Chapter 16: Xu Shizhou’s secret girlfriend

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At the end of the second day, the group of little sisters met to chat in the milk tea shop. They hadn’t spent time with Xia Yao for a while and wanted to have a good time together.
Sweet Sister was wearing pigtails again and she took a sip of strawberry milkshake as she complained: “Sister Xu, it’s been so long since the last charity event. My camera is accumulating dust.”
Xu Yinuan played with the ice cubes with her straw: “I’ve heard some rumors recently. Master Xu has been going to school lately and is forbidding anyone to mess around. That’s why there are fewer scumbags lately, the rate of peaceful breakups has gone up. It seems that people are too scared to fall in love.”
It certainly relieved their work pressure and Sweet Sister laughed: “Master Xu is so funny. How cute, he is single so he doesn’t want to see others fall in love, ahahah~”
“Ah, who isn’t single.” Xu Yinuan poked another ice cube and suddenly changed the conversation: “By the way, Xia Yao. Ji Huai and you seem to have a really good relationship.”
Xia Yao cued and raised her head: “Well, it’s okay.”
Xu Yinuan put her drink down, unable to stop the gossiping monster: “It’s not just okay! Don’t you think he likes you?”
Xia Yao, who had just drunk some milk tea, almost squirted the boba from her nostrils.
“What a joke! We’re just classmates.”
“Oh, just classmates~ Xu Yinuan joked, not believing her, “Classmates have lunch appointments and go back home together after school every day. I also want such a male classmate.”

“By the way. Xia Yao, have you checked the forum recently?” Sweet Sister suddenly thought of something, “I don’t know who is doing it, but some users have been slandering you and I was always too late to delete the posts.”
Sweet Sister was the administrator of the school forum. She usually posted the videos of their charity activities and under her management, the website had always been in order. Unfortunately, there had been many rumors recently.
“Huh?” Xia Yao was taken aback. She had been too busy studying and had not checked the forum once.
“I usually delete posts every day but even though I have been busy lately, I suspect someone hired a professional hater to scold you.” Sweet Sister pouted, “The forum has a problem, people can post anonymously. If the username ever gets revealed, I have to kill them!”

There were still people trying to blacken vicious female characters? Xia Yao didn’t understand, shouldn’t she be the one spreading rumors instead? She took out her phone and logged into the campus forum proficiently.
#Shocking news! The latest campus male gods list is out!#

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#Don’t even fall in love with Ji Huai because…#
#No way, classmate, don’t you know the midterm’s essential points yet?#
#I am Xu Shizhou’s secret girlfriend#
Xia Yao clicked on the last topic with some curiosity. When she realized it was clickbait, she dropped her phone boredly.

Noticing Xia Yao’s expression, Sweet Sister leaned over and glanced at her screen: “Xia Yao, you also fell for the clickbait.” She laughed, “That’s right, I deleted all the posts that were slandering you, I cannot allow my forum to look spiteful!”
Sweet Sister swiped on her phone and showed her a post: “See, it looks weird from every angle.”
Xia Yao saw the deleted post: 
#Nobody really thinks that Xia Yao is a good person, right?#
#Nobody really thinks that Xia Yao isn’t pestering Ji Huai, right?#
#Nobody really thinks Xia Yao is studying, right?#

“I really don’t know who is trying to slander you.” Sweet Sister took her phone back, “Let’s not talk about it anymore, leave it to me~ After the last exam tomorrow, let’s go sing karaoke, it’s been too long since we last played together!”


This time, the results of the midterm exam would influence the class placement. In the novel, in order to fully play her role of a vicious female character, Xia Yao had asked her parents to have her enter Class A to stick to the male and female protagonists.
But everything was different now, Xia Yao was helping her parents save money.

At the end of the three-day exam, the teachers of Williston Noble High School worked overnight to correct all the papers but it was too late for them to enter the score on the computer.

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Xia Yao was quite confident about her results. She had been studying science test papers lately and believed she would have answered correctly. As for the liberal arts, she had the handy advantage to be able to remember all the knowledge points she had tried to memorize when her intelligence had been lowered.

Xia Yao sat calmly and the students around her were also very relaxed. They did not feel too concerned with the school’s rankings and grades.
The first class of the day was mathematics and the bald teacher came in with the test papers in his hands. His face was flushed, almost as if he had drunk beforehand, and he strode onto the stage, almost tripping over the podium because of his excitement.
“Teacher, did you drink today?” A boy laughed.
“Quiet, I’m in a good mood today, don’t make me angry.” The teacher was still all red, “First of all, congratulations everyone, you did well in maths this time.”
The students murmured: “Ah no, how can this be, were my answers right?”
“I asked Lady Luck, she must have answered!”

The teacher’s gaze swept across the corner of the back of the classroom. He had really not expected that Xia Yao, the second to last of the school, would improve so much when she put her mind to it. He had not expected that Xu Shizhou, who didn’t even come to school on a daily basis, would also be so capable! But he had seen the both of them study together many times after school lately. Although boys and girls their age were usually subject to puppy love and forget about their studies—
No, it was good, fall in love and pull each other up!

