Gu Ning’s murderous aura rose, this battle had made her realize that although her power was powerful in long-range attacks, she hadn’t developed them long enough. Thus she wasn’t very skilled in manipulating them and her accuracy was limited, and it wasn’t as handy as her own limbs. Gu Ning decided to risk her own life, so she tightened her grip on the knife in her hand and at the same time mobilized her psychic power. Two small arm-thick vines suddenly arched up from the concrete in front of her feet and then quickly wrapped around her calves, supporting her up! Gu Ning manipulated the vine and leaped straight up. Then she sprinted toward the mutated zombies!

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The mutated zombie saw Gu Ning rise in the air and raise its head at her. Its eyes were tightly closed but Gu Ning could feel it was staring at her. There was not much fear in her heart at the moment and she just went ahead.

The mutated zombie sensed danger and took a look at Gu Ning before turning around and fleeing! However, Gu Ning didn’t give it the chance to do so, and directly manipulated the vines to entangle around it again! The moment the vine had wrapped around it, Gu Ning didn’t give the mutated zombie a chance to use its slime and escape from its bonds again. With a thought, the tip of the vine became steeply sharp and lifted before stabbing down viciously towards the mutated zombie’s body!

Several vines were stabbed directly into the mutated zombies’ body and with a sharp cry, it tried to struggle for its life! Although the vines had penetrated the flesh of the zombie, they were not pierced deep enough to stop it from moving. It seemed that it was about to break free after such a difficult catch. The mutated zombie’s tail tried stabbing on the vines again like previously——

Gu Ning’s gaze was cold and stern as she raised her right hand! Several more vines broke through the ground! No matter how flexible the mutated zombie’s tail was, it was still attached to its body. The vine followed the tail and all the way to the tip before plunging down the tail hard into the ground, pinning the tip of the tail to the floor!

Seeing that the mutated zombie was completely restrained, Gu Ning no longer hesitated. Gripping her knife tightly, she aimed at the mutated zombie’s head and charged down from the ceiling!

The mutated zombie tilted its head up, although its eyes were sealed, Gu Ning knew it was looking at her. She looked sternly while her lips moved slightly, mouthing out: “Got to hell.” Then she dropped from the air and onto the floor on one knee, the long knife in her hand had pierced deeply through the top of the mutated zombie’s head and plunged into the ground.

From its brain, bright red blood like that of humans was oozing out. The mutated zombie’s body, which was still struggling, twitched twice before it completely stopped moving.

Without pausing for a moment, Gu Ning pulled the knife out of the ground and swung it vigorously to the left! The long knife in her hand immediately flew toward another mutated zombie that had just crawled out of the ward!

The mutated zombie was so badly hurt by the fall just now that the slime on its body had dried up quite a bit. Just when it crawled out of the ward, a knife was thrown at it! Instinctively, it raised its tail and swiped at the knife! Gu Ning’s strength was incredibly strong, and it was hard to estimate the lethality of the knife when it was thrown with full force and the sharpness of the blade. The mutated zombie relied on the defensive ability of its tail and swung toward the incoming long knife. The force of the long knife instantly severed the mutated zombie’s tail when both forces collided!

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With an extremely miserable hiss! The severed tail snapped to the ground and was still writhing in a very disgusting manner.

The mutated zombie had lost its most advantageous attacking weapon and was screaming in pain. It had completely lost its previous “cunningness” and went berserk, recklessly paddling its limbs toward Gu Ning in an attempt to kill her!

Gu Ning laughed coldly in her heart, she was afraid that it would escape but she was not afraid to face it head-on. She manipulated the vines under her feet to retreat sharply, while several more vines broke through the ground and headed straight for the mutated zombie! The mutated zombie was even faster than ever and when it saw the vines were coming, it swerved and changed direction! It actually went around Gu Ning and climbed up toward the ceiling! It was extremely fast at that moment! Even Gu Ning’s vines were a minute slower, and with a wave of her hand, the long knife that had fallen to the ground was swept up by the vines and brought to her hand. She stared closely at the mutated zombie, watching its direction of advancement, and suddenly she saw an alarming sign! When she looked down, the mutated zombie was on top of Brother San’s head instantly! Brother San was desperately defending himself against another mutated zombie and was unaware that another mutated zombie was creeping up on top of him silently! Its mouth was wide open and was about to pounce on Brother San!

Gu Ning was shocked! Shouting out: “Brother San! Get back!” At the same time, her power surged wildly! Brother San heard Gu Ning shout and the strong image Gu Ning had usually built up came in handy! Brother San backed up sharply without the slightest hesitation! The moment he stepped backward, several sharp-tipped vines sprang up from where he had been standing, like a couple of sharp bamboos, and shoot straight up with extreme strength! They met with the mutated zombie that was dropping down in the mid-air!

Pffft —— the sound of a sharp object being driven through the flesh and blood rang out! Followed by the mournful howl of the mutated zombie!

Its entire abdomen and chest were penetrated by vines, the tips of which were pierced directly into the ceiling. Its blood flowed down the vines as the body slowly descended, the hissing became even more violent every time it lowered a bit. The three remaining mutated zombies hissed in response, but there were more of a hint of fear in that hiss while in addition to the anger——

Gu Ning grabbed her knife and stepped forward without hesitation. She swung her knife and slashed off the head of the mutated zombie. Her purlicue was a little numb but she tightened her grip on the knife even more.

