The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 480: 480

Ye Sheng flew through the clouds like lightning, shuttling through the white clouds and blue sky, leaving Xianyang.

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Ye Sheng had taken care of the matters in Xianyang, and Beauty Zhou had moved back to her father-in-law’s mansion. This time, her father-in-law had assured Ye Sheng that there would be no problems, so Ye Sheng was relieved.

Without ye Hong and Liu Ru, no one could take beauty Zhou away from the quasi-sage realm.

Beauty Zhou is seven months pregnant, and her child will be born in two to three months. I have to hurry up and deal with these matters before I come back to see my child, Ye Sheng thought silently.

Ye Sheng only spent half a day to reach this place on the banks of the great river or the Yellow River.

With his current speed, he wouldn’t be able to catch up to Ye Sheng even if he used the Kun Peng transformation. Ye Sheng had always persisted in cultivating the Kun Peng Transformation, and by now, he was already quite advanced.


The Majestic Yellow River surged violently, and the waves slapped against the shore, rolling up tens of meters high.

The Yellow River was the mother river of humans. In ancient times, before humans had developed the mountain forests, they had already used the Yellow River as the center to develop their tribes.

The members of the longevity tribe were the most outstanding people of that era. They were divided into nine great tribes, guarding the treasures of the world.

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And this protection was the scene of who knows how many generations. At present, the human race was flourishing, and the world had developed a lot. The millions of mountains in the southwest could enter and exit at will, but the immortal clansmen didn’t keep up with the times and stood still, they dragged the race into an awkward situation.

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The lower four bloodlines had been completely destroyed. The upper five bloodlines were making a final struggle, hoping to borrow the treasures in the pure land to reproduce the race.

This was because the people of the upper five bloodlines were at the emptiness realm once they reached adulthood. Their bloodlines were powerful, so the chances of them naturally giving birth to offspring were much lower.

Everything in this world was one drink, one peck, and there was a law.

With powerful bloodlines, procreation was a problem. The upper five bloodlines were also unwilling to choose to marry with other humans, and it was too difficult for them to give birth by themselves. Normally, a couple would only be able to have one child after working hard for their entire life, the lucky two children and the extremely lucky three. However, in this situation, there would not be a second generation.

Thus, it could be seen from the large number of people in the past to the fact that the total number of people from the five lineages was less than a hundred.

The Changsheng clansmen were anxious.

If they were not anxious, Liu Ruyan’s plan would not work either. It was precisely because they were anxious that Liu Ruyan had the confidence to convince them to open the Pure Land and obtain treasures to improve the problem of reproduction.

Ye Sheng remembered very clearly that his big sister had told him that the current idea of the upper five lineages was still not to combine with outsiders. Through the treasures of the Pure Land, the problem of the scarcity of their descendants would be improved.

Wishful Thinking!

Ye Sheng disdained to laugh at them. What you get, you have to pay for. When you reach adulthood, you will be in the emptiness realm. Once you reproduce in a large scale, will there be any room for other creatures to survive?

The Heavenly Dao was circular. The members of the longevity tribe were clearly behind the times. When the lower four bloodlines were still around, they did not think of a way to solve it. It was already too late to save them now.

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The lower four bloodlines had been completely wiped out. Only two or three kittens were still around. Moreover, their bloodlines had been diluted. The members of the longevity tribe had already missed the best chance to save them.

Looking at the surging Yellow River, Ye Sheng slowly walked to the edge. With a step, his body appeared a hundred meters away and teleported. This was the use of the Dao rhythm of space. Ye Sheng was now very skilled at it, there was no problem with short-distance space travel.

Ye Sheng was looking for the location of the immortal clansmen.

Big Sister and Qin Ershi gave him a rough location.

The upper five branches of the immortal clansmen lived in seclusion on the bank of the Yellow River. They were not like ordinary people. They had their own small world, and the barrier controlled ordinary people who could not touch them.

Therefore, Qin Ershi only provided a rough location and let ye Sheng find it himself.

The bank of the Yellow River was very large and long. The Yellow River flowed endlessly, meandering like a real dragon. Ye Sheng walked, looked, and felt the fluctuations of the surrounding space.

Knowing that night had fallen, the starry sky was densely covered with stars. A full moon hung in the sky like a silver plate.

Ye Sheng walked under the moonlight like a banished immortal. The strong wind blew, his long sleeves billowed, and his hair danced. He had a free and unrestrained feeling.

The Void Demon King stood on Ye Sheng’s shoulder coldly. His gaze was sharp, like an eagle, but his aura was more than that of an eagle.

After experiencing all kinds of baptism, Ye Sheng had completely matured. Although his face was young, there was no longer any childishness. Anyone who saw him would no longer treat Ye Sheng as a child.

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“Yes, here.”Ye Sheng suddenly brightened. His black pupils seemed to contain the stars of the universe as he stared at a place.

A place by the Yellow River was at a corner. There was a mountain cliff that was descending vertically. This mountain cliff that was as sharp as a knife was like a mirror, reflecting the brightness of the moon in the night.

When Ye Sheng saw this place, he felt that there was a spatial fluctuation.

Ye Sheng stepped on the void and drifted over. He stretched out his hand and touched it. He was even more certain now.

“The camouflage method is so exquisite. You’ve put in a lot of effort,”Ye Sheng said softly.

The Small World where the Changsheng tribe was located was within this cliff. This huge cliff was extremely steep, and no one could climb it. Even those at the postliminary realm couldn’t climb it, and this place was also sparsely populated, it was the best place for the Changsheng tribe to rest.

And just as Ye Sheng was about to observe this small world, the void demon king suddenly said, “Ye Sheng, someone has come out.”

Ye Sheng took a few steps back. He had also noticed that the spatial ripples had been discovered by Ye Sheng, and someone had come out.

“Welcome, esteemed guest.”An old man wearing simple and unadorned clothes that had been patched walked out. His face was clean, and he was at the fifth level of the Void Realm.

“You knew I was coming?”Ye Sheng asked curiously.

“This is a small world. There is a huge mirror inside that can see the situation outside. We discovered it the moment the esteemed guest arrived,”the old man explained.

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Although this old man wore simple clothes, his bearing was calm, and he was neither servile nor overbearing. It was obvious that he was well-cultivated, and he was not sloppy. He was clean.

“You know me?”Ye Sheng asked.

“In the battle on the ancient yellow sand road outside Xianyang, I’m afraid that everyone in this world knows you, right?”The old man smiled lightly and said.

“So you are also paying attention to the outside world. What I’ve heard is that the members of the longevity tribe live in seclusion and ignore the mortal world,”Ye Sheng said calmly.

“That was all in the past. Since the honored guest is here, why don’t you let him in for a chat?”The old man invited Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng didn’t enter immediately. Instead, he asked, “Which branch of the upper five branches do you belong to?”

“The upper five branches are separated by metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. We belong to the Earth Branch,”the old man explained in peace.

“I see. Then I’ll go in as a guest.”Ye Sheng wasn’t afraid. At his level of battle strength, the members of the immortal clan wouldn’t rashly offend him. Moreover, he took the initiative to come out. It was obvious that he wanted to befriend Ye Sheng.

Since that was the case, Why Not Ye Sheng? He took this opportunity to learn more about the Changsheng clansmen.

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