Chu Feng was lying on the medical bed, his pale wrists and ankles were strapped into the black restraints, while his eyes were covered by a black blindfold.

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“…Xie Shiyu?”

Chu Feng couldn’t see anything. The unexpected darkness made him anxious. Xie Shiyu had never blindfolded him before.

He ignored him.


The sound of the surgical overhead light turning on sounded, warming his skin up with its intense light.


—He took the surgical scissors out of the porcelain plate.

The room was silent, making the smallest sounds even more pronounced. It was freezing.

Chu Feng couldn’t stop himself from struggling against the restraints that kept him in place. Not only were his hands and legs tied up, but so were his neck and waist. He couldn’t even turn his head. He was no different from a butterfly specimen.

Doctor Xie held a silver surgical scissor and inched closer to him…


A hand held his waist.

His sculpted finger hooked onto the band of his pants and pushed it down agonizingly slowly.

Xie Shiyu was wearing latex gloves on his hand. They were cold and foreign against his skin, holding his leg and sliding down.

Chu Feng started trembling.

“Your wound is pretty deep.”

Xie Shiyu looked at Chu Feng’s thigh and saw that line of blood going along his delicate skin, it looked like it was cut from something metal, and blood was still oozing from it.

“It’s fine.” Chu Feng replied.

Lucid Dream City connected your brainwaves to the game. Even if you get injured in the game, your body in reality won’t get hurt. As long as you don’t die in-game, it’s alright.

“You’re saying it’s fine when it looks like this?” Doctor Xie chided, “I’ll have to stitch this wound up. I’ll disinfect it, it might hurt a little, but don’t move.”

Doctor Xie’s voice was gentle as he instructed his patient. He poured some rubbing alcohol onto the cotton and wiped it on Chu Feng’s bare thigh.

It stung and tickled a little.

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“Are you…” Chu Feng started hesitantly, “Are you just stitching up my wound?”

Chu Feng could hear Xie Shiyu chuckling in the darkness.

“What did you expect me to do?” His voice was low, as if suppressing the air in his lungs.

“Nothing!” Chu Feng scrambled to say.

He disinfected, numbed, and stitched the area, fixing up the wound on his leg.


The cold surgical scissors cut the last bit of string.

“Alright, we’re done.”

Xie Shiyu’s technique was immaculate. Chu Feng, who had been tied to the bed, didn’t feel any pain.

“Then can you let me off the bed now?”

Chu Feng’s hands were held by black straps on two sides of the bed. Every time he struggled, the bed would make a sound.

“Don’t be impatient.” Doctor Xie pressed his hands down. “I haven’t finished my checkup yet.”

Chu Feng couldn’t see Xie Shiyu with his eyes blindfolded, but he heard the sound of him peeling his latex gloves off and walking back toward him.

His white button-up was pushed up, revealing his small waist and soft stomach. He felt like an overturned porcupine, unable to do anything as the hunter watched. Xie Shiyu’s eyes curved into crescents.

The cold light made Chu Feng’s skin look even more eye-catching, his pale skin tied up with the black straps, sticking to his waistline, revealing his curves. Xie Shiyu knew exactly how it felt to hold that waist.

Feeling Doctor Xie’s gaze on his skin, Chu Feng wanted to hide, but he was tied up with nowhere to run and could only blame the untruthful Xie Shiyu.

“Didn’t you say you were only stitching up my wound?”

“What are you so worried about?”

Doctor Xie bent down, dragging his callused finger across Chu Feng’s stomach and pressing down.

“Does it hurt here?”

Chu Feng shook his head.

Doctor Xie dragged his finger down and pressed on his lower stomach, using more strength.

“What about here?”

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Chu Feng shook his head again.

“No wounds on the abdomen. No internal injuries either.” Doctor Xie took his hand off and put the white button-up back down, ending his abdomen checkup.

Chu Feng let out a breath of relief.

“Then… Can I go?”

“Don’t be impatient.”

Doctor Xie reached his hand out and patted Chu Feng’s cheek.

“Open your mouth.” His tone was gentle, “I need to check if your mouth is bleeding.”

Chu Feng’s eyes were blindfolded, he couldn’t see anything. He had no choice but to obediently open his mouth.


Xie Shiyu kissed him!

His tongue poked at every single part of his mouth.

