The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 479: 479

After agreeing to participate in this battle for the Pure Land, senior Xu and the totem inheritor left the next day.

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They had to go back to protect the rest of the people. Once the Seven Monsters of Sky Mountain all broke through the twelfth layer, Ye Sheng and the others would have a lot of confidence.

On the side that split up, Ye Sheng did not leave Xianyang immediately.

He still had some things to deal with.

The moment Ye Sheng killed ye Hong, Priest Qingxu was relieved. The next day, he brought Duanmu Yu and Dao Ming out of Xianyang and returned to Mount Longhu.

Priest Qingxu was grooming Duanmu Yu as the next hierarch of Mount Longhu.

Dao Ming was too young and had a temperamental temperament, so he was not suitable to be the hierarch. Ye Sheng was already standing at the peak, so he did not care about Mount Longhu’s little inheritance and was not suitable either. Therefore, Priest Qingxu had thought of grooming Duanmu Yu from the start.

When they left, the inheritance treasure of Mount Longhu was still in Ye Sheng’s hands. He did not take it away and gave it to Ye Sheng to use. Whenever ye Sheng did not want to use it anymore, he would return it to Priest Qingxu.

Meanwhile, Chu Zhongtian and qilin were also prepared to leave Xianyang and travel around the world to improve their knowledge and enrich themselves.

Ye Sheng sent them off and hugged each other a thousand miles away from Xianyang City, parting ways with Chu Zhongtian.

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Then, Ye Sheng met the old man.

He was a great expert at the twelfth level of the emptiness realm and had lived for three thousand years. He could be considered an old antique.

On the ancient road outside Xianyang, there were all kinds of small taverns with simple decorations. They were places for guests to rest, drink tea, drink wine, and eat.

Ye Sheng and the old man met here and paused for a while.

In the small taverns, the old man told Ye Sheng that he was leaving Xianyang to meet a big shot overseas.

The old Xuanwu.

Ye sheng frowned and asked, “Has the old Xuanwu still been staying in the sea?”

The old man smiled and said, “The old Xuanwu stayed in the sea because its strength has long surpassed the twelfth level of the emptiness realm. To avoid the heavenly tribulation, it has some confidence in transcending the tribulation and ascending, but it has never done so. Do you know why?”

“The ether void,”Ye Sheng immediately said.

The old man had said that the old Xuanwu’s accumulation was too deep. It did not choose to transcend the tribulation and compete with Heaven and earth. Instead, it wanted to obtain the ether void and enter the void world.

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The ether void contained the world’s greatest treasure. Once it was obtained, it would definitely ascend. This was the old Xuanwu’s goal all along.

“Now that the old Xuanwu is coming out, has the aether void been discovered?”Ye Sheng asked.

“Yes, your guess is right. The aether void has indeed been discovered. It is in the pure land guarded by the Changsheng tribe. The old Xuanwu has already confirmed this matter, which is why he made a move. His goal is to seize this aether void.”The old man nodded, “Yes.”.

Ye Sheng frowned. “It’s the Pure Land again. Why is everyone thinking about the Pure Land?”

“Why? Is there anyone else thinking about the Pure Land?”The old man asked with a frown.

Ye Sheng thought for a moment and told the old man about Liu Rushi.

“This Liu Rushi is still not satisfied after receiving the inheritance of the mighty figure of the Void. It is not a problem for him to ascend into the void, but he is obsessed with the treasures in the Pure Land. If he is greedy, he will swallow the elephant. Sooner or later, something will happen,”the old man said unhappily.

“Can old Xuanwu form an alliance with me?”Ye Sheng’s expression changed as he asked.

The old man shook his head and said, “I’m afraid not. Old Xuanwu has a strange temper and keeps to himself. After so many years, I’m the only one who has become his spokesperson. Do you know my background?”

Ye Sheng shook his head. He didn’t know.

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“Three thousand years ago, I was the son of a fisherman at the edge of the East Sea. In an accident, I was dragged into the sea by a sea demon. At the moment of my death, the old Xuanwu saved me and taught me how to cultivate. Then, he let me return to land and began to improve myself. Very soon, I became an emptiness realm expert. Under the guidance of the old Xuanwu, I helped it find the aether void. The relationship between us is more like an employment relationship. It hired me to help find the aether void, and the reward is to guide me in cultivation,”the old man said slowly.

Ye Sheng finally understood why the old man could have turned around and sent the Little Xuanwu into the sea when he could have found the true dragon earlier in the southwest region.

“The old Xuanwu’s realm has definitely surpassed the 12th level of the emptiness realm and has entered an unfathomable level. However, because of the limitations of this world, it has been silently staying in the depths of the sea and did not want to be discovered. It only chose to come out now,”the old man told Ye Sheng.

“Then does it come to land?”Ye Sheng asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. It was only when the old Xuanwu asked me to go over to see it that I found out that it had discovered the location of the aether void,”the old man shook his head and said.

“Then let’s part ways here.”Ye Sheng raised his wine cup and said.

“Ye Sheng, don’t make an enemy out of the old Xuanwu. I Can’t see through its power at all. It may be the most powerful one in this world,”the old man warned Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng nodded. To be honest, he didn’t really need the treasures in the Pure Land. Without the treasures in the Pure Land, he could still continue to break through. Moreover, the heavenly tribulation was nothing to Ye Sheng. Every time he broke through.., he had to go through the heavenly tribulation. He was already used to it.

Therefore, Ye Sheng had the least desire for the Pure Land.

However, just because he didn’t have any desire didn’t mean that Ye Sheng wouldn’t fight for it. He would try his best. It would be best if he could get it. If he couldn’t get it, he wouldn’t regret it.

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“Then I will leave first. We might meet again soon.”The old man said goodbye to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng watched him leave. He sat in the tavern for a while before he got up and went home.

In the manor, Beauty Zhou was packing her things.

She was going to go back to her father-in-law’s house to stay. After Ye Sheng left, Beauty Zhou was very conscious in packing her things. Her position was very accurate. Since she could not help ye Sheng, she should not become a burden to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng was also unable to help beauty Zhou improve her strength. She was currently pregnant. If she improved herself, it wouldn’t be good if she hurt the child. She could only wait for the child to come out and give Beauty Zhou many resources to help her break through to the golden core stage, and even the emptiness realm.

The current Beauty Zhou had the strength of a peak Xiantian realm expert. However, because of her pregnancy, she fell to the early stage of Xiantian realm level ten.

Beauty Zhou didn’t care about her cultivation level at all. Her heart was completely focused on Ye Sheng and the child. As long as the child was born safely, it wouldn’t be a problem for her to fall to the first sky of Xiantian realm. After all, Ye Sheng had plenty of resources, she would be able to make up for it very quickly.

After Ye Sheng returned, he took the initiative to help Beauty Zhou clean up. Actually, there wasn’t much to clean up. It was just some change of clothes, but his father-in-law’s residence also had them. They lived in Xianyang, so they didn’t lack food, clothing, and shelter.

In the end, Ye Sheng held beauty Zhou and sat in the gazebo, looking at the vast starry sky. The husband and wife talked to each other and expressed their feelings to resolve some of the frustrations in their hearts.

“When I come back, I will help you to advance to the emptiness realm,”ye Sheng said in the end heroically.

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