(T/N: This chapter is the continuous dedication chapter for Pang V. Thank you once again for your generous support!

Gu Ning lifted her wrist to check her watch, there were still two hours left on the clock. Gu Ning had never felt that time had passed so slowly before. Right now, she had gotten out of danger and could only pray that Zhang XiaoBai and the other two would be lucky enough, not to run into the Five Stars Brigade head-on.

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Ji JiuZe was the first to notice that Yin Sang went missing.

Zhuang Chen frowned and said: “I knew bringing her here would be a problem. Must have gone back to look for that person just now.”

The other man said impatiently: “Ignore her. Let’s just go find the other three.”

As Zhuang Chen had expected, Yin Sang was running rapidly through the forest with a special gun on her back. She stopped from time to time to crouch down, checked the traces on the ground to determine the direction in which Gu Ning had fled, and then continued to chase after her.

As for Zhuang Chen’s comment about Gu Ning, it was simply a provocation to Yin Sang. Especially saying that she couldn’t even dodge that shot while that person managed to dodge it, so she would finish that person off and see what Zhuang Chen had to say.

Gu Ning thought that she was out of the danger zone for the time being and decided to take a detour to intercept Zhang XiaoBai before they met the Five Stars Brigade. Little did she know that Yin Sang had left the group without permission and was chasing after her trail.

Yin Sang followed Gu Ning’s trail all the way to a tree and lost sight of her. She crouched down and carefully surveyed the traces around her. Her expression gradually became grim, that person couldn’t have disappeared into thin air, eh? What’s that in the grass under the tree…… a gun?!

Yin Sang was alarmed and she quickly jerked her head up! Right in front of her eyes was an enlarging green shadow falling from the sky towards her! Yin Sang was caught off guard and had no time to dodge. This caused her to be instantly thrown to the ground.

The person rolled twice on the ground with her in the arms, then pinned her down and reached for the gun in her hand without hesitation! Yin Sang’s gaze went slightly cold, then one of her legs broke free from the tangle and kicked directly towards the person who was holding her down! The kick landed heavily on that person’s waist! She used seventy percent of her strength in this kick, and the opponent’s grunted, but was not sent flying off by her kick. The grip on her wrist remained deadly clasped.

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After Gu Ning sensed that someone was following her, she hid her heavy special gun away in the bushes under the tree due to time constraints and then climbed quickly up the tree. When she had just climbed to the top of the tree, she saw someone coming from afar, and it was actually Yin Sang! She had seen Yin Sang’s skills, and she knew that she was definitely no match for her in a solo fight. Thus, she had wanted to wait for her to leave before she descend from the tree. Yet, unluckily, Yin Sang had found her gun which she had hidden under the tree, therefore, forced her to show herself.

She was kicked heavily on her waist and the force was extremely strong. Gu Ning felt a sharp pain drilling into her heart, originally she was still holding back her strength, thinking that there was no need to hurt the other party.

However, she didn’t expect that Yin Sang didn’t hold back her strength at the slightest in that kick. Stirred by the pain, Gu Ning’s was pissed. She no longer had any intention of holding back her strength since Yin Sang had started it, she would follow too. Her grip, which had only exerted around fifty percent of her strength, suddenly unleashed her full strength and clutched tightly!

Yin Sang instantly felt as if her wrist was being clamped by an iron pincer, and the huge force that came from the iron pincer was as if they were trying to break her wrist! When Gu Ning felt that Yin Sang’s hands went weak, she was instantly delighted and snatched the gun out of her grips. Once the gun left Yin Sang’s hand, she was horrified and immediately swung her long legs! Bringing up a heck of wind, another kick sent the gun that Gu Ning had just snatched into the air! It flew and landed in the grass patch that was three metres away with a thud!

Gu Ning couldn’t be bothered in pinning her and hurriedly got up to retrieve the gun she had hidden under a tree, trying to seize this rare opportunity to take Yin Sang down with shots.

However, Yin Sang moved even faster than Gu Ning! She quickly rose from the ground, crouched down, and aimed a sweeping kick at Gu Ning’s calf! Gu Ning failed to dodge and was stuck hard on her calf as if by an iron bar! With a sharp pain, she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Seeing Yin Sang was running towards the gun that was three metres away, Gu Ning couldn’t care less, stood up in pain, and directly sprang at Yin Sang! She fell heavily to the ground but her hands managed to tug on Yin Sang’s calf! With a low growl, she yanked Yin Sang straight down!

Yin Sang fell heavily to the ground, her chin knocked hard into the mud. The mountain’s mud was so hard and with her chin slammed into it, a drilling pain shot up. What hurts the most was the indescribable pain of her biting the tip of her tongue and a bloody smell spread in her mouth. The anger in Yin Sang’s heart rose to the peak and she had the urge to kill! A murderous aura filled her eyes! With her hands on the ground, she flipped onto her back! The person who was holding her legs was also forced by her strength and flipped over!

