Chapter 17: She must have cheated

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“Fuck! First place! I’m blind, I’m blind!” An anxious shout erupted from the crowd in front of the big screen.
“Xia Yao??” There was another exclamation, “Isn’t she usually at the bottom? What’s going on, does anyone know?”
“Could it be that the scores are wrong?” Someone asked.
[Congratulations host for getting first place!] The system sent a congratulatory message and issued a task the next second: [Please, show up in Class A’s classroom before 15:32 and be sure to complete the plot of “The sweetheart of the three big bosses”. The host must grab the seat next to Ji Huai instead of the heroine.]

Xia Yao was looking at her own results and was a little surprised. She had expected to do well but didn’t think she would soar directly to the first place. Seeing the ugly face of the white lotus, she felt rather good.
She smiled and said: “Sister, what do you say? Do you want me to tutor you? Limited half-price offer for family and friends.”
Xia Xi was still in shock. Impossible! She was second to last during the last exam, how could she be first now? Something was wrong, she must have cheated!
Watching her fake sister still stunned, Xia Yao pulled on the sleeves of the boy next to her: “Let’s go.”
She had to rush to the next task.

“Xia Yao, did you deliberately pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger1?” Xu Shizhou narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t sure why he had followed her to the bulletin board.
Xia Yao: Would you believe me if I told you I have been deliberately made stupid before?
Xu Shizhou laughed suddenly: “You hide so deeply.”

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Xia Yao pursed her mouth, knowing he was also boasting about himself: “You too. You also got a perfect score in mathematics.”
The maths exam was the only one he had gone to and after a while, the boy said: “I’m not good with the rest, I still need your help with the other subjects.”
“Then after school, let’s go drink six walnuts.”


Xia Xi was still very perturbed when she returned to her classroom. Her fair complexion had turned pale and she really didn’t believe Xia Yao could get first place. And like her, her friends didn’t believe it either.
“It’s impossible!” One of them shouted, “How can that idiot Xia Yao suddenly counterattack?”
“Yes, who doesn’t know she is always at the bottom. It’s impossible to do so well suddenly…” Xia Xi said, “Unless…”
“Xia Xi, you mean she cheated, don’t you?” One of the girls slammed the table, “She definitely did!”
“I cannot believe Xia Yao’s brain can compute such difficult questions.”

Class A was in chaos. The students there were all the elites of the school and they had done pretty well for this midterm; and seeing the penultimate of the grade reaching the first place, they naturally felt suspicious.
With a bang, the door of the classroom was slammed open and Xia Yao stood there with her bag. Her appearance made all kids inside suddenly stop chatting; they just remembered that the classes would be reshuffled with the results.
Xia Xi stood in her position, she had not expected Xia Yao would be so fast; she was already ready to move classes when she had just seen her score! She must have known she would be first, therefore she had definitely cheated! She needed to expose her dirty scheme in person.

The girl standing at the door looked rather cold. She glanced at all the students and sneered: “Cheated? Whose test paper could I cheat on to get first place in the whole grade?”

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Her eyes were glacial and after looking at everyone, some classmates with guilty consciences felt their legs shake. They had all heard about Xia Yao’s fighting prowesses and that she could split boards with her bare hands and crush boulders on her chest.
The class was suddenly quiet. Indeed, Xia Yao had taken first place. Although there was only a two points difference with the second place, she was still first. What was more, the classroom she had taken her exam in was the worst in the year and there was nobody to cheat on from.
But Xia Xi still couldn’t believe it. She was swept away by Xia Yao’s slightly ridiculing gaze and wanted to expose her.
“Xia Yao, no one said you cheated on someone. I saw you at the door of the teacher’s office last Friday…”
The friend closest to Xia Xi understood at once; she had not cheated on anyone but had directly gone to the office to steal the answer!
“Xia Yao, did you steal the answer?”
Oh, doing that was just so morally corrupt!

Xia Yao really felt that her identity as a vicious female character had not been established correctly. How come so many stupid people were attacking her? Did she look so easy?
“Did you see me steal the answer?” She looked at the girl who had just accused her, “You need to show evidence before accusing me. Do you even think before talking? Is your brain just here for decoration?”
The girl was dumbfounded, she was just wording her doubts!
“And you, my dear sister.” Xia Yao’s eyes fell on Xia Xi and she took two steps towards her, “If I remember correctly, you are the representative of the language class and go to the office every day. Does it mean that you also stole the answers?”
“I… I just go hand in the homework.” The girl’s voice was already very soft.
Xia Yao didn’t want to pay any more attention to her and looked at the empty seats in the classroom. Ji Huai was not there but she recognized the coat he had been wearing today on a table by the window. She glanced again and realized the girl sitting the closest to Ji Huai’s seat was the girl who had just accused her.

