When Gu Ning had confirmed that she had survived the three hours limit, she tried to let go of Yin Sang. Yet, she found that her limbs had stiffened and she couldn’t get off Yin Sang’s body.

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Yin Sang saw Zhuang Chen’s looks of dismay and laughter which seem like she was gloating at her in her mind. She would have screamed if she was the only one here! Never in her wildest dream had she imagined that she would have such a wretched day, and in such a pathetic posture to be witnessed by Zhuang Chen! If she could, she would like to kill everyone here who saw her in this mess and the first person she would target would be the woman on her back right now! ! !

At this moment, she heard the woman who was straddling her back say: “Excuse me, please do me a favour, I can’t move.”

Only then did Zhuang Chen and the others wake up from a dream, and they all hurriedly came forward to help free Gu Ning from Yin Sang’s body.

Gu Ning felt that her body no longer belonged to her, but the pain coming from all parts of her body was unmistakable.

Those who came up with the stretcher were the three company commanders, in addition to Ji JiuZe who had gone to lead the way to their location.

Yin Sang was being helped by Yi ShaoQing to stand up, but her face was very ghastly pale. Gu Ning, however, was still lying on the ground with no strength left. Although she had made Yin Sang look so wretched, her injuries were way more serious than her.

The stretcher had been prepared on standby at the foot of the mountain. Brother San had thought that someone might get injured but he didn’t expect the battle to be so fierce. He could accept the fact that Gu Ning was in a mess, but the girl from the Five Stars Brigade didn’t look much better than her…… The three company commanders glanced at each other, all of them were a little impatient to know what was going on. However, when they saw the Five Stars Brigade girl’s pale yet grimly face that seem to be ready to go on a murderous rampage, they all tacitly kept their mouths shut.

Gu Ning and Yin Sang were both carefully carried onto the stretcher. The military doctor was a man in his thirties and carrying a medical kit. First, he checked on the wound in Yin Sang’s mouth and saw that it was only a bump on the tongue before he went to treat the wound on Gu Ning’s face. The cut on her face was not deep, but it was mixed with a lot of mud and sand that made it look a bit terrifying.

The middle-aged doctor joking said: “Little girl, you might be disfigured eh.”

Gu Ning only smiled, looking unconcerned about it.

The middle-aged doctor didn’t get the response he want so he quietly continued treating her.

While he was cleaning Gu Ning’s wounds, Zhang XiaoBai and the others watched from the side and kept inhaling as if the pain was on their faces. They kept calling out for the doctor to be more careful and gentle. Gu Ning just frowned slightly at the discomfort. Zhuang Chen, on the other hand, was very curious about Gu Ning and crouched beside her.

Gu Ning was acquainted with Zhuang Chen, yet Zhuang Che didn’t know her. This was just like when she met Fang Fa. Gu Ning felt that it was amazing and couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

In Yi ShaoQing’s mind, he was horrified and muttered: “That’s it, there’s going to be another crazy woman in the team.”

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However, Zhuang Chen seem very happy and asked Gu Ning: “What are you smiling at?”

Ji JiuZe also glanced over.

Gu Ning smiled and explained: “You look like a friend whom I know.”

Yi ShaoQing let out a chuckle as if he was laughing at Gu Ning’s old-fashioned pickup lines: “You’ve already passed the test, there’s no need to get close to her.”

Gu Ning just laughed it off.

Yin Sang’s stretcher was carried by two paramedics.

Gu Ning’s stretcher was carried by Zhong Xu and Chen Gen, who was about the same height.

Zhang XiaoBai lowered his voice and couldn’t help but whisper to Gu Ning on the stretcher: “Gu Ning, you’re so awesome!”

Gu Ning’s lip curled slightly into a smile before asking: “How did you guys fair?”

The excitement on Zhang XiaoBai’s face was instantly quenched: “Let’s talk about it after we’ve descended the mountain.”

Seeing the change in expression, Gu Ning’s heart sank.

The stretcher rattled, Gu Ning was feeling a little sore from her injuries, her healing powers had automatically started to heal her body. She hadn’t slept in a long time and previously she would still feel energetic even if she didn’t sleep for a few days. Yet, at this moment, she managed to fall asleep on the staggering stretcher.

In the room specially vacated for the Five Stars brigade, Zhuang Chen immediately voiced her opinion as soon as she sat down: “I don’t care about the others, this Gu Ning must be mine.”

Yi ShaoQing replied: “I’ve read Gu Ning’s profile, the reason she applied for the Five Stars Brigade was that she wanted to learn close combat. Zhuang Chen, your close combat skill is still a little bit weaker……” He paused and glanced wistfully at Ji JiuZe: “Hey JiuZe, your close combat skill is the strongest in the brigade, would you be interested in teaching a disciple?”

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“Come on.” Chuang Chen interjected: “When have you ever seen him teach someone before?”

“Leave it to me.” Yin Sang who was nestled on the sofa and hadn’t spoken for a while, suddenly voice out: “I see that she has very good potential.”

Yin ShaoQing silently complained in his mind, she should at least control the expression on her face when she says those words. Currently, her expression was like she wanted to murder someone on the spot.

Yi ShaoQing only dared to complain in his mind, but Zhuang Chen rebut directly: “Leave it to you? To let you destroy her?”

Ji JiuZe glanced at Yin Sang and pondered for a long time before stating: “Let’s discuss this matter when we are back in the capital. What do you guys think about the other three candidates?”

