the heavens and struck Ling Tian.

Right before the lightning bolt struck him, everything became clear for him. The Dragon Scaled Python had used a secret skill, 'Persona Substitute' against Ling Tian. This skill can substitute one's existence with another for a limited period of time. It can fool even Heavens. But the one to be substituted needs to fit many requirements. Unfortunately, Ling Tian fit all the requirements.


The lightning bolt struck Ling Tian.

" Uaaaahhhh.... Ah?" Ling Tian screamed expecting to be reduced half to death by the heavenly lightning bolt. But instead of feeling agonizing pain, Ling Tian felt nothing.

In fact, Ling Tian even felt kind of good.

In Ling Tian's sea of consciousness, the Primal Lightning Spirit Root was shining with white light.

Ling Tian's body was absorbing the energy from the heavenly lightning. His S-cells were getting more and more powerful and evolving into much higher levels as they kept on absorbing the energy of the heavenly lightning.

This was one of Ling Tian's special physiques, The Black Body! Which was on par with or even greater than Nature Immortal Body!

Ling Tian's body can absorb any energy and keep on getting stronger endlessly. As long as there is energy, there is no limit to how strong Ling Tian's physical body could become.

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