The Devourer

Chapter 90

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In a distant lightning filled land.

There were lightning and thunder as far as the eye can see. Occasionally, some large mountains would be destroyed while the earth cracked to pieces. This landform was very unstable. In fact, the entire place could collapse at any moment.

This was exactly the place where Ling Tian faced off against the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning. Or rather, Ling Tian devoured the Heavenly lightning. This terrifying land terrain is the result of the remnant Heavenly Lightning that Ling Tian failed to devour.

Different group of powerful cultivators were flying towards this land in caution as they didn't want to get struck by a stray bolt of Heavenly lightning, which are capable of destroying even Divine Emperors.

After reaching into a distance into this lightning filled land...

A swampy area covered in a torrent of rain and crisscrossing lightning became visible to them.

At first glance, there were all kinds of ponds, puddles, and swamps along with mountains of various heights.

*Prak prak prak!*

Bolts of light blue lightning accompanied by thunderous rumbling would reverberate from every direction of the swampy area every so often. They were deafening.

The bolts of light blue lightning carried a destructive aura that struck terror into these people's heart. The pools and puddles were created by the high concentration of the heavenly lightning in one place. Every pool was a pool of lightning essence!

A single drop of Lightning Essence is a heaven defying natural treasure that can change a Cultivator's destiny and transform their talents into whole different level.

When these people caught sight of the Lightning Essence pools, and realized what it was, their eyes shone with excitement, greed and..... Killing intent!

Each group of these people come from different factions so they didn't want to share this heaven defying treasure with their rivals. They intend to kill the others. Each group had the same thought.

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This is the true nature of cultivators. They will not show any hint of mercy, even to innocents if they have witnessed something that they shouldn't have or pose threat to the them.

Not many like Ling Tian exist in this kind of world.

And so, A battle among the powerhouses of various factions was about to begin.



In an unknown vast wasteland, Ling Tian appeared.

Ling Tian had a serious glint in his eyes as he released his aura. Ling Tian had felt something locking onto him ever since he gave Althea the True Dragon(Blood Flame Dragon) bloodline.

This was also the reason why Ling Tian didn't fool around with Lin Chenhong and instantly killed him, at the same time, leaving Su Fengxi's group.

A few seconds after Ling Tian released his aura....

Space tore apart and a massive serpent like form came out of the gigantic spatial crack.

Ling Tian's eyes raised when he saw what this figure was.

It had dark blue dragon scaled 1300 meters length snake like body with a three clawed two front limbs and a two horned dragon head.

" A Flood Dragon...?" Ling Tian muttered.

Compared to this massive Flood Dragon, Althea is like a child. Even Strength wise. This dark blue scaled Flood Dragon is a peak stage Rank 10 Monster Beast. This Flood Dragon can be considered as one of the top three strongest, if not the strongest being in the Heaven's Fall World.

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" I've finally found you! Newborn! You might have disguised as a Human with some Artifact, but your end has come!" The blue scaled Flood Dragon said arrogantly.

' Newborn?..... Ah! Now I see. Althea's 'Persona Substitute' is still active. So this flood dragon found me by sensing Althea's presence, which is now currently mine.' Ling Tian thought.

This Flood Dragon sensed Althea's ascension to becoming a Flood Dragon and wanted to kill Althea so that it could take Althea's blood essence and increase it's own strength.

Ling Tian wasn't perturbed by this Flood Dragon's appearance and its strength.

In the Heaven's Fall World, currently, there is only one being that is more powerful than Ling Tian.

That is the slumbering Apocalypse Evil Dragon!

Other than that, no one in the Heaven's Fall World is a match for Ling Tian's full strength.

But Ling Tian was slightly excited to test a little bit of his strength against this Flood Dragon as he himself only has an approximate estimate of his strength but not the exact measure.

' But still... I sure am meeting a lot of Flood Dragons nowadays. Do I have some affinity with Dragons?' Ling Tian thought feeling a bit funny.

He knew everything about this Flood Dragon.

There were many different species of dragon-type Monster Beasts that are closer to evolving into a True Dragon. For example; there were Flood Dragons, Horned Dragons, Hornless Dragons, One-legged Mountain Dragons, Candle Dragons, and so on.

Although these dragons were all Monster Beasts and their appearances were similar, there were also certain characteristics that separated them. The Flood Dragon had its luminescent scales, the Winged Rain Dragon had wings, the Horned Dragon had a horn, the One-legged Mountain Dragon had one leg, and so on.

Even Flood Dragons were divided into variants. There were Red Flood Dragons, Black Flood Dragons, Blood Flood Dragons, Earth Flood Dragons and so on.

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Althea was an Earth Flood Dragon before Ling Tian gave it Blood Flame Dragon Bloodline.

The Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon that was flying in the sky was a rare variant of Thunder Flood Dragon. It ate thunder and lightning as food, and its personality was extremely cruel and tyrannical. It was also very promiscuous.

" Roarrrr!!!!"

The Dark Blue scaled Flood Dragon roared like a thunderclap, lightning writhing over its vast body. It stared at Ling Tian with a vicious light flashing through its eyes.

Ling Tian smiled wryly when he felt the power of the Flood Dragon.

No matter what talent a human had, or what kind of monstrous genius they were, their natural talent was nothing in front of these kind of special Monster Beasts. As long as a Special Monster Beast ate and slept, they would grow up to be a Divine Origin realm master. With some lucky chances and some effort, they might even break through the Divine Origin realm and reach a higher realm!

If it was a true God Beast, such as a Golden-winged Roc or a True Dragon, not to mention simple things like this, but once grown, they could use their claws to pierce the endless void and their tails could shatter stars. With such power, even the mighty elders in the Realm of the Gods would find it difficult to compare.

When he thought of this, Ling Tian couldn't help but think of Esdeath, who is technically a half True Dragon with a pure Azure Dragon bloodline.


Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon focused all of its power of thunder into its two front claws, and a purple thunder ball began to rapidly form. This Thunderball started at ten feet, but it rapidly expanded to over 100 feet, its diameter was even thicker than the Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon!

Lightning flashed around that purple thunder ball. The center of the Thunder ball became a deep, nearly black violet color, as it gleamed with a suffocating light.

Ling Tian smiled at this and thought, ' This lizard sure is impatient. Does it really want to become my meal that fast?'


Ling Tian then raised his hand and an equally sized Ki Ball began to form.

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The Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon erupted with an ear-shattering roar. Its claws thrust forwards, and that massive purple thunder ball flew at Ling Tian like a meteor!

Ling Tian motioned his hand forward and the massive Ki blast flew at the Flood Dragon.

The Ki Blast and the thunder ball struck each other.


A terrifying explosion rang through the clouds and cracked stone open! It was as if the void itself had been torn asunder!

The lands within the diameter of a mile was completely destroyed by the terrifying force which is the result of two powerful forces' collision.

After the tremors resided.

" Nice!! Not bad, little lizard! Lets try it again!" Ling Tian said in an ecstatic tone.

" How dare you call me little lizard???!!!" The Dark Blue scaled Flood Dragon roared in fury.

The Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon ferociously roared, purple arcs of lightning twisted all over its vast body.

The Dark Blue Scaled Flood Dragon had decided to battle Ling Tian in close combat. The potent physical power of a Flood Dragon was well documented. It wasn't something that a human martial artist could compare with.

It was confident that it could over power this 'newborn Flood Dragon' in physical power.

But what the Dark Blue failed to know is that, it's not dealing with a 'newborn Flood Dragon', but a Saiyan. A Legendary Super Saiyan at that! Saiyan's major in Ki and physical power.

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