“He’s…” Chu Feng glanced at X before turning back to the Xiao Shiyus, “He’s firefighter shu shu1Chinese for uncle, he came to save us.”

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The four Xiao Shiyus studied X with dark expressions. Red Hat Xiao Shiyu turned and stuck his tongue out towards him before burrowing his face into Chu Feng’s neck, ignoring him.

Past the forest was a hospital. Chu Feng had specially built it near the kindergarten back then. The four Xiao Shiyus had just escaped from the fire with barely an inch of their lives, they had to be sent for a checkup.

“Let’s go.” Chu Feng carried Popsicle Xiao Xie with his left hand and Water Gun Xiao Xie with his right. The two of them were the most injured out of the four, and the other two Xiao Shiyus could only stand and stare.

“I… only have two hands.” Chu Feng chuckled helplessly.

X: “I can help you.”

“No!” Red Hat Xiao Shiyu refused loudly.

The other Xiao Shiyu’s eyes glinted mischievously. His squeaky shoes squeaked as he walked toward X and opened his arms obediently.

X swept him up into his embrace.

Xiao Xie sat on X’s shoulder and swung his little feet in the air.

“Chu Feng gege must have worked hard to save us, you don’t have to carry me anymore.” He said in a saccharin voice, “I’ll be good and follow firefighter shushu to the hospital.”

“Unlike some people…”

Squeaky Shoes Xiao Xie lowered his gaze, staring down at Red Hat Xiao Xie from a height of 1.9m, and smirked.

Red Hat Xiao Shiyu instantly reddened. He sprinted over, ready to fight Squeaky Shoes Xiao Xie, but only managed to reach X’s knees. Seeing that, X bent down and swept him up too.

That was how two adults and four children stalked through the small forest and to the hospital.


As the sun set on the horizon, night fell.

A mosquito lay in the small forest, silently resting on Water Gun Xiao Shiyu’s collar, and followed them into the hospital.

“Thanks for today.”

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After finishing all the documents for the Xiao Shiyus, Chu Feng stood in the corridor and thanked X. The overhead lights above shone pale light against the floors—like a floor of cold cream.

“My cousin called you here?”


“He… used my WeChat to contact you?”

“Yeah.” He said, “I was on my phone when he called me.”

“I didn’t interrupt your work, did I?”


“That’s good.”

Chu Feng nodded his head.

After that was done, there was nothing else to talk about.

Silence, and even more silence.

X wanted to continue chatting, so he used the topic that most parents liked to talk about most.

“Your kids are pretty cute.”

“It’s not…”

Chu Feng facepalmed, helpless.

“It’s not what you think.”

X just looked at him curiously.

“Didn’t you… Didn’t you notice that they look the exact same?”

Quadruplets are supposed to look the same though? X thought.

X lowered his head, staring at the light reflecting on the ground, cold as ice.

“They’re… the same person.”

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In the abrupt silence, X stared at Chu Feng.

Then, as if realizing something, he blurted, “Then that time on the bus…”

“It’s the same person.”

Chu Feng was speaking faster and faster.

X could feel that the little beauty didn’t like it when people asked about his husband, so he stopped.

—Nor did he want to ask anything else. He couldn’t even find those troublemaking kids cute anymore.

“Can C-F-4088 proceed to level 3, room 306 for payment?”

An announcement sounded from the hospital speaker.

“You have to pay in your own city?”

“To make it more realistic.” Chu Feng smiled, pointing towards the stairs. “Then I’ll be going first. You should get going too.”

X nodded his head.

Guardians typically had special access when it came to entering Dream Cities, so Chu Feng didn’t bother worrying about him getting stuck and made a beeline upstairs.

3rd Floor, Room 306.

Chu Feng stood in front of the door and took a deep breath.

This room wasn’t some accountant’s office, nor was it a place to make payment.

—It was Doctor Xie’s office.

While he didn’t have to pay when getting checked up, he did need to give something else as compensation.

—These compensations were typically unexpected and would take a long time.

Chu Feng stood outside the door, nervous. He was a little… scared of this Xie Shiyu.

He didn’t know if it was because of the doctor role he had assigned to him, but this Xie Shiyu was someone who… had sinister intentions2Technically the phrase is someone who looks wise/smart on the outside but has sinister intentions on the inside. To put it simply, he’s a pervert.

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Inside the room, just a door’s length away from him, held dozens of toys. Every time Chu Feng came to pay, he’d end up crying until he couldn’t breathe. It was completely different from the way Tyrant Xie and President Xie, who just no brainer thrusted. Perhaps it was because this Xiao Xie had been shut in the hospital for too long and turned insane, or… maybe Xie Shiyu himself was a little perverted. It was just that there was no way of showing it in the complicated place they called reality.

—But because he was Xie Shiyu, Chu Feng would still come here for payment without fail, a little fearful but he was also anticipating it.

As he breathed out, he brought his hand up. Just as he was about to knock on the door—


The door opened.

Doctor Xie appeared in front of Chu Feng in a white coat, his 192 cm height looming over him like a cage. His coat wasn’t completely buttoned up, the top two were undone. The white light shining from the office shone against Xie Shiyu’s body, giving him a cold aura.

“What are you doing standing out here?”

“To… pay.”

“Come on in.”

His voice was clearly emotionless.

—It wasn’t like 18 and 19 year old Xie Shiyu, who would call out to him and ask for kisses and hugs, warmth and love.

Chu Feng slowly dragged his legs into Doctor Xie’s office.


The door behind him closed by itself.


And locked itself automatically.

As he was walking in, he felt as if he was a frog who had laid itself out on the dissection table.


“I heard you were in a fire?”

The sound of Doctor Xie putting on a white latex gloves had Chu Feng’s heart fluttering.

“Yeah, the kindergarten caught on fire.”

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Chu Feng was a little worried about the gloves. They looked like the kind doctors used before surgery. Xie Shiyu has never worn them the last few times he came to make payment. He didn’t know what was going to be done to him this time.

“Why… are you wearing gloves?”

“Don’t all doctors wear gloves? It’s for hygiene.”

Chu Feng stared at Xie Shiyu’s unbuttoned coat and said, “Then this must be unhygienic.”

“This,” Doctor Xie looked at him, eyes curved into crescents, “Will be taken off later, no?”

Chu Feng clammed his mouth shut.

“Come here.”

Xie Shiyu brought Chu Feng to the left side of the office. He didn’t know when he had knocked the wall down and added a new room.

“I just had it built. Do you like it?”

Cold sweat slid down Chu Feng’s spine.

There was a leather bed with a few black straps built into it. He’d be bound the second he laid on it, unable to move and completely at the mercy of Doctor Xie.

“Xie… Shiyu.”

Chu Feng was just about to beg for mercy when Xie Shiyu spoke first, cutting him off.

“It looks like your leg is bleeding. Did you cut it when you were saving the others?”

Doctor Xie lowered his head, asking about his wounds. His exposed jawline was beautiful and his tone was warm and kind.

But Chu Feng knew that his next words weren’t going to be as kind.

“Lay on it, I’ll give you a checkup.”

“Xie… Shiyu…”

Chu Feng stared at the black leather bed and straps, helpless and reluctant.

“Don’t make me wait.” Doctor Xie smiled at Chu Feng, wearing his surgery gloves, “My dear.”

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