51st day — divorce (1)

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The netizens hadn’t eaten this melon for a while now, and just hearing her name was so explosive.

Divorce, feeling empty and lonely?

Raising a life wolf-dog to train it at night?

The netizens excitedly clicked the video and saw the two. The girl’s skin shone white in the darkness of the night. Her angry look was like Liang Yan’s and while the man was a head taller than her, he just let her let loose her temper.

Although they didn’t see the man’s face, from the height and temperament he exuded, the video had a sense of CP. If they were thrown out into the streets amidst the crowd, the people would know they were lovers at a glance.

Immediately, someone pointed out that this might just be an ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend quarreling. Liang Yan’s career had just taken off after her divorce, she got a boyfriend that fast? Weren’t she afraid of losing fans?

Someone instantly objected.

Was it possible for an ordinary boyfriend to be so docile and not fight back? Scold her back?

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Impossible. It might be that kind of wolf-dog! She was raising one.

Because they didn’t see the man’s face, the netizens were itching for more melons. Someone wanted to rush into the video and grabbed the man to show his face to the camera. They wanted to see what Liang Yan’s wolf-dog looked like. It would be okay if it were another actress, but Liang Yan’s ex-husband was Lu Lincheng. He stood out at the peak of the industry since his debut because of his appearance. What did this wolf-dog look like for Liang Yan to be attracted to him when she already had a taste of Lu Lincheng?

Based on the man’s back figure, height, and temperament, Liang Yan’s aesthetics wasn’t waterloo.

Everyone stared at the figure, wishing they could see through his back. Then, out of the blue, someone realized:

[Shit, shit… why do I feel like this is Lu Lincheng’s back…]

[Actually, me too…]

[No way! They’re divorced!]

[Divorce isn’t really what matters here. If it’s Lu Lincheng, will he just stand there and let Liang Yan scold him? Lose her temper at him?]

[Hahahaha just like the fake husband and wife relationship before, guess this Lu Lincheng is Shi Lezhi.]

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[But the back is similar]

Lu Lincheng was inactive these days, and unlike Liang Yan’s fans who were injected with chicken blood most of the time, his fans were in a state of recharging energy. When someone guessed that the back was Lu Lincheng’s, his fans immediately came out with big knives.

[Will Lu Lincheng go to meet Liang Yan?]

[Lu Lincheng was just standing there while scolded by Liang Yan?]

[Why don’t you go to heaven?]

[Take Lu Lincheng away, and we will meet!]

[Let the ex-wife and her ex-wife be alone beautifully alone together.jpg]

[I think Lu Lincheng’s eyes should be donated to those who need them. Thanks.]

[Liang Yan sb Liang Yan sb Liang Yan sb]

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In the face of the continuous denial from fans, some people insisted that it was Lu Lincheng. They mocked his fans.

[Some fans can recognize their brother with just a strand of hair, but why can’t they recognize Lu Lincheng with such a big back figure standing there?]

[Because they’re selectively blind! Hahahaha]

Lu Lincheng’s fans were the first to attack, making the Langyas who restrained themselves to wait for Liang Yan’s response show their fangs.

[Oh, it’s not as if we’re letting Liang Yan get back with Lu Lincheng…]

[What happened to the little wolf-dog? The little wolf-dog is much better than Lu Lincheng!]

Liang Yan’s attacked aggressively.

[Please, the ex-husband can’t wait to jump out to brush his existence! Let the ex-husband and her ex-husband’s girls be beautiful alone. Thank you.]

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[Abandoning the scumbag ex-husband and taking care of the little wolf-dog. Liang Yan is an amazing girl!]

[Please, don’t rub on Liang Yan’s heat every time, ex-husband!]

Lu Lincheng’s fans couldn’t stand being told they were rubbing Liang Yan’s heat every time, but it was true that Lu Lincheng was on vacation and had no activities recently. Fans from both sides started to fight. The ex-husband’s fans and the ex-wife’s fans started to fight, not giving in to each other.

Soon, the combination of both fans from different sides became famous “ex-girlfriends” in the fan circle and even had an exclusive Baidu entry.

The “ex-girlfriends” — refers to Liang Yan and Lu Lincheng’s girl fans who were always alert about the news of Liang Yan and Lu Lincheng. They stand on opposite sides, eyeing the movement of the other side every day.

In regards to the little wolf-dog — the “ex-girlfriends” denied it vehemently, way faster than the parties involved but the back figure was similar to Lu Lincheng. Since the fans claimed it wasn’t him, then who could it be?

The “ex-girlfriends” raised their magnifying glasses, pretending to be Sherlock Holmes as they looked for clues.   It was clear that the woman in the video was Liang Yan, and the suspected back figure was Lu Lincheng. Recently, Liang Yan was filming “Benevolence”. In the official announcement of the drama, the person who had most scenes with Liang Yan was the small Zhong Ze, nicknamed the “Little Lu Lincheng” during his debut days.

It was straightforward.

It wasn’t Lu Lincheng, but someone like Lu Lincheng, so, it must be Zhong Ze!

Soon, “Zhong Ze, the little wolf dog” trended on the hot search.

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