Her legs jerked away from the slightly loosen hands, and then she stomped with a vengeance! Both feet stomped hard on the person’s shoulders! It could be said that she used her full strength! It was so full of hate that she didn’t hold back at all!

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Gu Ning only felt a huge blow hit her shoulder and then her entire body was kicked and skidded against the ground! The huge force sent her skidded two metres away! Her face was facing the floor, she didn’t have time to tilt her face up, and was cut by the debris and mud on the ground. With a stinging pain, she didn’t know if she had disfigured her face, her palms were also badly scratched from the ground and were in hot burning pain!

Gu Ning was sure that Yin Sang had struck her with a deadly blow! The pain coming from different parts of her body completely aroused Gu Ning’s ruthlessness!

Previously, she had thought about trying not to break the peace for the sake of their future relationship but right now, she had only one thought in her mind, f*ck your peace! I’m going to screw you!

Gu Ning let out a loud angry yell and got up from the ground, then leaped towards Yin Sang who had also just gotten up from the floor!

This angry cry caused Yin Sang to freeze for a moment, and the thought that came to her mind was ‘A female’?!

It was during this daze that Gu Ning pounced onto Yin Sang again!

Yin Sang was furious at Gu Ning who was simply pestering her like a toffee sweet and grabbed Gu Ning’s clothes with her backhand. She dived down and tried to fling Gu Ning off her back! However, Gu Ning’s legs clamped down on Yin Sang’s slender waist tightly, and her arms were wrapped around Yin Sang’s neck! She had tangled herself around Yin Sang’s entire body.

Instead of throwing Gu Ning off, Yin Sang was strangled by Gu Ning and suffocated for a while. She hurriedly straightened up and fell backward, slamming Gu Ning straight down to the ground! Gu Ning’s back smashed heavily on the ground, almost hearing the sound of her spine cracking, but she gritted her teeth and refused to let go. Meanwhile, she released one of her hands that were strangling Yin Sang, quickly wrapped it around Yin Sang’s ponytail, and tug onto it tightly.

At this moment, Gu Ning had completely forgotten the fact that she couldn’t beat Yin Sang. She was so enraged that she wanted to let it all out, and no matter how hard Yin Sang tried to shake her off, she just refused to let go. Gu Ning had made up her mind to annoy her to the max since she had pissed her off.

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Yin Sang was indeed very annoyed at this moment, she could have never imagined that she would actually meet with such unexpected failure and suffered so much from a woman! ! ! She was so furious that she was going crazy!

However, no matter how she tried, she just couldn’t shake Gu Ning off her.

Yin Sang was so outraged that she was almost gritting her teeth “Let go!”

Gu Ning only spurt out two words: “No way!”

The two of them remained frozen in that position for an unknown amount of time. It was so long that Yin Sang’s body began to ache all over. Of course, if she had known what was going to happen next, she would have preferred to stay in this position for a little while longer——

When Zhuang Chen, Yi ShaoQing, and Ji JiuZe came around from behind a large tree, they were all being completely shocked by the scene in front of them till the point of being speechless.

This was probably the most disastrous look they had ever seen Yin Sang to be in. She was held from behind by a person, a pair of legs clasped around her waist like a giant pincer, an arm was strangled her neck and her black ponytail was tugged firmly on that person’s hand. Yin Sang had mud on her chin and blood stained the corners of her mouth while her expression was unspeakably grimy——

Yi ShaoQing’s mouth was japed wide open, unable to believe what his eyes were seeing.

Zhuang Chen was also stunned.

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Ji JiuZe’s face was still expressionless, but a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Zhang XiaoBai, Chen Gen, and Zhong Xu, who was following behind the Five Stars Brigade group were all shocked and dumbfounded.

Then everyone’s gaze drifted silently away from the scene.

Gu Ning’s cap had long been thrown away, and her blonde hair was covered in countless grass and debris, clinging to her head like a huge mess. Her two cheeks had been scratched and bleeding while mixed with mud and sand, which made her look very wretched. Yet, this miserable face suddenly opened her mouth to reveal a mouthful of white teeth at that moment, while stating with endless pleasure: “I’ve won!”


Ji JiuZe was silent for a long time, and then place the walkie-talkie to his mouth: “There are wounded up here, send two stretchers over.” Then he stopped looking at the two who were still tangled up together and proceed to descend the mountain.

(T/N: Woooots! Gu Ning won! although she had suffered injuries. Well~ unexpected match with Yin Sang. Thank you all for reading and hope you all like it. )

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