The Devourer

Chapter 89

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Ling Tian looked at Lin Yanran.

This time, Su Fengxi didn't say anything.

" Since you know I don't have much time, why do you still want me?" Lin Yanran asked in confusion.

Ling Tian simply smiled and didn't answer.

After that Ling Tian asked why she intended to ask help specifically from the Battle God Sacred Lands. To which she said that her great grandfather is a very important person from the Jade Phoenix Sacred Lands which is second only to Battle God Sacred Lands.

The other Sacred Lands wouldn't want to offend the Jade Phoenix Sacred Lands. So Lin Yanran could only put her hopes on getting help from Battle God Sacred Lands.

The Spirit Water Sacred Lands that subordinate the Spirit Advent Sect is the weakest among the eight Sacred Lands. So getting their help is impossible for Lin Yanran as they wouldn't want to offend a very high ranked Sacred Land.

But getting a Divine Emperor to help her was almost impossible.

" Jeez.. What were you even thinking?" Ling Tian couldn't help but say. At the same time, he couldn't help but admire this woman's resolution to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved ones. Ling Tian felt that Su Fengxi and Lin Yanran were very similar to each other.

Ling Tian later came to know that this group of disciples are also going to the newly emerged ruins at the lands near the Ice Phoenix Empire. The same place Xin Qinyue's group is heading towards.

Ling Tian was contemplating about things when Su Fengxi asked, " Ling Tian, can you... help Sister Yan in someway?"

Ling Tian looked at Su Fengxi and saw her extremely beautiful face and a thought came to his mind.

" You think I'm capable of such a thing?" Ling Tian asked.

" I don't know.. Maybe..." Su Fengxi muttered.

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" Since she is mine now, I obviously ain't gonna let her die." Ling Tian said as he held Lin Yanran's right hand, which startled her.

Ling Tian traced Lin Yanran's right upper arm while thinking, ' I could easily solve this seal without harming this woman, but that old scum will still have Ke'er's sister's life in his grasp. Hmmm.... No matter how I look at it, I should simply kill that old fu*ker and be done with all this nonsense.'

Ling Tian tampered with the seal which triggered a reaction and some soul power tried pry on Ling Tian's soul, but unfortunately, the soul power was devoured by Ling Tian's soul.

' Got it.' Ling Tian smiled. Ling Tian made a soul spirit body and entered the seal on Lin Yanran's right upper arm.

Lin Yanran and Su Fengxi weren't able to see what Ling Tian just did, but they were startled as Ling Tian's physical body fell down lifelessly on the ground.

" Ling Tian!!"


In Divine Azure Jade Continent, one of the eight continents of Heaven's Fall World.

In an unknown place.

In a very large mansion, inside a wide chamber. The place was filled with red mist and gave off an eerie feeling.

A middle aged man sat cross legged while slowly refining the red mist or rather, blood mist into his body.

Suddenly the middle aged man's right hand shivered and a ray of pure white and orange light shot out from the middle aged man's hand.

The middle aged man was startled by this and immediately stood up and presumed a battle stance.

The white and orange light condensed into a humanoid form in white robes.

This was Ling Tian, or rather, Ling Tian's soul spirit body that he just made a second ago.

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" Who are you? How did you get here?!" The middle aged man asked in a cautious tone.

" And who are you?" Ling Tian asked.

" !!" The middle aged man was a bit surprised for a moment then said, " I am Lin Chenhong! The fifth elder of the Jade Phoenix Sacred lan--"

" Alright you can die now!" Ling Tian said as his eyes turned purple with black rings and several tomoe appearing on the the rings.

This was Ling Tian's Samsara Eyes.

Before Lin Chenhong could even utter a word, his soul was extracted by Ling Tian and condensed into an orb in Ling Tian's hand.

Ling Tian went ahead and destroyed Lin Chenhong's conscious soul and only kept the soul essence behind. Ling Tian then glanced at Lin Chenhong's lifeless body.

