The Devourer

Chapter 84

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Ling Tian was feeling overwhelming strength in him and it was still increasing.

Ling Tian felt a massive amounts of spirit energy with laws in lightning. After the Lightning struck, it didn't dissipate. Instead, it was trying to extinguish Ling Tian's existence.

Unfortunately for the Heavens, Ling Tian has the Primal Lightning Spirit Root. This Spirit Root gives Ling Tian invulnerability to Lightning and Thunder.

The Lightning Spirit Energy was absorbed into Ling Tian's dantian(Genesis World), which surprised Ling Tian. His cultivation technique, Genesis Empyrean's Infinity was circulating by itself as it was using the spirit energy from the heavenly lightning to increase his cultivation.

That was not all, his Primal Lightning Spirit Root was also absorbing the Lightning Spirit Energy and in his Genesis World, a dragon made from blue lightning was faintly formed.

This was Heavenly Lightning Scripture. A technique that is imprinted onto his Primal Lightning Spirit Root. Until now, Ling Tian never came in contact with Lightning attribute Spirit Energy, so this unranked technique which is imprinted on the Primal Lightning Spirit Root was never initiated.

Now that Ling Tian is being bombarded with the lightning from Heavens themselves, the Heavenly Lightning Scripture is activated at full force and by absorbing Lightning Spirit Energy, Ling Tian is almost close to achieving the first level of Heavenly Lightning Scripture, Blue Lightning!

[Ding! Congratulations host for achieving the Perfection of Earth Core Realm.]

[Ding! Host's body level has increased from 'Ascended Mortal' Level 6 to 'Ascended Mortal' Level 8.]

[Ding! Host has unlocked the potential of Black Body. Host's Black Body has evolved into Devourer's Body.]

Right now, The energy from the heavenly lightning is divided by three powers of Ling Tian. 70% is taken by Ling Tian's Devourer's Body, 20% is taken by Primal Lightning Spirit Root for cultivating Heavenly Lightning Scripture, and 10% is used by Ling Tian's Genesis Empyrean's Infinity while increasing his cultivation.

Not the tiniest bit of energy is wasted.

The moon core within Ling Tian's Genesis world was now completed, which means, Ling Tian now has a cultivation level of Perfection Stage Earth Core Realm!

This all happened in less than twenty seconds. Because the heavenly lightning contains the laws of the world, Ling Tian's Genesis world is absorbing it all and in turn increasing Ling Tian's cultivation at mind boggling speed.

The multi coloured vortex within the Genesis World, which is Ling Tian's spirit energy reserves has increased by more than 200%.

A golden red core was being formed in a far distance away from the moon core and planetary core in Ling Tian's Genesis world. This was the core for the Sun. This stated that Ling Tian just broke through to 1st level Heaven Core Realm.

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It was still increasing. The golden red core continued to increase in size at unbelievable speed.

" .... " Ling Tian didn't know what to do anymore. Everything was happening on its own. Even one of his special physiques evolved into a higher rank. His cultivation technique was circulating on its own while a Lightning Source(Lightning Dragon) was born in his Genesis world. His physical body was closing in on the level of a Spirit Mortal(Physical strength comparable to a Divine Emperor.)

The lightning was absorbed into his being. Ling Tian saw the Dragon Scaled Python, or rather the now Flood Dragon who is still evolving, snickering while looking at his direction. From the looks of it, the Flood Dragon seems to not being able to see Ling Tian inside the lightning.

Ling Tian then looked at the place where the people from Spirit Advent Sect are, and saw, Su Fengxi shedding tears while looking at his direction while Su Lingyan and Su Mengyan were trying to ask something to Su Fengxi.

" Sigh.." Ling Tian suddenly sensed a rather unexpected presence and looked into a few tens of miles away with his soul sense.

He saw Uchiha Madara coming towards this location. Similar to Madara, there were many others that were coming here and some of them already reached here and were spectating things.

' It's understandable. Even I would rush towards a place where Heavenly Tribulation of such degree occurs.' Ling Tian thought.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

After a minute, the Heavenly Lightning was completely devoured by Ling Tian.

His body was still at the level of 8th level Ascended Mortal. But his spirit energy cultivation is at 6th level Heaven Core Realm. He has already achieved the first level of Heavenly Lightning Scripture, Blue Lightning and is a the mid stage of the first level.

This is all because this is the tribulation meant for a peak rank monster beast. This tribulation has the power to kill everyone below World Creation Realm. And the fact that the Dragon Scaled Python is evolving into a Flood Dragon just multipled the power of the Heavenly Tribulation by three times, which can be considered fatal even for a World Creation Realm cultivator at the early levels.

But this all came in fortune for Ling Tian. His Primal Lightning Spirit Root gives him absolute affinity and immunity to any Lightning and Thunder. It doesn't matter if it's mortal Lightning or God Lightning.

" .... " Ling Tian never expected such benefits to come out of nowhere. Everything happened within a minute and now he is completely changed. And the fact that he put zero effort to achieve all this is even more unbelievable.

" Impossible!! How are you still standing there without any damage?!" The Flood Dragon asked in disbelief even while evolving.