The girl suddenly saw Xia Yao walk over indifferently, and her legs trembled. She was scared, she shouldn’t have been talking nonsense, she was about to be punched!

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The classroom was very quiet, waiting for Xia Yao’s next move, and with a loud noise, the whole desk shook and some of the books on it fell to the ground. Xia Yao had put her school bag on the table.
“Xia Yao, you…” The girl bit her lip and took a step back; her aura was just too big, she was frightened!
“I want to sit there.” Xia Yao raised her eyes and glanced at the girl.
“Xia Yao, don’t go too far!” Xia Xi couldn’t help it anymore. Ever since Xia Yao had appeared in the classroom, she had suppressed her.
“Yes, I’m going too far, of course I’m going too far.” Xia Yao smiled, “But how could I compare to my sister? It must be so uncomfortable to lead others to slander her own sister as a cheater and use others as her gun.”
Xia Xi’s friend suddenly realized that she indeed seemed to have been used, first about the cheating, then about the answer’s thief.
Xia Xi’s face paled even more and Xia Yao felt a little happy. But she then calmed down and said: “Xia Yao, you used to be at the bottom. Suddenly you took the first place, it’s normal to doubt you. Your sister just doesn’t want you to take the first place by cheating.” 

Everyone originally blindly believed Xia Xi’s words, but now that they had heard from Xia Yao they were being used, it echoed in their ears. After considering everything carefully, cheating was originally just a suspicion, but it had rooted in their minds under Xia Xi’s hint.
Xia Yao didn’t get angry and laughed instead. She kind of wanted to continue attacking, but a loud noise came from behind her and everyone in the classroom turned to the door.
A young man was standing there with a bag half hung on his shoulder. His eyes were slightly drooped and he looked very tired, as usual. Yet the broken door behind him was hard to explain.
Xu Shizhou raised his cruel gaze and uttered two words coldly: “Shut up.”

Xia Xi stood in place; she didn’t dare to speak and her palms began to sweat. Why had Xu Shizhou showed up here and why was he helping her stupid sister?
Xia Yao hadn’t expected Xu Shizhou to appear here either and when she saw him walk towards her, she instinctively asked: “Why are you here?”
No, no, he wouldn’t have donated a building, would he?

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“You said you would tutor me.” The boy threw his bag on a desk, “How come you were gone so fast?”
Xia Yao: Would you believe me if I told you I would become an idiot again if I didn’t come here?
“So, you wanted to be one of the good students?” Xu Shizhou asked.
Did that mean she hated bad students that didn’t study well? He didn’t even understand why he had chased her as soon as she had left Class F.
Xia Yao snorted and sat down smoothly: “I am a good student.” 
The other kids had already arranged themselves and silently left, scared off.


All the teachers had worked overtime on the midterm exam’s test papers the day before. It was simply impossible for students to go to the office to steal the answers and the questions had all been made up by them and couldn’t be found online.
The teachers had also seen all of Xia Yao’s efforts recently, including the rapid improvement in her homework. She always asked the teachers for Class A’s test papers and she never made any mistakes when she answered during class. So even if the students didn’t believe her, the teacher affirmed her achievements.

[Please, show up at the corner of Wutong avenue before 17:40 and be sure to complete the plot of “The sweetheart of the three big bosses”. The host must take her little sisters to surround the heroine, kidnap her and lock her in the toilet at night.]
Here came another task in Wutong Avenue, Xia Yao was already very familiar with this location. As for this plot, she also remembered it. After all, this was the first time for the three male protagonists to have a scene together.

On this day, the vicious female character had tried to find trouble with the heroine once again and her beloved Ji Huai had stood firmly between them, protecting his female lead. In addition, she had also taken her usual bottom place during the exam, and under the double blow, her anger had been unmatchable. She had taken her friends to lock the heroine in the restrooms and started to bully her. However, she had not expected the heroine would have been able to say where she had been and all the male protagonists had come to rescue their crying and frightened white bunny. Since then, Xia Yao’s status as a vicious female character had been deeply and unshakably rooted; her brother had hated her even more and had already started planning to drive her out. Ji Huai also had hated her even more and had already started to help Xia Yuan drive her out. As for Xu Shizhou, he had already planned to ruin her directly.

Xia Yao sighed. Being a vicious female character was really worthy of being a vicious female character; she could guess that she had never even thought of the news being leaked as she kidnapped the heroine in the novel. The female lead’s phone had not even been confiscated and had just been waiting to be used by her to send a distress signal!

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