The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 353: 353

It wasn’t just the first prince. The other 50 or so golden core 18 forms were also glaring at him angrily. They looked at the Empty Hundred Sacred Hall and at Ye Sheng whose cultivation base had increased by five forms. They couldn’t contain their anger.

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“You’ve taken away all the hundred sacred inheritances?”

“Ye Sheng, you’ve simply gone too far. Your death isn’t worth regretting.”

“There are so many hundred sages inheritance. You actually took all of them. Aren’t you afraid of supporting yourself?”

“Ye Sheng, if you don’t hand over the hundred sages inheritance, you will definitely die today.”

These Peak Jindan stage people were getting angrier and angrier. They were stuck at this realm and could not break through. They originally wanted to use the hundred sages inheritance to let themselves break through, but who would have thought that all of it would be taken away by Ye Sheng.


Stopping others from breaking through was equivalent to killing their parents. These people were not ye Sheng’s match in a one-on-one fight, but now that there were more than fifty people, they were full of courage and thought that it was still very easy to kill Ye Sheng.

The first Prince’s face was malevolent as he said, “Ye Sheng, I want to see how you die today.”

Ye Sheng, who was surrounded by more than fifty jindan stage people, was not in a hurry. He tidied his clothes and said indifferently, “The Hundred Sages Palace’s inheritance is on me. Do you want it?”

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

“Nonsense. Hurry up and hand it over. We can spare your life,”someone roared.

“Even if you hand it over, you can’t escape death. Ye Sheng is too abnormal. We must kill him. Otherwise, no one can afford to take revenge,”the eighteen golden core transformations of Swords Gate said with a face full of killing intent. They wanted to borrow the hands of so many people, to Kill Ye Sheng for revenge.

The first prince agreed, “Ye Sheng can kill eighteen golden core transformations with just five golden core transformations. Now that he has reached the ten golden core transformations, if we don’t kill him today, he will take revenge one by one. No one can resist him.”

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The words of the people of Swords Gate and the first prince made the hearts of many people tremble. What they said was true. Ye Sheng was too outstanding. With so many people here, if they didn’t restrain him, no one would be his match in the future.

“I am King Ye’s man. If you kill Ye Sheng, King Ye will definitely not pursue the matter. Moreover, the Seven Monsters of Sky Mountain behind Ye Sheng will not stand up for Ye Sheng anymore. The previous incident was just an accident,”the person who was groomed by King ye shouted coldly.

A group of people targeting ye Sheng instantly made many people’s hearts move.

Taking this opportunity to kill Ye Sheng, the law would not punish everyone.

As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a virus spreading, causing everyone’s killing intent to deepen.

And at this time, Ye Sheng silently looked at them and asked, “Have you discussed it?”

The first prince looked at Ye Sheng’s fearless appearance and could not help but sneer, saying, “Death is imminent, yet you still put on an act.”

Ye Sheng shook his head and said, “It’s hard to say who will live and who will die.”

“You only have one person. Even if you can kill one of the eighteen transformations of the golden core, what about ten? What about fifty?”The first Prince’s face was full of joy as he said, as if he could see Ye Sheng’s corpse lying on the ground in the next moment, without a sound.

Ye Sheng looked at the first prince and smiled mysteriously, saying, “Are you so sure that these people can kill me?”

“Ye Sheng, no matter how powerful you are, you are only at the tenth transformation of the Golden Core Realm. If we join hands, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to withstand a single blow,”the man from swords gate shouted coldly.

“I don’t think so.”Ye Sheng shook his head. Surrounded by more than fifty people at the eighteenth transformation of the Golden Core Realm, he did not panic or worry at all. Instead, he said disdainfully, “In my eyes, you are just a bunch of trash.”


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“Ye Sheng, you are too arrogant. I originally didn’t want to kill you, but now I’ve decided that I must kill you.”

“Ye Sheng, you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance.”

“Why are you talking nonsense? Let’s attack together. Together, we can kill Ye Sheng in one blow.”

