(T/N: These chapters are continuously dedicated to Kyuin T. ~ Thank you for your kind and generous support once again! Here we go ~)

Gu Ning’s lips pursed tightly as she stared at the five disgusting mutated zombies on the ceiling while gripping the knife in her hand firmly. Even she had turned pale in the face of these mutated zombies, let alone the others. Huang MengYao’s face had been entirely pale since she entered the hospital and now it was as white as paper. Xiang Xu, who was being protected by Xiang Yi, was also as white as a sheet.

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Everyone else’s expression was unusually grim.

Gu Ning instructed: “Cheng Ming, you are in-charge of protecting Xiang Xu and Xiang Yi.”

Cheng Ming gave a solemn nod.

Gu Ning was still worried about Fang Fa and Zhang XiaoBai at this point: “Jia DaoZhang, we’ll cover you. You’ll head up and help Fang Fa and leave the situation here to us.”

Jia DaoZhang froze, then glanced at the stairs next to him and replied with a solemnness: “Alright.”

Seeing those mutated zombies getting closer, Gu Ning didn’t care about saving her psychic energy at this moment and her psychic energy within the space surged up in huge waves! The psychic energy gushed out frantically! Several vines broke out of the wall and were manipulated by Gu Ning into two lanes heading straight for the two closest mutated zombies!

Gu Ning’s attack was like a signal, and almost as soon as the vines broke through the wall, the others reacted too!

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Following closely behind Gu Ning was Cheng Ming! Dozens of wind blades instantly manifested themselves and swept toward the mutated zombies closest to him!

Brother San launched the attack at the same time as Cheng Ming, however, his attack speed was not as fast as his. In addition, Brother San’s psychic power was limited and each time he could only conjure twenty earth spikes. Knowing how terrifying the mutated zombies were, he didn’t skimp on his powers and sent twenty earth spikes straight away toward the head of the mutated zombie right in front of him!

The last one to strike was Huang MengYao and her face was still ghastly pale. In all seriousness, she had evolved together with Gu Ning. The amount of psychic energy she had after absorbing the psychic energy attracted by Gu Ning was far more than Brother San. She had also practiced a lot in manipulating her psychic energy under Cheng Ming’s guidance, but her actual combat experience was considered to be zero. Thus, when she struck, she didn’t know how many fireballs she should conjure and just launched her largest one-time attack straight away! Instantly, thirty to forty fist-sized balls of fire appeared and the surrounding temperature soared! Her face was illuminated by the light of the fire which made her pale and beautiful facial features more holy-looking.

The fear in her mind dropped slightly as the fireballs appeared, then with a wave of her hands, it whizzed toward the mutated zombie in front of her!

Cheng Ming’s wind blade was extremely fast! Yet not as fast as the vines supported by Gu Ning’s massive psychic energy! Just in a blink of an eye! The vines were like a giant anaconda, rushed toward the two mutated zombies in an attempt to tie them up! However, the moment the vines encircled around the mutated zombie, they moved too! One of the mutated zombie’s bodies suddenly contracted and then slid out of the vine like a mudskipper ——  the vine was stained in those clear slime and it looked very gross.  Another mutated zombie curled its tail around and stabbed on the vine that bound it with the stinger on its tail! The vine withered away at a speed visible to the naked eyes!

Gu Ning watched in shock as her vines became withered all of a sudden and then were wrenched away by the mutated zombie. Her expression was gloomy as she stared at the two mutated zombies while warning it out to the rest: “Watch out for its tail!”

The others subconsciously glanced over and after seeing Gu Ning’s withered vines, they all felt a chill running down their spines.

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As soon as the two mutated zombies escaped, they snapped off the ceiling and hung their tails in an arc-like scorpion, aiming their stingers on their tails at Gu Ning. Their limbs paddling rapidly and using the slime on their bodies as lubricants, they darted over toward Gu Ning immediately!

When Gu Ning saw that she wasn’t able to hold them back, her powers surged again and dozens of vines broke through the wall once more! This time, the vines changed in form and their tips became incredibly sharp —— under Gu Ning’s control, they all rushed toward the two mutated zombies!

At the same time, she shouted to Jia DaoZhang: “Jia DaoZhang!”

Jia DaoZhang’s heart suddenly jumped and seeing that all the other mutated zombies were temporarily held in place, he dashed toward the stairs! As if sensing that their prey was trying to escape, one of the two mutated zombies in front of Gu Ning suddenly made a temporary turn and raced toward Jia DaoZhang!

“Come back here!” Gu Ning yelled out and two arm-thick vines burst out of the ground, heading straight at that mutated zombie! The two vines wrapped around like a spiral and entangled the mutated zombie’s tail! Gu Ning’s right hand swung vigorously! The vines suddenly rose! It flung the mutated zombie! The mutated zombie hissed and then was slammed against the opposite ward door! It smashed right through the door and was thrown into the ward!

Jia DaoZhang took one last look and then hurriedly quickened his pace and rushed toward the third floor.

