The Devourer

Chapter 87

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Ling Tian noticed that, Althea, who was on his shoulders is starting to change into her original size. Ling Tian couldn't allow it to revert back to its massive size.

Ling Tian couldn't pull it into his Genesis World as the planet is not complete. He was only left with one choice, that was to put Althea inside the small world of his Azure Gravity Ring.

Ling Tian immediately did that and heaved a sigh. He was quite worried about the inner world of his Azure Gravity Ring. Ling Tian swore to himself that if that Dragon dares to destroy the inner world of his Azure Gravity Ring, then he will definitely be having it for dinner.

" Nghh..."

While Ling Tian was in his thoughts, a feminine groan interrupted his train of thought. Ling Tian saw Su Fengxi opening her eyes, while the others are still unconscious.

It wasn't surprising to Ling Tian, as Su Fengxi is a Divine Origin Realm Practitioner and on top of that, Ling Tian had infused quite an amount of Nature Energy into her.

Su Fengxi sat up and saw Ling Tian staring at her with his usual carefree smile. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she jumped at Ling Tian and hugged him, which startled Ling Tian.

" I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you.... " Su Fengxi said in a sobbing tone as she had her face buried in Ling Tian's chest.

" .... " Ling Tian had no idea why this woman would care about him. They've only known for a few minutes before today.

In actuality, the day Ling Tian came out from the locked dimension, and saved Su Mengyan and Su Xumei from the curses as well as Su Lingyan by using his Nature Energy. But after Ling Tian left that day in a rush, the people of Su mistook that Ling Tian used some forbidden technique which probably cost a lot of his life force to cure them. They didn't know why Ling Tian would go so far for people who he barely knows for no purpose. But the Su family felt indebted to Ling Tian and also felt many other emotions for him. Even Su Mengyan and the cold Su Xumei was no exception.

Ling Tian had completely underestimated his Nature Energy. Because of his careless act of kindness, Ling Tian had unknowingly gained the affection of four women.

Ling Tian looked at Su Fengxi who had her face buried in his chest. He could feel his shirt getting wet.

' Why do women like to wet my chest with their tears?' Ling Tian thought helplessly.

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Ling Tian put his arms around her waist and brought his face near her ears and whispered, " How long are you going to keep hugging me? I'm at my limit of controlling my self you know?"

Su Fengxi shivered when Ling Tian's breath touched her ear.


Su Fengxi immediately distances herself from Ling Tian while looking at Ling Tian with tear stained eyes. She saw Ling Tian looking at her with a teasing smile.

" Thank goodness you are okay." Su Fengxi smiled in relief when she saw that Ling Tian was completely fine.

Ling Tian's eyes raised in surprise. He couldn't help but ask, " Why are so worried about me?"

Before Su Fengxi could answer Ling Tian, the black haired big breast woman woke up as well.

Ling Tian looked at her in silence.

The woman who saw Ling Tian was slightly shocked and asked in shock, " You are okay? How did you survive that terrifying tribulation?!"

" You wanted me to die?" Ling Tian asked.

" N-No. That's not what I meant." The black haired woman said a bit nervously.

" Well well... Don't get so flustered now." Ling Tian said while waving his hand indifferently.

" But I'm still surprised that you're not calling me 'senior' or 'lord' or some other other honorifics. Why is that?" Ling Tian asked.

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" As a divine practitioner, I can see that you are only sixteen-- no, not even sixteen years old. Which means the power you have is something that you borrow from some artifact or something similar. If I treat someone younger than me with honorifics, then wouldn't I be a shame to Divine cultivators?" The black haired woman said.

Su Fengxi came to a realisation and thought how Ling Tian is only sixteen. Then she became very embarrassed when she remembered how respectfully she treated Ling Tian, the first time they met.

" Hmmm... Well, you're right about my age. But the power I have is my own strength, not someone else's. As a Saiyan, borrowing power from other people is something I will never do, unless its my last resort." Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Saiyan?!" Su Fengxi and the black haired woman exclaimed in surprise.

