Fiftieth day: Divorce (2)

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Lu Lincheng approached, he wanted to ask her what she was doing at night and came back so late, but as soon as he approached, he could smell the faint smell of alcohol on Liang Yan’s body, and he frowned suddenly: “You have been drinking.”

Liang Yan nodded: “Yes.”

Liang Yan moved, intending to leave but Lu Lincheng grabbed her wrist. “Wait.”

Liang Yan struggled, trying to free her hand. “Hey, Lu Lincheng, what are you doing? Why are you grabbing me?”

Lu Lincheng’s expression turned ugly when he heard that she had been drinking. “Drinking? Don’t tell me you haven’t learned your lesson. You dare to go out and drink?”

His words rendered Liang Yan speechless. “I went out with the crew and had two drinks. Aren’t we all acquaintances? Is there any problem?”

“Acquaintances?” Lu Lincheng sneered. “Will you still remember those acquaintances tomorrow? Do you know how dangerous it is?”

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He mingled in the circle far longer than her, and he knew how indifferent the people in the industry were. Today, they might be having fun with you, but tomorrow, countless people would stab you.

Liang Yan stared at her captured wrist and tried to calm down. She hated his self-righteous act. “Lu Lincheng, let me go. What are you doing here at night? My drinking has nothing to do with you.”

Lu Lincheng laughed sarcastically, sounding angry. “It has nothing to do with me. Do you want a repeat of what Zhou Zhibo did to you when you got drunk?”

“You!” Thinking about that night in Gudong City, Liang Yan’s cheeks heated.  She blushed and grit her teeth as she thought of Jiang Mu’s hypothesis the other day. She raised her head and locked gazes with Lu Lincheng. “Lu Lincheng, have you had enough?”

“What?” Lu Lincheng was surprised.

Liang Yan immediately seized her wrist back and stated aggressively, “Did you specifically come here at night to scold me? You wanted the divorce, so I signed it! Now, you’re pestering me! What’s wrong with you? Are you done?”

“Pester you?” Lu Lincheng asked as if he couldn’t believe it. He frowned.

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Liang Yan put her hands on her hips. “Isn’t this pestering? You and I have divorced. Legally speaking, I have nothing to do with you. What are you doing to a woman who has nothing to do with you?”

Lu Lincheng stood still as if he had been stabbed. He lowered his head and didn’t say anything, looking unconfident.

Contrary to him, Liang Yan was more and more agitated. She voiced out all her grievances after she lost her memory. She said furiously, “Do you think I’m interesting? I may have amnesia but with or without it, and no matter what happened before, I don’t regret divorcing you.”

“For the past two years during our marriage, what did you do besides sleeping with me? Yeah? Your fans scolded me day and night, non-stop. Did you know that?”

“You make big movies while I make web dramas. Well, it’s nothing. It’s not in the law that husbands should feed their other half with resources. It’s fine if you don’t do it, never mention it. It’s okay that you forgot to ask for WeChat, but you should at least follow me on Weibo. You can’t even give me a face outside!”

“Did I put a knife around your neck to force you to marry me? Did I tie you when we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau?”

“Why did you start caring about me after we divorced? Don’t you think it’s already too late?”

Liang Yan scolded him for a while and breathed a sigh of relief after speaking her words.

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Lu Lincheng clenched his fists uncontrollably.

“Liang Yan,” he said through gritted teeth. His body tensed as if he was trying hard to restrain something, but when he saw Liang Yan looking like a pufferfish putting up defenses, his shoulders loosened. “You misunderstood. Let’s talk again when you remember, okay?”

“Then I’d rather not remember ever again.”

Liang Yan turned around and walked away, fuming.

Sure enough, Lu Lincheng didn’t follow her.

Liang Yan couldn’t understand herself. When she thought about that night again, she realized she was a little too righteous. She had amnesia and couldn’t remember anything. What if she really placed a knife on Lu Lincheng’s neck and forcefully married him?

When Liang Yan thought about Lu Lincheng, she became more confused. So, she only devoted herself to filming every day, studied the role, and she even wrote a character biography for it.

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A few days later, gossip news about Liang Yan popped out of nowhere.

Liang Yan found out that after her death song scandal, she was secretly photographed again.

This time, two people were filmed on video. In the video, a man who wore a baseball cap had his back on the camera while Liang Yan faced the camera, her face visible. Her hands were on her hips, her eyes opened wide, and she spoke as if she was a head teacher lecturing her student. At first glance, she looked really angry, was cursing, and was obviously losing her temper.

Opposite her, the tall, thin man who was a head taller than her slightly bowed his head. He was obediently listening while being scolded, and didn’t say a word of retort.

Even if only the back view was seen, it was vaguely seen that the man had good posture and temperament.

Gossip news headline:

“Divorced, feeling empty and lonely. Liang Yan was caught training her wolf-dog.”

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