More than 50 golden core 18 forms, when used together, could absolutely shake the emptiness realm. Although they might not be able to beat the emptiness realm, they could still withstand a few moves.

The emptiness realm and the golden core were two realms. There was a gap between heaven and earth. If one entered the emptiness realm, they would have a lifespan of two to three thousand years, while the golden core would only have a lifespan of one thousand years, not to mention the combat strength.

“Ye Sheng, you are courting death. Challenging more than 50 people by yourself. Do you think that you are an emptiness realm expert just because you have obtained the Hundred Sages Inheritance?”The first prince shouted coldly.

“No, the hundred sages inheritance is nothing at all. I just think that you are too noisy. You are like more than 50 dogs jumping up and down, annoying people. Therefore, instead of letting you continue to bark at me, I might as well attack and kill all of you,”Ye Sheng said indifferently.

With the help of the Hundred Sages, Ye Sheng had broken through the five transformations and reached the ten transformations of the Golden Core. His strength had become extremely powerful.

When he was in the five transformations of the golden core, he could instantly kill the eighteen transformations of the golden core with one sword. Now, Ye Sheng could be said to be invincible in the Golden Core Realm.

Moreover, Ye Sheng also had the saint martial armor and the Pantheon Pill Furnace.

The Sacred Warrior armor was mainly for defense. After wearing it, Ye Sheng would become an unkillable existence.

Once the Pantheon Pill Furnace Lord attacked, the flames within would be activated by Ye Sheng and burn everything. Therefore, Ye Sheng had nothing to be afraid of.

Ye Sheng’s gaze turned cold. Since you all have come to deliver yourselves, then don’t blame me for not being polite.

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“Attack together. Kill Ye Sheng and then come and share the hundred sacred inheritance.”The first prince roared and took the lead to display his ultimate technique.

Imperial Dragon Inscription!

When this attack was unleashed, a true dragon whistled over. With a rumble, it brought with it an enormous power that was lifelike.

Following closely behind, the other fifty or so golden core eighteen transformations attacked together.

Dong Dong Dong!

The entire hundred sacred palace was trembling. This power was too fierce, no wonder they were so confident.

But unfortunately, they met Ye Sheng, who didn’t play by the rules.


The Holy Martial armor let out a crisp sound as it appeared on Ye Sheng’s body. The blood-red armor exploded with a huge killing intent. After that, Ye Sheng’s Qi and blood instantly filled the entire area like smoke.


Ye Sheng’s Qi and blood were as thick as the ocean. Just his Qi and blood alone had devoured Imperial Dragon Ming for a thousand years to replenish his energy.

“Go to hell!”The first person ye Sheng stared at was the first prince. This person had provoked him several times. He was simply tired of living. If Ye Sheng didn’t kill him, it was simply letting him off easy.

The Sword of the Great River came from the sky!

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Ye Sheng used his fingers as a sword, his heart as a sword, and his eyes as a sword. He slashed out with his sword.


This sword instantly shattered the attacks of more than fifty jindan, shocking all of them in an instant.

No matter what kind of peerless cultivation method it was, under Ye Sheng’s sword, all of them could not withstand a single blow. Ye Sheng was like a god, like a devil, giving them an incomparable shock.

One against fifty, and then with a sword attack, all the ghosts and demons were turned into ashes.

This sword attack was very different from the previous five transformation Jindan’s sword attack. This sword attack was faster, stronger, and more murderous.

“No! No! No!”The first Prince said in fear. He hurriedly wanted to retreat and let someone protect him.

He didn’t want to die.

This sword move was too fast.

It was so fast that the first prince didn’t even have time to use a defensive technique. He only activated a defensive magic treasure in front of his chest.


Before the sword arrived, the Qi arrived. The strength of the sword qi easily cut through the defensive magic treasure. Under Ye Sheng’s sword move, the defensive magic treasure was like tofu, so fragile that it couldn’t withstand a single blow.

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