The black haired woman rushed upto Ling Tian, held his grey tunic and asked, " You are really a Saiyan?!"

" Y-Yeah! What of it?" Ling Tian asked in a slight bewilderment.

" Are you from Battle God Sacred Lands?!" The woman asked a bit excited.

" Not really." Ling Tian said.

The black haired woman looked depressed and said, " So you're only a low blood, huh?"

" What did you say?!" Ling Tian said in a slightly angry voice and a massive pressure pervaded the entire forest.

" ?!" Su Fengxi and the black haired woman were startled and suddenly got anxious. Especially Su Fengxi.

" How dare you call me a low blood?!" Ling Tian was angry.


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Ling Tian's Ki flared up like a violent flame enraged by the winds which blew away Su Fengxi and the black haired beauty a few metres away from Ling Tian. The lands started trembling because of Ling Tian's power. Every living being in the surrounding was shivering in fear, even Su Fengxi and the black haired woman was no exception to this.

*Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh*

Ling Tian's Ki was flaring around him as his pupils started to blink between black, teal and gold colour.

" I am the Prince of all Saiyans! Rayne Ashbringer! I am the one and only Legendary Super Saiyan! You have the nerve to call me.... A low blood??!!" Ling Tian yelled in anger.

" Ling..... Tian..." Su Fengxi said while struggling to stand straight.

Ling Tian came back to his senses and saw the two women drenched in sweat as they looked at Ling Tian in fear.

Ling Tian had inadvertently lost control of his temper when he was called a low blood by the black haired beauty. It was not his own anger, rather, one could say that, Ling Tian's anger came from his instincts. From deep within his Saiyan blood.

Ling Tian has always found it strange as to why only his Saiyan bloodline is so prideful.

" Sorry... I lost control of my emotions for a second. But its okay now." Ling Tian said with an apologetic smile.

" Li-Ling Tian... Why did you get angry like that?" Su Fengxi asked in a slightly frightened tone.

" I honestly don't give a sh*t about how others think of me. But, I won't stand for someone insulting my lineage." Ling Tian said with a serious expression.

The black haired beauty snapped out of her stupor and looked at Ling Tian with an expression of slight hope and asked , " Are you really a high Saiyan? But you don't have a tail."

" Although I have no idea what this high Saiyan is about..." Ling Tian paused for a moment, then his tail unfurled from his waist under his clothes and was now in the open as He continued, " I don't display my tail the entire time since I don't want to get any unwanted."

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Su Fengxi held her breath in shock. She never thought that Ling Tian was a 'High Saiyan'. She felt like the distance between her and Ling Tian just widened by way too much. Earlier she felt that Ling Tian was approachable, even with his ungodly prowess, but now after knowing that he is a 'High Saiyan', she felt like she lost something very important.

The black haired beauty's shone with slight excitement when she saw Ling Tian's tail as she rushed to Ling Tian and grabbed his hand, which startled him.

" Ar-Are you capable of removing 'Ancestral Blood Scier Seal'?" The black haired beauty asked in a voice filled with hope.

" Ancestral Blood Scier Seal..... Never thought I'd hear that again." Ling Tian muttered in surprise.

" Can you?" The black haired beauty asked in an anxious tone.

" I can. But do you even know what this seal is about?" Ling Tian asked.

The black haired beauty's eyes lit up with excitement at hearing Ling Tian's confirmation.

" I don't know. But it was my great grandfather that put this seal on all his descendants. No one knows what this seal does, but I found out. After his descendants reach a cultivation level of peak of Divine Origin Realm, great grandfather takes back the seal, which results in the descendants losing their life in the process. I came to know of this when my brother died in the same way." The black haired beauty said in a sad yet hate filled tone.

Su Fengxi who heard this was shocked beyond words.

' It seems she doesn't know what this seal is used for. Then again, it's better if I don't reveal it.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian of course knew what this seal was about. This is one of the various sealing arts of the Scier race. They are basically humans if they didn't have green skin and red eyes.

The reason the black haired beauty asked for Ling Tian's help is simple.

Only those that have cultivation beyond the seal caster can break the seals.

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