The noise in the classroom decreased. Although Class F was a group of students who didn’t like to study, they respected their teachers.
“Let’s all congratulate Xia Yao and Xu Shizhou and thank them for raising the average score of our class by 16 points!” The teacher was getting even more excited and his face was even redder.
The whole class froze and looked at him. No, their ears must be broken, right? Xia Yao, who was at the bottom and her maths exams only had a single-digit grade? And Xu Shizhou, who didn’t even know where to take the exam?
“There are only three full marks in the whole grade. Unexpectedly, two of them are from our class! Hahahaha~” The teacher laughed wildly.

Hearing her grade, Xia Yao relaxed and felt very happy. She thought of something and turned sideways.
The teenager sleeping on the table suddenly raised his head; he had vaguely heard the teacher call his name. His eyes were still blurry but when he saw the girl in front of him, he felt completely awake.

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“Xia Yao, what’s wrong?” He asked and looked at her.
“Congratulations.” Xia Yao smiled, “You got a perfect score in maths.”
She was delighted; congratulating Xu Shizhou was equivalent to being proud of herself, hehe.
The small smile was on the corner of the boy’s mouth: “Now you know how great this young master is!”
Xia Yao: Dog number two.
“Applause, applause, why are you all in a daze? Two of our students just got perfect scores in mathematics, they’re just here!” The teacher urged everyone and took the lead in applauding.
Although every student was baffled, they had a good relationship with Xia Yao and Xu Shizhou. They all started to clap and cheered enthusiastically, and some even jumped on their chairs.

The classroom was like chickens flying and dogs jumping[ efn_note]鸡飞狗跳 (jīfēigǒutiào): lit. chickens flying and dogs jumping (idiom) / fig. in chaos / in disarray[/efn_note] and after analyzing the maths test paper, no one was listening anymore.
One after another, the English teacher and the Chinese teacher came in. All of them were full of energy and if the students had felt a little strange at first, they were not surprised any longer after a while. Xia Yao was really magical, with those scores, she could be in the top five of the whole school!


In the afternoon, the rankings of the midterms were also released. Xia Xi was also in a good mood, when the results had been announced, except for some mistakes in mathematics, the other subjects were stable.
According to her estimation, she should end up in the top twenty this time again; it was pretty good, it meant she had not regressed. Her brother would definitely praise her, especially when he would compare her to the stupid Xia Yao.

She was surrounded by her friends and went to the bulletin board.
“Xia Xi, you do so well every time. If my grades were as stable as yours, I could wake up with a smile every day.”
“I want to see how much my sister got this time. She has been studying every day.”
One of her friends snorted: “Yet she still has time to pester Ji Huai. I have never seen such a disgusting person! But Ji Huai is too good, he never complains.”

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“Yes. Ji Huai just transferred to our school, he doesn’t know how dumb your sister is yet. As soon as the results come out, he will have all the proof he needs and she won’t have the time to hide.”
Xia Xi smiled, agreeing in her heart. The big screen was already crowded but when they saw Xia Xi arrive, they naturally gave way. Xia Xi was very popular in school and everyone was willing to move for the little fairy.

The release of the ranking was only a minute away and the whole school was eagerly looking forward to it. At this time, Xia Xi glanced to the side and saw Xia Yao and a teenager standing next to her who looked familiar.
It was Xu Shizhou.
The image of him helping the animal organization in the abandoned residential building that day came to her mind. She had to admit that although he looked like he was not easy to provoke, he was also a gentle boy on the inside. If there was such a teenager next to her, willing to protect her—
Xia Yao didn’t deserve to stand by his side.

“Xia Yao!” She shouted with a smile on her face.
Xia Yao frowned when she heard her familiar white lotus tone and saw the girl in a white dress smiling to her affectionately not far away. After a second, she decided to walk to her; it was closer to the screen.
“Xia Yao, the board only displays the top 100 students. Are you here to support me? Don’t worry, I have been very stable.”
Xia Xi smiled but Xia Yao was ignoring her and she spoke again.
“Xia Yao, don’t be discouraged if you didn’t do well in the exam this time.” Xia Xi glanced at Xu Shizhou from the corner of her eyes and the smile on her face grew even more, “I will tutor you after school in the future, I believe you will be able to do well next time, okay?”
Xia Yao gave her a blank look, speechless.
“It’s out, it’s out!” someone shouted.
Seeing the names appear on the screen, Xia Xi found her name in the top 30 and she couldn’t hide the joy on her face.
However, the girl beside her sighed in contempt: “Tsk, sister, your grades have fallen back this time. Do you need my help with tutoring after class?”
Xia Xi couldn’t bear such a tone and she immediately shot back: “Xia Yao, don’t go too far! Who doesn’t know you’re always at the bottom?”
Her gaze fell on the screen that was still scrolling and she was suddenly startled when she saw the top.

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