The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 354: 354

A defensive magic treasure that looked like a bronze mirror was shattered by the sword qi and broke into two pieces, causing the first prince to look at it in horror.

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“Save…”he roared and stopped abruptly, as if someone had grabbed his neck. The rest of his words were all choked up.

The ten eighteen transformation golden core subordinates brought by the first prince looked on in shock.

Their prince’s neck had been pierced by Ye Sheng’s sword, and he hadn’t even finished his plea for help.

This sword move was too fast, too fast.

It was so fast that the first prince couldn’t react in time. It was so fast that none of the subordinates had thought that Ye Sheng could kill the first prince with one sword move.

This scene stunned more than fifty eighteen transformation golden core subordinates.

Ye Sheng killed another eighteen transformation golden core with one sword move.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do. They thought that Ye Sheng was their meal, but who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, they seemed to have become ye Sheng’s meal.

The first prince, whose throat was pierced by Ye Sheng’s sword, fell to the ground and crashed heavily, creating a big pit.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

“No matter if you’re an eternal genius, a prince of a dynasty, a peerless beauty, or a peerless talent, it’s hard to escape death. After death, you’re just a corpse, so you must cherish your life,”Ye Sheng said indifferently.

“How dare you kill the only direct descendant of the Great Zhou?”

“The first prince is Daoist Qiu’s personal disciple and is hailed as the hope for the revival of the Great Zhou. You… how dare you… How dare you kill him?”

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“Ye Sheng, you are finished. The Great Zhou will definitely take revenge on you.”

“Ye Sheng, today, the ten of us will definitely kill you.”


The first Prince’s ten subordinates were quite loyal. Not a single one retreated. All of them gritted their teeth, and their eyes were bloodshot as they charged forward.

This was not just one person, but ten of them at the same time.

They charged forward together, and at the same time, they shouted to the others, “Ye Sheng is too strong. I’ll wait in front to hold him off. All of you attack together and kill him in one go.”

The two golden core eighteen transformations of swords gate did not hesitate. They immediately drew their swords and unleashed the myriad swords returning to the origin.

Clang, Clang, Clang!

Over ten thousand streams of sword qi shot out, causing flowers to fly in the air. It was extremely beautiful and extremely dangerous.

It was not just them. The people from the other sects also made their moves. No one dared to hold back. They had to kill Ye Sheng, or else everyone would return empty-handed.

After waiting for so many days, the hundred sages inheritance, which was an opportunity for them to break through, had all fallen into Ye Sheng’s hands. Other than Ye Sheng, the others had not gained anything. Who could tolerate this?


More than fifty people let out a furious roar. It was vigorous and full of killing intent. They were actually on par with Ye Sheng’s Qi and blood.

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Ye Sheng saw this and looked at them coldly. These people were quite powerful together, but they were after all scattered individuals and not a complete body. What did Ye Sheng have to fear?

The river of the Netherworld!

Ye Sheng took a step forward, and a long river appeared under his feet. It quickly spread out and enveloped all of them in an instant.

The law of reincarnation!

As soon as ye Sheng made his move, a complete dao rhythm was like a sharp sword light, ruthlessly slashing out.

Puff Puff Puff!

The first three jindan eighteen transformations were instantly killed. Without any suspense, their heads were beheaded by the Dao rhythm.

“Break this long river.”Someone Roared. With a palm strike, the netherworld long river shook, creating huge waves that spread to the height of a nine-story building, ruthlessly slamming down.


The surging water turned into raging flames, burning fiercely. He really wanted to sweep away this group of eighteen transformation jindan, but unfortunately, when these people joined hands, they still broke the long river of the netherworld.

The collapse of the long river of the Netherworld did not make ye sheng the slightest bit moved. He wore the sacred warrior armor and stepped on the void. His Qi and blood surged, and true Qi filled the air. With endless power, he punched out fiercely.

Ten Yama!

Behind Ye Sheng, layers and layers of worlds appeared. When they overlapped, a mysterious figure stood in each world. It was none other than the ten Yama of hell. This was the image that Ye Sheng had comprehended.

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They punched out together, and just like Ye Sheng, they punched out.


The void exploded. This small world could not withstand the power of an emptiness realm expert. Once an emptiness realm expert entered, this place would automatically collapse.

And now, the Power Ye Sheng displayed surpassed the eighteen transformations of the Golden Core Realm, but it hadn’t reached the emptiness realm level yet. Therefore, the space exploded, proving the terror of Ye Sheng’s punch.


Ye Sheng’s punch enveloped the ten eighteen transformations of the Golden Core realm at the front, and he smashed them fiercely.

The abundant power and unparalleled power, along with a whirlwind-like violence, directly smashed into these bodies.


These ten people simply couldn’t withstand this attack. Their bodies exploded, and their flesh and blood were badly mangled. They fell to the ground, and before they could even scream, they were completely killed by Ye Sheng.

The rest of the people who saw this scene all stopped in their tracks, and they were so scared that they were all dumbfounded.

Previously, Ye Sheng killed an eighteen transformation golden core with one sword strike. They thought that that was Ye Sheng’s limit, and they thought that no one was his opponent in a one-on-one fight. But once they surrounded him, Ye Sheng would die without a doubt.

But now, even if they surrounded him, Ye Sheng was not injured at all. Instead, with a punch, ten eighteen transformations Golden Core were destroyed in both body and soul.

The remaining forty eighteen transformations golden core looked at each other in disbelief. Some people swallowed their saliva and felt fear in their hearts. They wanted to retreat.

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Ye Sheng’s aura spread and turned into a cage, locking down the four directions. He used the Kun Peng transformation and quickly blocked the path he came from.

“Today, none of you can think of leaving. All of you can die here with me.”Ye Sheng said coldly.

“Ye Sheng, we are all people from a first-rate power. Do you want to Kill Us All?”Someone shouted with a stern expression.

“Ye Sheng, you are indeed powerful. We are not your match. This time, it can be considered that we were wrong. You can take the hundred sages inheritance, but we don’t want it anymore.”There were also people who gave in.

“Ye Sheng, I have no enmity with you. I am willing to compensate you. I will give you whatever you say, as long as you don’t kill me.”There were even people who begged humbly.

At this stage of cultivation, no one was willing to die with such grievance, no matter how much pain and suffering they had suffered.

It was also laughable. Previously, everyone thought that they had won against Ye Sheng, so they decided to join forces. However, Ye Sheng was too strong. He killed ten jindan eighteenth change cultivators with one punch, which scared them so much that their livers were torn apart. Some people even nearly peed.

This F * cking monster could not be judged by common sense.

Ye Sheng looked at them coldly. Previously, he had been so arrogant, but now, he had completely admitted defeat.

“Your faces now are no different from a villain. You think that I’m easy to bully. A group of people surrounded me, wishing that they could tear me into pieces. Everyone has a share. Now That You’re afraid, is it useful to admit your mistakes?”Ye Sheng mocked.

Some people’s faces were gloomy. They were gnashing their teeth with hatred in their hearts, but on the surface, they were humble and respectful.

No one dared to go against Ye Sheng anymore.

Ye Sheng laughed coldly. He opened his hand, and the Pantheon Pill Furnace appeared.

“All of you will die today. No one can save you.”As soon as ye Sheng finished speaking, the Pantheon Pill Furnace suddenly emitted rolling flames, turning into a fire dragon that engulfed the entire hundred sacred hall.

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