The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 444: 444


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The entire boudoir was trembling, and a terrifying might spread out, forcing Ye Sheng to continuously retreat.

“This is the twelfth level of the Void realm after transcending the Tribulation?”Ye Sheng felt this might, and his expression changed greatly.

This might was twice as strong as mu Bai.

Mu Bai was at the twelfth level of the Void realm, but compared to the seven ultimate goddess, he wasn’t just a little bit inferior.

The goddess of seven ultimate was truly at the peak of the emptiness realm, and she had been baptized in the Lightning Tribulation. She had not died yet, but she had been reborn in a different way. This was simply inconceivable.

Ye Sheng had also encountered several people at the 12th level of the emptiness realm. The sword-wielding old man, Ye Hong, Daoist Qiu, Mu Bai..

The feeling that the goddess of seven ultimate gave Ye Sheng was similar to that of the sword-wielding old man and ye Hong. She was definitely one of the most powerful people in this world.

The power was still spreading, forcing Ye Sheng out of the pavilion in the sky. He saw countless rays of light covering the entire pavilion in the sky.


/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL.C0M.

The Sky and earth changed color, and endless spiritual Qi swept over, forming a huge funnel shape. It was very eye-catching in the air.

The people near the Longze Great Abyss could see it at a glance.

“What is that?”Someone asked in shock.

“Is someone transcending the tribulation?”

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“Impossible. Lightning will descend when transcending the tribulation, and transcending the tribulation won’t have such a powerful aura.”

“Yes, this person has plundered the spiritual energy within a radius of several thousand miles. The spiritual energy of countless mountain ranges has been absorbed. I can’t even stop him. It’s simply terrifying.”

“Let’s go over and take a look. What’s going on?”

For a time, many people rushed over to the seven terminating ridge.

The seven terminating ridge was originally a place where no one visited. However, at this moment, several thousand people rushed over to take a look at what had happened.

Among them was ye Hong’s eighteen dragon sparrows.

The eighteen dragon sparrows were ye Hong’s most trusted subordinates. They were eighteen emptiness realm experts. Each of them was highly skilled and had helped ye Hong handle many matters.

The eldest of the eighteen dragon sparrows was called Mu Yun. He was a middle-aged man with a cold expression. His figure was thin and his gaze was like that of a wolf. When he entered the seven terminations ridge, the first thing he saw was Ye Sheng who was extremely far away.

“Ye Sheng?”Mu Yun frowned and looked at him in astonishment.

“What? The Prince’s son is here?”

“This is Ye Sheng. This is the first time I’ve seen him. I didn’t expect that his cultivation wasn’t weak. He’s at the fourth level of the emptiness realm.”

“Right, I only noticed him when he’s already at the fourth level of the Void Stage.”

“His natural talent is very high, far surpassing us. We can’t allow him to grow up. He and the Royal Highness have long been at each other’s throats. Such an unfilial son, killing the Royal Highness would instead reward us.”

“The disturbance here couldn’t have been caused by Ye Sheng, right?”

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“How is that possible? You’re thinking too much. Ye Sheng is still injured.”

The eighteen dragon sparrows spoke one by one and discussed very quickly. They all agreed to kill Ye Sheng now.

If they happened to meet him, then they would kill him. This was just a small matter to them.

“If we kill Ye Sheng, even if we don’t catch the Divine Dragon, it won’t be a big deal. The Royal Highness is now restricted by Liu Ru to Xianyang and can’t go out as he wishes. If we help the Royal Highness Kill Ye Sheng, the Royal Highness will be very happy,”Mu Yun said coldly.

“Big Brother, you want to do it yourself?”The others asked in surprise.

“Ye Sheng is His Highness’son and a genius. It’s best if I do it myself,”Mu Yun said lightly.

He looked at Ye Sheng’s back with excitement in his eyes.

Mu Yun loved to kill geniuses. The death of a genius was the greatest sense of accomplishment. Seeing all the promising young men die in his hands, Mu Yun’s cold heart was filled with a silent pleasure.

The rest of the eighteen dragon sparrows didn’t know about this matter at all, and Mu Yun didn’t tell anyone either.