The remaining three mutated zombies were much easier to deal with now.

After finishing another one, Gu Ning handed the remaining two mutated zombies over to Cheng Ming and the others while she prepared to go to the third floor in search of Fang Fa and Jia DaoZhang. Halfway there, she saw Fang Fa coming down with Zhang XiaoBai on his back and Jia DaoZhang trailing behind them with a bloody gash on his face.

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“How is Zhang XiaoBai doing?” Cheng Ming and the others also gathered around them after they had finished with the two remaining mutated zombies.

By this time, Zhang XiaoBai had been fed a transparent crystal core but was still weak as he crouched on Fang Fa’s back while his face was ghastly pale.

Gu Ning saw that he looked very uncomfortable and was afraid that he would have an unforeseen circumstance, so she stepped forward and prepared to heal him. However, Zhang XiaoBai shifted to the side to avoid her and said in a broken voice: “I’ll be fine after resting, don’t waste it……”

Gu Ning first froze for a moment, then forcefully grabbed Zhang XiaoBai’s wrist. Without knowing the reason, she could actually feel that the psychic energy in his body had completely dried up, and channelled a wave of healing psychic energy into his body. It didn’t take too long for the greyish-blue colour on Zhang XiaoBai’s face to fade and was just slightly pale.

Gu Ning withdrew her hand and then said to them: “I’ll go up for a while, you guys wait here for me.”

Then she trotted up to the third floor.

The body of the mutated zombie was seen in the corridor, a whole row of ice prisms had been stabbed into its body. Its head had been pierced by an ice prism and the crystal core had been dug up while the tail was left on the side. Gu Ning walked to one of the wards and took out a bedsheet. She pulled it into several strips before walking over to the tail. Gu Ning used her knife and sliced off a finger-length of the stinger and wrapped it in the cloth in a few rounds.

After heading down, Brother San and the others had already dug out the crystal cores of the five mutated zombies below. Gu Ning went over and sliced off their stingers and wrapped them up in layers of cloth and placed them away in the space.

The others were a little puzzled at Gu Ning’s actions and Fang Fa asked: “Gu Ning, these things are so poisonous, what are you collecting them for?”

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“I don’t know, but maybe they’ll come in handy later.” Since they had already reached the second floor, Gu Ning also collected everything useful into the space, and after checking around for a while, she announced: “Let’s leave.”

The others were waiting specifically for this sentence from Gu Ning as they were really frightened by those few mutated zombies. Fortunately, Zhang XiaoBai was only injured and not in danger of dying. The others had only consumed a very large amount of their psychic energy but Gu Ning in contrast suffered the greatest loss.

Without looking back, the group of nine went downstairs and ran all the way out of the hospital without further delay, driving straight back to the colony.

On the way, Gu Ning took stock of the spoils of the battle this time. Apart from the useful medicines and various medical equipment, there were also six crystal cores from the mutated zombies, plus the previous hunt, making a total of seven coloured crystal cores. It could be said that it was quite rewarding and luckily Zhang XiaoBai was only injured in such a dangerous situation.

Halfway back, they ran into the same group of people who had asked to be in their truck on the way over. They were currently being chased by two evolved zombies, and when they saw the truck drive past, they all ran ecstatically in their direction, shouting for help.

Brother San had his eye on the crystal cores from the two evolved zombies, and after parking the truck, he struck out the two zombies and then naturally went to dig for the cores.

“Hey! Wait! We lured the zombies here. No matter what, we should get half of it right?” One of the men said indignantly.

Without waiting for Brother San to speak, the young man who had come out to deal with Brother San before tugged the guy and frowned: “Huang Bin, what are you doing, they are the ones who brought us over and just saved our lives.”

The man called Huang Bin, however, said with a straight face: “Zhong ShuJun, we didn’t come here for free. And these two zombies were lured here by us and they just simply killed it. Is it just too much for us to ask for just one?”

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“Forget it Huang Bin.” The only girl in the group also spoke up.

“It’s none of your business?! You don’t have any say in this?” Huang Bin instead glared at the girl and scolded her in a vicious voice.

A flash of anger flashed across the girl’s face, but she didn’t make a sound.

Brother San ignored him, dug out the crystal cores and put them in his pocket, then turned around and walked toward the truck.

Huang Bin hurriedly chased after him and cursed: “F*ck you! Are you deaf? I told you to leave one behind!”

Brother San didn’t even turn his head back, but a row of earth spikes broke out behind him! Woosh, woosh, woosh! It was lined up right in front of the man called Huang Bin. If he had taken just one more step forward just now, his foot would probably have been pierced through right now ——

Huang Bin was so frightened by the sudden row of earth spikes that he fell to the ground. His face was pale because earlier, Brother San had agreed to let them get on for a ride with just a piece of bread and he had thought that Brother San was an easy character to be dealing with……

The young man named Zhong ShuJun watched the military truck drive away and said to Huang Bin with a frown: “Huang Bin, next time you do that again, we’ll have to part our ways with you.”

Huang Bin’s face paled and he no longer was as arrogant as he had been earlier.

Zhong ShuJun watched that military truck fade out of sight and couldn’t help but slowly tighten his grip on the crystal core in his pocket. If he ate this crystal core, would he be as powerful as they were……

(T/N: Awwww end of battle~ Also Happy Belated Birthday Anazu~ Sorry for the delay in posting hahaha XD. Thank you all for reading!)
(Editor: De Vile)

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