Meanwhile, Fang Fa, who was on the third floor, was forced to the dead end of the corridor by this mutated zombie. He was struggling to dodge the stingers on the tail from the mutated zombie with his speed ability! However, with the extremely limited space to move around, Fang Fa was soon caught by the mutated zombie! The tail stabbed straight at Fang Fa! He was unable to escape! The moment the tail thrust toward him, his hand reached out like a bolt of lightning! He had actually managed to grab onto the zombie’s tail! The stinger on the tail was less than ten centimetres away from his brow at that moment, and he could clearly see some clear liquid oozing out from the frighteningly pointed tip ——

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However, although he had a death grip on the tail, the clear slime on it acted as a lubricant, and Fang Fa gritted his teeth to hold on for his dear life. He was unable to stop the stinger from inching its way toward his brows——

Jia DaoZhang ran all the way up and saw Zhang XiaoBai lying limply on the wall and was startled! Then he saw Zhang XiaoBai looking at him with surprise and joy, his eyes winking at him desperately. Seeing that Zhang XiaoBai was not in danger of dying, for the time being, Jia DaoZhang was relieved and instantly understood Zhang XiaoBai’s meaning, he hurriedly rushed over in the direction Zhang XiaoBai had pointed! Soon he saw the back of the mutated zombie, as well as Fang Fa with a flushed face while holding on desperately at the tail of that mutated zombie! Jia DaoZhang was first taken aback when he saw this, and Fang Fa finally noticed Jia DaoZhang standing there. Seeing that he still had time to be surprised, Fang Fa broke down and called out: “Quick help me! ! ! !”

“Coming! Coming!” Seeing the critical situation, Jia DaoZhang gushed out his psychic power wildly! At the same time, his arms spread open! In a flash, dozens of ice prisms were formed between his two hands! He instantly shot them at the mutated zombie’s body!

The mutated zombie heard the commotion and was furious! It hissed a few times, but instinct forced itself to withdraw its tail that was attacking Fang Fa! Then it defended itself against the ice prisms behind it. As soon as the tail slipped out of Fang Fa’s hand, Fang Fa felt his knees go weak and almost fell to the ground. Yet he knew that this was not the time to relax and saw the mutated zombie had fled to the ceiling to avoid the ice prisms. At once, he moved his body! And charged toward the knife at the front of the corridor which the mutated zombie had previously smacked it away!

The battle on the second floor was also treacherous at this point, as those mutated zombies were wrapped in those clear slime that allowed them to glide across the floor without a care in the world at a rapid pace. Moreover, they could roam on the walls and ceilings, and they seemed to know what Gu Ning and the rest were capable of. They didn’t even fight them head-on and just wandered around, coldly waving that flexible tail that looked like another living thing. Under such circumstances, Gu Ning could only barely hold back the two of them.

Cheng Ming’s wind blades were incomparably sharp, yet the slime on those mutated zombies was not only lubricating, but it also served as a defence for their bodies. A single wind blade would at most make a small cut on the body of the mutated zombie. Furthermore, the speed of the mutated zombies was so fast that even Cheng Ming’s dozen of fast wind blades could only hit them with two or three strikes. It did not deal too much substantial damage which made Cheng Ming annoyed. After all, even Cheng Ming, who had several times more psychic energy than ordinary special abilities users, could not withstand such a long period of consumption of power.

Compared to Cheng Ming, Brother San’s situation was even less optimistic as he was inferior to Cheng Ming in terms of both the quantity and speed of his attacks. Cheng Ming could still attack the mutated zombies but Brother San was the one being attacked!

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He put up an earth shield with his right hand and kept raising it to block the mutated zombie’s tail attack. In the meantime, he could only spare one or two earth spikes to attack while most of them were directly swatted away by the tail. Moreover, the earth shield he had conjured could withstand at most three attacks from the mutated zombies. After three attacks, he had to reinforce it with his powers again and such consumption of powers was rather painful for Brother San. He had prepared a transparent crystal core in his left hand, which he would use to replenish his psychic energy when it was half depleted.

On the contrary, Huang MengYao’s battle was somewhat surprising. The mutated zombies seemed to be afraid of fire, and before those fireballs could get closer, the mutated zombies retreated far away. They were very wary of Huang MengYao and they did not dare to approach her rashly. They emitted uneasy hissing from time to time, yet they also refused to leave that easily. Huang MengYao knew by now that they feared her fire, and her fear of them was instantly reduced by half. While attacking the mutated zombies, she was able to take some time out to help Brother San in blocking, which made Brother San very grateful and at the same time envious of her special ability.

Simultaneously, Xiang Yi and Xiang Xu were forged by the four of them into a protective circle, shielding them firmly behind their backs.

Xiang Xu pursed her lips, mentally blaming her spiritual power for not being able to use it for the attack so easily. However, at the same time, she was keeping a close watch on the battle. Once she found anyone in danger, she would activate a spiritual attack at all costs ——

In the overview of the battle, although the five mutated zombies could not cause substantial damage to Gu Ning and the others, they were still being held at bay by them. Besides, the zombies were rarely exhausted, while Gu Ning and the other psychic energy were constantly being depleted. Even if they replenish their psychic energy, the time would come when they are completely depleted. Not to mention that for Gu Ning, every bit of psychic energy consumed was non-replenishable, which was just like bleeding blood for her!

As Gu Ning thought of this, her eyes glowed murderously!

(T/N: Fight it Gu Ning! Wooots!)
(Editor: De Vile)

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