The Devourer

Chapter 86

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The Flood Dragon looked at Ling Tian in a complicated expression. It still didn't understand why Ling Tian spared it's life. Not many would spare someone who tried take to his/her life.

" Thank you for giving me an other chance." The Flood Dragon said in a grateful tone.

" But... What would you have done if I rejected your offer...?" The Flood Dragon asked.

" Hm? Isn't it obvious?" Ling Tian simply asked back in a carefree expression.

" What?" The Flood Dragon asked.

" You would have been my dinner tonight." Ling Tian said with a bright smile.

" .... "

" Hmm.. Okay, Now that's done. Now can you shrink to a very small size so that I'll be able to take you around?" Ling Tian asked.

Suddenly, the Flood Dragon's body shined with red light.

The Flood Dragon's 300 meters gigantic body shrink into the size of mere one and half meter length. It now looked like a small snake with a dragon head and claws.

" Yes.. Um.. What should I call you?" The Flood Dragon asked Ling Tian in a doubtful tone.

" Just call me Rayne." Ling Tian said.

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" Understood, Rayne." The little Flood Dragon replied.

" By the way, do you have a name?" Ling Tian asked.

" No. Most of the Monster beasts don't have individual names." The Flood Dragon replied.

" I see. Since your gender is female, then your name is Althea! Mn. From now on you're Althea!" Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Althea... I am Althea." The Flood Dragon said in a low voice.

" But I am still surprised that you know my gender." The Flood Dragon said in a surprised tone.

Ling Tian simply smiled. With his Nature Sense, sensing the other parties gender comes as pretty trivial. It doesn't matter if the other party is using some artifacts to hide their yin or yang aura, his Nature Sense can see through such things.

Ling Tian then had Althea twine around his neck like a scarf. Why? As a former otaku, Ling Tian has always dreamed of having a powerful dragon as a pet and carry it on his shoulders like a scarf. Now that he was given the chance to do it, Ling Tian wouldn't waste it.

" I just want to ask. Are you dumb or something? I was trying to kill you this entire time and you are actually keeping me by your neck?! Aren't you tempting me to attack you?!" Althea asked in exasperation.

" Try it if you want. Don't blame me if I decide to simply cook you afterwards." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

He is not afraid of Althea trying to strangle his neck. Because, Ling Tian's body is now powerful enough to not be bothered by such trivial efforts.

Ling Tian then asked the system, ' System, can you give the Blood Flame Dragon bloodline to Althea?'

[Yes, host. Host just have to put a hand on the Flood Dragon and the System will do the rest.]

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' Thanks.'

Ling Tian placed his right hand on Althea, who is now in his shoulders and said, " Althea, I'm about to give you a True Dragon bloodline. Be prepared, you will lose consciousness after I finish the process."

Before Althea could respond, Ling Tian's hand which he placed on Althea shined with blood red light and the blood red light entered Althea's body, right after which it lost consciousness.

" Now that it's done, time to clean up some things." Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian's soul sense spread out and in an instant it covered the entire Heaven's Fall World in an instant. But Ling Tian didn't do this to see things in the distance, rather, the ones that witnessed his encounter with Heavenly Lightning.

There were a few thousand of cultivators in the few hundred of miles in the surrounding. But most of them were knocked out by the aura of the Heavenly lightning.

" Shadow clone jutsu!!" Ling Tian made a hand sign and voiced out.


Three thousand clones of Ling Tian appeared. If anyone witnesses this scene, they would probably have their jaws dropped in shock and disbelief.

Ling Tian looked at his clones and said, " You know what to do."

" Yes boss!!" (x3000 clones)

All the clones reached out to all the people who lost their consciousness earlier from the aura of Heavenly Lightning. They put their hands on the heads of those people and eliminated the memory of the entire event of Heavenly tribulation from their memories.

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Although, Ling Tian couldn't care less about people remembering him and making trouble for him, but these people have all seen the people from Spirit Advent Sect which includes the women from Su clan.

Although, he himself doesn't know the reason why, Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Fengxi has a special spot in his heart. Especially, Su Lingyan. Ling Tian is really fond of her shy, kind and caring personality of her.

After the deed was done, Ling Tian dispersed all the clones. Having a strong soul really is useful and he doesn't have to experience pain because of massive amounts of memories flooding into his mind.

Ling Tian then noticed that Althea who was twined around his neck was transforming slowly. It's former brown scales were now slowly changing into a scarlet colour with gold hint to it.

Because of his Nature Sense, Ling Tian could sense that the arrogance of this dragon is increasing with its evolution which made him wonder why Dragons are so arrogant and prideful.

But as a Saiyan, that too a Legendary Super Saiyan, Ling Tian was provoked by this, so Ling Tian decided to take the hard measures.

Ling Tian bit his thumb which made it bleed a drop of translucent red blood before the small cut regenerated instantly.

This drop of blood contained immense amounts of life force which could grant a mortal more than thousand years of increase in life span.

" Blood God Ritual - Life Binding Blood Slave Contract!"

Ling Tian made a few incantations with his hands and used his trump card, the 'Blood God Scripture' which he inherited from Devil God, and used one of the several rituals of Blood God Scripture.

The drop of blood transformed into multiple red strings and transfused into the unconscious Althea and it formed into a unique seal in Althea's soul.

If Althea was awake, Ling Tian wouldn't be able to do this since Althea is far more high-level than Ling Tian when it comes to Spirit Energy and Althea could easily resist Ling Tian's Spirit Techniques. Ling Tian's main battle power rely more on the power of his body and Ki.

From now on, Althea is bound to Ling Tian as well as a slave of Ling Tian that will have to listen to all orders from Ling Tian. Ling Tian didn't feel any good in doing this, but he has to prioritize his own safety first.

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After that was finished, Ling Tian disappeared from the spot and the next second, Ling Tian was at the spot where all the people including the Su clan women from the Spirit Advent Sect lay unconscious.

Ling Tian used telekinesis to lift everyone into mid air and used the 'Spatial Movement' power of his Copy-Wheel Eyes to teleport all the people of Spirit Advent Sect along with him to a distant place where others wouldn't be able to point anything related to the Tribulation to them.


In a very far place, inside forest.


Suddenly, a group of unconscious people along with a dashing black clothed youth who had a horned serpent like creature which was glowing with scarlet-gold light around his neck like a scarf.

This youth is Ling Tian and the unconscious people are those from the Spirit Advent Sect.

After looking around the surroundings and setting the people down on the ground gently, Ling Tian shifted his attention to the beautiful woman beside Su Fengxi.

She had a beautiful face with long and smooth black hair, although her face is stained with blood now, it couldn't hide her beauty. She had a very curvaceous body, especially her breasts. If was even bigger than Su Fengxi who has E size breasts. She has a slender legs and bodacious hips. Her white clothes were stained with blood, but strangely it gave her a mysterious charm.

But the thing that attracted Ling Tian's attention is that, this woman has almost similar aura of Lin Ke'er, his little disciple.

Ling Tian was quite curious about this woman. He sensed a slight percent of Saiyan blood within her as well, just like he did with Lin Ke'er.

As he was in his thoughts, Su Fengxi slowly opened her eyes.

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