The Flood Dragon had expected Ling Tian to suffer major injuries even if he is not killed. But now Ling Tian is standing before it unscathed by the Heavenly Lightning.

The people in the distance spying on the situation was also shocked.

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" That young man! Who is he?!"

" How did he come out unscathed by such a powerful tribulation?!"

" Why is that young man facing the heavenly tribulation?! Shouldn't that flood dragon be the one to face it?!"

The people were muttering this and that about the situation of Ling Tian, but the person in question was looking at the dark clouds above him.

There were eight dragon like Lightning bolts squirming among the clouds. Each of the were stronger than the one Ling Tian just faced.

With just one bolt of heavenly lightning, Ling Tian's powers increased so much. If he devour all the eight bolts of Heavenly lightning, his cultivation would probably enter the Divine Origin Realm. As for his body, Ling Tian has no idea how much it will increase in strength.

" I wish they would all strike me at once. Only one is too weak to even tickle me..." Ling Tian muttered as he stared at the eight bolts of Lightning in the sky.


A thunderous roar of the lightning resounded as the power of the lightning bolts in the sky intensified.

Everyone else were startled and fear gripped their hearts. The aura of the heavenly tribulation was too much for them to take.

Madara who just reached the place was also startled by the power he was sensing. Unlike others, Madara has a the soul of a Dragon God. He is able to sense the terrifying power within the lightning bolts in the sky.

' Even a wisp of it will reduce my body and soul to nothingness!' Madara thought. Despite having the Dragon God bloodline and the power of chaos, Madara doesn't have invulnerability against Lightning like Ling Tian.

Madara looked at Ling Tian who didn't show any fear towards the terrifying lightning and felt inferior. But this feeling lasted only for a moment, before he hardened his will and stared at Ling Tian.

" Hmmm... Something's not right!" Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian then realized that the Flood Dragon was evolving even further, which in turn increased the power of the tribulation. The Nature Being's core was allowing the Flood Dragon to go through further evolution.

" Is this considered luck?" Ling Tian muttered.

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Even if the power of the heavenly tribulation got strengthened, it's not the Flood Dragon that will be facing it, but it is Ling Tian.

As for disaster, Ling Tian will face no such thing.

Ling Tian was brimming with excitement now. He had no idea, how strong he will get after devouring all that lightning.

" Come on!" Ling Tian said excitedly.

*Rumble!!* *Rumble!!*

*Krackl!* *Krackl!* *Krackl!*

Suddenly the eight lightning bolts merged into one giving of horrifying pressure. The power it contained could completely destroy anyone in the Heaven's Fall world.

Except for Madara, Flood Dragon and Ling Tian, every single living being in hundreds of miles in the surrounding lost their consciousness. The Flood Dragon immediately moved away to a few miles away from Ling Tian.


The Lightning bolt struck Ling Tian with tremendous force that everything within a mile was destroyed and a huge hole was formed on the ground with a depth that could not be measured.

Meanwhile, the person who got hit by this horrifying power was....

" Ohhh Yessss!!!~~~" Ling Tian screamed in ecstasy. This was the first time he felt such pleasure in all his lives.

His Cultivation skyrocketed again and his physical body was absorbing the energy like no end. The blue Lightning Source of the Heavenly Lightning Scripture now had a shade of yellow on it, which indicated that he is close to achieving the second level of Heavenly Lightning Scripture, Yellow Lightning!

The golden red core within Ling Tian's Genesis world was now perfectly formed and flames were dancing on the core.

Ling Tian has achieved the perfection of Heaven Core Realm. If that was not enough, Ling Tian's body broke through the level of Spirit Mortal.

Ling Tian could feel his strength overflowing. And this was only the beginning.

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The Flood Dragon thought that Ling Tian was dead for sure. But someone else didn't think of such a thing.

Madara was observing Ling Tian with his Copy-Wheel eyes from the moment the heavenly lightning struck him. Madara couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He had seen many bizarre things in his life. But never one like this.

Although Madara couldn't detect the insane increase in Ling Tian's spirit energy cultivation, Madara could very well see how ridiculously fast Ling Tian's body was strengthening and how his body is absorbing that terrifying force of lightning.

Madara couldn't help but become jealous of this power of Ling Tian, which enables him to even use heavens as a stepping stone.

Ling Tian who was marvelling at his overwhelming power sensed Madara's gaze, who was standing a few miles away.

Ling Tian saw jealousy in Madara's eyes and was speechless.

' If he wants some lightning energy, he can simply take some. Why look at me with those eyes, it doesn't suit him at all. Then again, I'm the one who brought him to this world, so I should help him once in a while. A strand of lightning energy shouldn't be much of a loss to me.' Ling Tian thought as he sighed in helplessness.

" Hope you'll be happy with this." Ling Tian said as he flicked his finger towards Madara.



Before Madara could even respond, a finger sized lightning bolt struck him and he couldn't even utter a word as his body turned ashes and his soul destroyed.

Madara didn't even get the chance to use the teleportation power of his Copy-Wheel eyes. His last thought was.

' Damn you!! Rayne Ashbringer!!!'

" Eh?" Ling Tian who saw this could only utter a word as he couldn't comprehend what just happened.


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