Ling Tian's eyes changed from purple and his pupils turned red with three tomoe and those three tomoe merged at the centre of the iris and produced a very complex pattern.

This was the second stage of Copy-Wheel eyes.

" Amaterasu!" Ling Tian hummed.


Suddenly, a black flame appeared on Lin Chenhong's lifeless body. The black flame burned away Lin Chenhong's body without even leaving behind a speck of ash in a minute.

" Okay. Now that's done, it's time to return." Ling Tian said as he vanished from the spot.


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In the unknown forest where Ling Tian had teleported the people from the Spirit Advent Sect.

Su Fengxi was crying on the unconscious Ling Tian's chest while blaming herself.

Lin Yanran was standing near Su Fengxi while looking at Ling Tian with guilt. But she didn't shed any tears as she isn't really close with Ling Tian like Su Fengxi.

Ling Tian slowly opened his eyes and saw Su Fengxi with her face on his chest while muttering something like 'its my fault' while wetting his shirt with her tears.

" Cough.." Ling Tian coughed.

The coughing voice startled Su Fengxi, as she abruptly sat up and slightly moved away from Ling Tian.

Lin Yanran was also alerted as she looked at Ling Tian with an incredulous expression.

Su Fengxi looked at Ling Tian and asked in a trembling voice, " Ling Tian.... You're really alright...?"

Ling Tian looked at Su Fengxi and was kind of mesmerized by her current appearance. He would do everything in his capabilities to prevent a woman he cares about from shedding tears. But Su Fengxi with her tear stained eyes and her current expression gave her a holy feeling. For the first time, Ling Tian felt a woman's sad face, could also be very beautiful.

Ling Tian snapped out of his daze and couldn't think of any perverted thoughts with the holy feeling he is getting from her.

" I'm perfectly fine. A small fry like that old guy was easily dealt by me." Ling Tian said with a cheeky smile.

Su Fengxi looked at Ling Tian and suddenly she remembered about how Ling Tian 'sacrificed' his 'life force' to save the Su siblings. She felt that Ling Tian must have done some similar thing this time as well.

Su Fengxi felt very grateful to Ling Tian. The things Ling Tian had done for her and her family is something she'll never be able to pay him back for. Ling Tian himself is not aware of such things as he simply does whatever he feels like doing.

Ling Tian stood up and went up to Lin Yanran, who was looking at Ling Tian in an incredulous way.

Ling Tian touched the spot where the seal was and instantly dissolved it, much to the shock of Lin Yanran.

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" It's done. Now I have some other things to do." Ling Tian said in a low voice.

' Why does he want Sister Yan so much? He never demanded for something when he helped us before.' Su Fengxi thought.

" Th-Thank you... " Lin Yanran said in a weak tone.

" .... " Ling Tian simply stared at Lin Yanran for a moment, then asked, " I've completely freed you. If you want, you can always turn back. The agreement between us is not something I took seriously."

Lin Yanran was silent for a moment before her expression became stern and said, " I already belong to you! And I don't regret it! Now I'm sure that you'll save my nephews."

" Well, whatever." Ling Tian said in response.

Ling Tian looked at the bunch of unconscious disciples lying on the ground.

' It'll probably take a few hours for them to wake up.' Ling Tian thought.

" Hey which direction is the Ice Phoenix Empire at?" Ling Tian asked Lin Yanran.

Lin Yanran took out a compass which looked pretty classy and observed it and was surprised.

" We're near it. Only seven miles away from here!" Lin Yanran said in a surprised tone.

Ling Tian was surprised that the random place he had teleported to ended up in the near outskirts of the Ice Phoenix Empire.

" I see. There don't seem to be any danger in the surrounding, so you all should be able to safely reach your destination. I have an important thing to do, so see you in the future!"


Ling Tian finished his words and vanished from the place before the two women could even say anything.

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