The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 443: 443

“Both of you are called Merlin. What’s going on?”On the way, Ye Sheng asked.

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“There’s still a difference between Merlin and Merlin. My name is Merlin, and her name is Mei Ling,”Merlin said, pointing at the follower behind Ye Sheng.

Mei Ling could not take it anymore and said, “Why don’t you call me by this name?”

“Because I’m your elder sister. I have the right to choose my name.”Merlin waved his hand domineeringly.

Mei Ling’s expression was displeased, but she could not refute him. She was not good at arguing to begin with, and the difference between her and Merlin was obvious.

“You can call me Mei Ling now. You can call me Merlin later.”Ye Sheng comforted her, indicating that they should not fall out for now. They would settle the score after they had found out everything after they had entered the seven terminations ridge.

Ye Sheng kept feeling that there was something fishy about this. No matter how he looked at it, this matter was very strange. The two of them were exactly the same merlin. Ye Sheng now regretted letting the void demon king leave with Chu Zhongtian. If it were still by his side.., he would definitely be able to explain this strange matter to Ye Sheng.

The three of them left the stronghold and entered the area of the seven terminations ridge. The terrain here was steep, and the seven mountains were connected to each other. It was very strange. Walking inside, Ye Sheng could feel that the spiritual energy here was very dense, but there were very few demon beasts.

Places with rich spiritual energy could give birth to demon beasts, but there were none here. Not only were there demon beasts, there were not even any wild beasts. Ye Sheng had not even seen a rabbit.

This was a problem.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.C0M.

Ye Sheng’s eyes were cold as he looked around. He walked behind Merlin, followed by Mei Ling.

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Mei Ling had a little temper because Merlin had forcefully changed his name. He did not say a word along the way. He stuck close to Ye Sheng and had no interaction with Merlin at all.

“Our names were all given by mother. I’m Merlin, and you’re Mei Ling. This is our sister’s name, but you only remember mine and not yourself,”Merlin explained.

“In front of you, I’ll be called Mei Ling first,”Mei Ling said aggrievedly.

Ye sheng coughed and asked, “How far are we from the destination?”

“Not far. We’ve already entered the seven Ultimate Ridge. After walking for more than ten miles, we’ll be able to see the remains of the seven ultimate goddess, which is also our mother’s grave,”Merlin said plainly.

Ye Sheng was secretly vigilant and asked, “Why is it so quiet here?”

“My mother likes quiet and doesn’t like noise, so she keeps a demon beast in captivity and guards this place at all times. Once a Demon Beast enters or a wild beast enters, it will be eaten. Over time, this place has become like this. Not even a single reptile can be found,”Merlin explained.

Ye Sheng frowned. “How do you know this place like the back of Your Hand? Have you been here before?”

“No,”Merlin answered cleanly, and then did not answer ye Sheng’s question.

“We’re here. In front of us is mother’s ancient tomb. There’s mother’s corpse inside. You can go in, but you can only watch from a distance. You Can’t get close. Mother doesn’t like anyone to get close to her,”Merlin said to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng looked ahead. An ancient tomb that looked like a loft in the sky had been built on a mountain peak. It looked like a place where people lived, not like a graveyard after death.

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In the loft in the sky, Merlin tapped his toes and flew up with a lithe body. Ye Sheng brought Mei Ling up with him.


Just as Ye Sheng was going up, a giant black python spiraled out from the waist of the mountain peak. It let out a deafening roar, scaring Mei Ling so much that he shuddered.

Ye Sheng frowned. This was a giant python at the peak of the Golden Core Realm. Now that he was injured, he was no match for it in a fight.

Fortunately, the giant python only let out a roar and then stopped moving. It quietly crouched at the waist and stared at Ye Sheng and the other two with its bell-sized eyes.

After entering the attic in the sky, Ye Sheng realized that this place was not an ancient tomb but a boudoir. The room was filled with Virgin Girls’articles and was spotless. They passed through the main hall and arrived in front of a boudoir.

The door of the boudoir was tightly shut. Merlin went forward and opened the door, then said, “Ye Sheng, you stay outside and watch. I’ll go in with my sister.”

Mei Ling immediately looked at Ye Sheng. She had listened to Ye Sheng’s meaning. She had now determined that Ye Sheng would not harm her. He was her brother Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng came to the door and saw everything in the boudoir.

The boudoir was not big. There were tables and chairs, a bed, and curtains. Vaguely, a woman could be seen sleeping on the bed.

When Ye Sheng saw that woman, he frowned and said, “This is the goddess of seven ultimate?”

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Merlin nodded and said, “This is our mother. You’ve seen her too. There’s no danger.”

Ye Sheng looked left and right. There really was no danger. At least on the surface, there was no danger.

However, he did not know why, but he felt a sense of danger.

He hesitated.

Mei Ling, who was behind Ye Sheng, was stunned when he saw the seven ultimate goddess lying on the bed. Then, as if recalling something, he revealed a pained expression.

“What’s Wrong?”Ye Sheng immediately asked with concern.

“Brother Ye Sheng, move aside. I have to go in.”Mei Ling raised his head. His eyes were filled with helplessness and vicissitudes of life.

“If you don’t want to, no one can force you,”Ye Sheng opened his mouth and looked at Merlin.

“This is my fate. I’ve come here and I have to go in. Just wait outside. You’re my brother Ye Sheng. I Won’t let anything happen to you.”Mei Ling smiled and rejected Ye Sheng’s concern, he entered the room himself.

“I’ve already said that I won’t harm her. This is the fate of us sisters.”Merlin looked at Ye Sheng disdainfully.

“You’re not the daughters of the seven ultimate goddess at all. You’re the Seven Ultimate Goddess, right?”Ye Sheng said coldly.

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“I’m not stupid. I’m the Seven Ultimate Goddess, and so is Mei Ling. We each inherited part of our souls. The Seven Ultimate Goddess failed to transcend the tribulation back then and faked her death to escape. She used a soul spell and gave birth to Mei Ling and me. Today, we’re going to return to our original position.”Merlin explained to Ye Sheng in a rare manner.

“After we return to our original position, will you and Mei Ling still exist?”Ye Sheng asked.

“I don’t know. Soul spells were passed down from the ancient times. No one cultivates them anymore, so we’ll have to rely on ourselves to figure it out. Ye Sheng, you’re very good to Mei Ling. I’ve already calculated that we’re fated, but I didn’t expect that it wasn’t me who was fated, but Mei Ling instead,”Merlin said in disappointment, then, he walked into the room.

“Can’t you all just be yourselves?”Yesheng asked in confusion.

“Just be yourselves. We won’t live past eighteen. If the seven ultimate goddess dies, we’ll die too. This is fate. Yesheng, thank you.”Merlin smiled slightly and closed the door, leaving Yesheng standing outside alone.


In an instant, the entire room was filled with billowing waves of true energy, forming a wave.

At this moment, Ye Sheng finally understood what Merlin meant when he said that the seven ultimate goddess had left behind a treasure.

The seven ultimate goddess, Merlin, and Mei Ling had become one, and a peak expert at the twelfth level of the Void Realm had been resurrected.

However, who was the mastermind?

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