He suppressed it with righteousness, and no one dared to say anything else.

“It’s his luck that Ye Sheng could die in big brother’s hands.”

“Right, Big Brother is also one step away from stepping into the 12th level of the emptiness realm. When that time comes, he’ll be below one person and above ten thousand people.”

“Big Brother, after killing Ye Sheng, His Highness might reward you with the secret to breaking through to the 12th level. At that time, you will be rich.”

The words of the eighteen dragonsparrows made Mu Yun’s eyes light up. These words were not false. Ye Sheng had now become a lump of flesh in King Ye’s heart. If he did not dig it out, he would hold it in and feel uncomfortable. Only when he dug it out would he be at ease.

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No one would have thought that in less than three years, Ye Sheng would have grown to such a level. If he was given a little more time, wouldn’t Ye Sheng have entered the 12th level of the emptiness realm?

If that really happened, ye Hong wouldn’t even dare to say that he would be able to kill Ye Sheng steadily.

Mu Yun didn’t say anything else and directly pounced towards Ye Sheng.


The shape of the funnel in the sky became larger and larger, to the extent that it blotted out the sky and covered the Sun. Ye Sheng had been observing the entire time and didn’t pay any attention to Mu Yun who was at the eleventh level of the void stage behind him.

But when Mu Yun pounced over, Ye Sheng’s expression still changed. He executed the Kun Peng transformation and instantly pulled apart the position.


A large rock that was over ten meters tall that Ye Sheng was standing on turned into powder and scattered between heaven and earth.

Ye Sheng stood on another rock and looked at the person in front of him in bewilderment. When he discovered the other party’s cultivation, his pupils constricted. Eleventh level of the Void realm.

Ye Sheng didn’t remember when he had offended such an expert?

“I don’t know why senior ambushed me. We don’t know each other, right?”Ye Sheng asked in bewilderment.

“I’m Mu Yun, the leader of the eighteen dragon sparrows under Lord Ye.”Mu Yun looked at Ye Sheng and said coldly, “Today, I’m here to kill the twelfth young master and bring his head back to Xianyang to see Lord Ye.”

“Are you one of ye Hong’s people?”Ye Sheng’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot and looked very ugly.

“Twelfth young master, the Thing Lord Ye said he regretted the most in the past two years was letting you leave the ye residence and letting you soar into the sky.”Mu Yun stood in the void and said coldly.

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The seven extreme goddesses were absorbing spirit energy, causing a large amount of hurricanes that caused Mu Yun’s clothes to flutter in the wind.

However, Mu Yun’s expression didn’t change. He continued to look at Ye Sheng coldly without any emotion, as if he was looking at a corpse.

In reality, he also treated Ye Sheng as a corpse. In the second after he attacked, Ye Sheng would become a corpse.

Not to mention that Ye Sheng was currently heavily injured, even if he was at his peak condition, Ye Sheng wasn’t a match for someone at the eleventh level of the emptiness realm.

If he used his thirteen swords, he might be able to go all out. However, after the thirteen swords, Ye Sheng would still die.

“Ye Hong really thinks highly of me. He’s such a cold and heartless person, yet he actually regrets for me. Should I be happy or sad?”Ye Sheng sneered.

“Regardless of whether you are happy or sad, I don’t care. Just like how you don’t care about a dog’s happiness or anger. You Don’t care about the life and death of a crow. You Don’t care about the emotions of a pig.”Mu Yun sneered and said.

“In your eyes, is this what I look like?”Ye Sheng sneered and didn’t show any signs of weakness. Even if he was seriously injured, he wouldn’t be afraid of talking back.

“This attitude is enough to deal with a person who is about to die.”Mu Yun stretched out his hand and flicked his finger. A wisp of Sword Qi suddenly became bigger and turned into a huge long sword that slashed towards him.

Ye Sheng frowned and looked at it with despair.

How could he, who was heavily injured, resist?

“Who dares to hurt my brother Ye Sheng?”A voice filled with dignity sounded.


A sound shattered the sword Qi in mid-air.

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