Yi ShaoQing contemplated for a moment and answered: “Apart from Gu Ning, that Zhang XiaoBai had the best potential, and to have such skills after a year in the army is very good. Other than him, Chen Gen’s performance is not too impressive, but he’s very calm and has a lot of drive when it matters. This is a rare thing, especially as there’s a shortage of these types of newcomers these days. The last man, Zhong Xu, is a little bit less satisfactory in comparison.”

“Is this your revenge?” Zhuang Chen sneered: “It’s quite depressing to be hit by a stick, isn’t it?”

Yi ShaoQing blew up: “How can it be! Am I such a person?!”

On the other side, Zhang XiaoBai and the rest were all guarding the infirmary. They were all relieved after hearing the doctor announce that there was nothing wrong, and she would be fine after resting. Recalling the scene that they had seen, they were still a bit incredulous.

In contrast to Gu Ning’s “toughness”, they were tricked around like monkeys by the Five Stars Brigade members. In the end, they didn’t last till the three hours limit, so they were probably a lost cause.

Gu Ning didn’t wake up until around 5 pm or so. When the doctor saw that she had woken up, he dialled a call and informed the Third Company.

It wasn’t long before Brother San arrived.

“The results are out.” Brother San said to Gu Ning: “There’s one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Gu Ning held back from rolling her eyes and replied while putting on her shoes: “The bad news.”

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Brother San’s expression suddenly froze: “The bad news is that all four of you are not selected.”

Gu Ning was startled and jerked her body up to look at Brother San in disbelief: “How is that possible?!” She paused and then asked: “What about the good news?”

Brother San’s expression remained stony: “The good news is……” He paused then his expression changed: “I’ve lied!”

Gu Ning was stunned. Before she could react, Zhang XiaoBai and the rest, pushed open the door. They were holding all kinds of party poppers in their hands, which popped several times while countless colourful confetti was burst out.

The doctor was startled at first, then shouted in exasperation: “Wait a minute, all of you don’t run away! Help me sweep this place!”

All the soldiers ignore him and they all flocked to Gu Ning’s side to congratulate her.

Zhong Xu’s face was red with excitement: “Gu Ning! The Five Stars Brigade has just come to inform us that all four of us have been selected!”

Chen Gen, who was always expressionless, had a smile on his face this time, and Zhang XiaoBai was even grinning like crazy.

Gu Ning was also surprised, but before she could reprimand them for the prank, she was dumbfounded by the result. Her heart that had been hanging was instantly returned to its original position and a smile unknowingly spread across her face.

That same night, Brother San was like being all fired up, brought out his bank card, and arranged five military trucks to bring all of them to the seafood restaurant near the city centre that Zhang XiaoBai had been talking about.

The Five Stars Brigades group had politely declined at first, but the generosity was unbearable, so they were forced by the soldiers and followed them except for Yin Sang who said that she had seafood allergies.

Zhang XiaoBai had booked the tables a long time ago.

Today wasn’t a holiday so there weren’t particularly too many people. Thus, when they had arrived, there were still some sparse tables left while half of the venue was taken up by them.

The soldiers had all changed into civilian clothes so to reduce the attention being drawn to them. However, the straightened posture of the soldiers was still a sight to behold as they walked in line when they entered.

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“Cheese-baked lobster, make it three kilograms per table. Then this turbot fish dish, one per table. This oriental shrimp, two kilograms for each table, and this eight treasure duck, we will have the large serving…..”Zhang XiaoBai continued naming out and ordering all the dishes, which made Brother San who seat on the same table turn pale. The three of the Five Stars Brigade members were sitting with them so he couldn’t show his angriness.

When he heard Zhang XiaoBai ordering the fourteenth dish, he no longer cared about his reputation and straight away snatched the menu from Zhang XiaoBai. He returned the menu to the waiter and said:  “Hey hey hey! All right, that’s all! Let’s start with these, we will order more if we don’t have enough. Go tell your kitchen to hurry up and serve those dishes.” After saying these, he hastily waved away to the waiter who was taking orders. Then he explained to the Five Stars Brigade members shamelessly: “Now that the country is calling for frugality and resolutely eliminating wastefulness, we have to take the initiative and lead a good example.”

The dishes were served one after another, and the atmosphere was very pleasant. Driven by Zhang XiaoBai and a few partygoers, there was a lively exchange of glasses. The soldiers were happily eating and enjoying as it was very rare for them to have a grand seafood meal like this.

It was in the midst of this joyful atmosphere.

A surprised voice suddenly rang out: “Gu Ning?!”

The rest of the soldiers at the other tables didn’t hear it because of the noise in the hall, but everyone at Gu Ning’s table heard the calling.

They all glanced over in unison.

Gu Ning was sitting sideways near the aisle. When she heard the voice, she gave a slight pause before glancing over.

First, she saw a surprised Jiang Yu than it was Lu JiaZi, who was standing in the aisle in shock.


(T/N: Well this is the chapter for today update. Tada 3 chapters! Thanks to Pang V. hehehe.
Hurray to Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai, Zhong Xu and Chen Gen for passing the selection! woooots!
Also, here is the picture of those dishes. and Brother San is just too funny and shameless.
Thank you all for reading. See you all next week~)

Food mentioned/ordered by Zhang XiaoBai

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