The kiss was too intense. Every time he kissed Xie Shiyu, Chu Feng would always feel dangerously close to suffocating. Only when he almost couldn’t breathe did Xie Shiyu stop.

“No blood.” Doctor Xie remarked.

“Is… Is it over?” Chu Feng panted, “Can I go now?”

“I’ve finished the checkup.”

Doctor Xie kept the surgical instruments away and sat on the side of the bed.

“But my dear,” He started affectionately, “Have you paid?”

Chu Feng was frozen.

He couldn’t see anything past the blindfold, but he heard Xie Shiyu taking off his coat and placing it on a hook.

Then, it was the sound of a zipper.


He seemed to press a button.

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The bed suddenly started moving, bringing Chu Feng’s waist higher and higher—

“Xie Shiyu, you’re a scammer!”

Chu Feng was blindfolded, his limbs trapped. He couldn’t even struggle if he wanted to.

“Don’t be scared.” He heard Xie Shiyu laughing in the dark, “I’ll be gentle today.”

Four hours later…

Chu Feng laid on the bed, sweat-soaked, and out of energy.

—Though he was more gentle today. He only did it once.



Doctor Xie released the restraints.

Chu Feng twitched his fingers, unable to get up. Xie Shiyu gently held him up, taking his clothes off the side of the bed and helping him put them on.

—Doctor Xie was meticulous in everything he did. Even when he was taking off his clothes, he would fold them neatly and place them to the side.

Chu Feng recalled Tyrant Xiao Xie and President Xiao Xie. Those bastards were different—they were more aggressive. Every time they did it, they’d rip his clothes off or cut his pants off.

Xie Shiyu in reality was a relatively normal person. He’d throw the clothes on the bed or the ground and clean them up afterward.

Chu Feng was a little curious as to why they all behaved differently. The Xie Shiyus his Dream City had created were all based off the Xie Shiyu in reality. Every single one of them reflected Xie Shiyu at one point in his life, or they wouldn’t be here right now.

—But he can’t remember which part of Xie Shiyu’s life Doctor Xie was from. Xie Shiyu has never been so obviously a… pervert in his memory.

“What are you thinking about?”

Doctor Xie knelt down and lifted Chu Feng’s leg, putting his pants on for him.

“I’m thinking about why you’re such a pervert.” Chu Feng replied.

He seemed to have heard something funny, chuckling.

His laugh sounded like a fox’s as if some evil plan was cooking in his head. Chu Feng immediately sat up and put his pants on himself, getting ready to bolt.

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“I’ll wash myself up next door, you… just stay here.”

“I’m afraid there isn’t enough time.”

Xie Shiyu said abruptly.

“Why won’t there be enough time?”

“Isn’t there someone waiting for you downstairs?” Xie Shiyu smiled, turning on his laptop.

In the CCTV of the floor’s corridor, there was a silhouette.

A metallic coat leaned against the white walls, the white overhead light cast a dark shadow against the ground.


Chu Feng was shocked. He… still hasn’t left? Has he been standing there this entire time, waiting for him?

“It’s poor manners to make him wait for so long, isn’t it?”

Doctor Xie’s tone was easygoing. Everything he said sounded like someone who was kind and caring.

—But Chu Feng had a faint feeling of unease.

“No, he was just here to extinguish the fire.” He rushed to explain, “We have nothing…”

“Shh.”  Doctor Xie pressed his index finger to Chu Feng’s lips. “It’s normal to have friends come and go, I’m not that kind of control freak, you don’t have to be so nervous.”

He stood up and helped Chu Feng open the door, smiling.

“Go on. Don’t make your friend wait any longer.”

“But I haven’t cleaned…”

“Hold it in.”

He said, a bone-chilling command hidden in his voice, telling him that he couldn’t protest.


Chu Feng started to panic. Doctor Xie wasn’t like Tyrant Xie or the other Xiao Xies, who would let him go after he begged them for mercy. Doctor Xie didn’t go back on his word. If he asked him to do something, there was no way Chu Feng could get out of it.

“Xie Shiyu,” Chu Feng tried his best to make his voice meak, wanting to make Xie Shiyu soften, “I-It’ll leak!”

Doctor Xie put on his coat and signaled Chu Feng out of his office. He stood at the entrance with a smile.

“My dear, if you hold it in properly, it won’t leak.”

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