X had to use all of his willpower to stop himself from moving his hands. After all, the little beauty had a husband. 

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—Though the husband in question was dead. 

When he remembered that, X felt a shameless twinge of pleasure shooting through him.

Time remaining: 2 minutes 15 seconds

The blood-red timer ticked down and burnt into both of their eyes. 

Chu Feng held the bomb just like he had been instructed to. 

Their bomb-defusing position was this: One on top of another. 

The summer wind from outside the bus window felt as if a hair dryer was blowing right at his face, making Chu Feng more and more annoyed by the second. The Guardian on top of him was too close, their bodies almost laid completely flat against each other. 

This bastard was crazy enough to wear a coat in the middle of summer while a long metal gun was strapped onto his back. His torso was covered in a tight t-shirt, creating a silhouette that resembled a cartoon character distinct enough that anyone could recognize it from a mile away. 

The bus shuffled forward unstably, and the trees outside the window sped past them in a blur. Just when everything was quiet, Lin Lan— who was driving the car diligently— called out, “What do I do? There’s someone in front waving at me to stop!”

Chu Feng lifted his head and saw another Xie Shiyu on the pavement waving his cap around, signaling for him to stop the car. 

—They had already reached the final stop, the bus company. It was time for another driver to take over. 

“Ignore it and keep driving just like this.” The Guardian said. 

“…Okay… I got it!” 

Lin Lan stared intensely at the speedometer, making sure to maintain a safe speed of 55, driving forward without looking back. He was just lucky that there weren’t many cars on the road. 

The summer sun inched up higher and higher into the sky as the bus slowly drove out of the district. Chu Feng looked out the window. The road they were on right now was the longest road in the entire city, connecting the West and East Districts together. 

When he first built his Dream City, he was afraid that the older Xie Shiyus would bully the younger ones, so he designed a river that split the entire city into two. The East District housed all the Xie Shiyus from 17 and above while the West District housed the ones younger than that. 

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After observing for a while, Chu Feng noticed that while they would get into fights occasionally, they didn’t do anything drastic. Thus he built another road that made the two districts more accessible to each other. This also saved the amount of time he would need to visit the younger Xie Shiyus in the West District. He used to go on a duck boat and cross the river. 

The road they were on didn’t have the greenery that most city roads had, so glaring rays of sunlight pierced through the window and blinded them. Chu Feng squinted his eyes against it but didn’t make a move. 

The sound of the timer ticking down vibrated through his body. 

X looked away from the bomb for a second and caught a drop of sweat sliding down the little beauty’s forehead. 

It slid down onto his small cheek and stopped at the end of his cheek before rolling down onto his throat and over his Adam’s apple and down into his shirt… 

Even when they were both men, X still looked away from the sight and reassured, “Sorry about this. I’ll be done soon so please bear with this for a little longer.” 


While Chu Feng was nodding his head obediently on the surface, he was secretly staring at the Guardian’s every move. The man’s face was wrapped in a cloth to cover all of his features. Though even the cloth was unable to hide his high nose bridge and upturned nose. One of his eyes was exposed, and his gaze focused on the inside of the bomb. 

As he was defusing the bomb, his hands froze in mid-air. 

“Did someone try to defuse this bomb before?” 

Chu Feng’s heart jumped in his chest. 

Lin Lan, who was still driving the car, shivered too. 

Oh shit! Isn’t this Guardian a little too observant? 

They did, in fact, try to defuse the bomb. 

—How could two victims of a kidnapping, who were crying for help, be able to defuse the bomb themselves? 

Lin Lan swallowed nervously. 

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He looked up and searched for his cousin’s eyes. 

Through the rearview mirror, they locked their gazes together. 

Silence blanketed the entire bus. 

Chu Feng still had a calm expression on his face, not muttering a single word. On the other hand, Lin Lan was halfway to death’s door. He could feel his face heating up. 

—The Guardian patiently waited for an explanation. 

If they chose to stay silent any longer, it would start becoming suspicious. 

The hand Lin Lan placed on the steering wheel started sweating. 

What should we say? Should we feign ignorance? Or should we keep our mouths zipped shut? 

In the next second, a voice pierced through the deafening silence. 

“My cousin tried defusing it.” 

Lin Lan: ??! 

“He’s a policeman.” Chu Feng continued. 

Lin Lan: …

The Guardian didn’t completely believe them, so he pointed out, “The bombs in the game and in real life aren’t the same though.” 

—With what knowledge did you defuse this? 

A stroke of genius overcame Lin Lan and he blurted out, “God X has a guide for defusing bombs in the community!” 

Then, he shifted the topic, “Though I don’t why but even after following the guide, something went wrong.” 

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“Which step did you get wrong?” 

“Um…” Lin Lan scratched his nose a little sheepishly, “The first step.” 

“So why didn’t you stop after that and call the police?” 


Lin Lan was out of ideas. 

“I told him to continue anyway.” Chu Feng swooped in and saved him. 

Chu Feng’s eyes glistened with a layer of water, his entire body trembling underneath the Guardian. He leaned into the Guardian as he said, “I-I’m sorry. I was just too scared back then and believed that he’d be able to do it… I didn’t… I didn’t think of calling you back then.” 

X raised his brow and studied the little beauty underneath him. He didn’t pursue anything else and softened his voice as he said, “Just remember to call me next time, okay?” 

“Okay.” Chu Feng shrunk under the Guardian’s 190cm figure as if he was a drenched kitten. 

The Guardian went back to defusing the bomb. 

Chu Feng watched as the Guardian took off the case of the bomb with a single hand. Unlike Lin Lan, who latched his paws onto the plastic and clawed it off, he pressed against a specific spot and—


The case immediately lifted up, revealing an opening. The Guardian’s index finger disappeared into the opening until only the knuckle remained. He seemed to have found the thing he was looking for because the entire plastic casing shot up after he pressed against it. 

The real interior of the bomb was revealed. 

This bomb had two layers to it. 

The upper layer that was revealed after only the top part of the casing was removed was a fake—no matter which wire they cut, it would’ve been wrong. It was only if they cut the wires in the real layer would they be able to get it right. 

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“No wonder I cut the wrong string when I was defusing it!” 

Lin Lan’s face lit up with understanding, grumbling, “I knew God X’s guide wouldn’t give us wrong information.” 

“You can’t just blindly follow the so-call “God’s guide.” In the end, it’s a guide made by a person, there’s bound to be things left out.” 

This rubbed Lin Lan the wrong way. 

Who do you think you are? He cursed in his head. Do you not remember how many Guardians failed to defuse the bombs back when there was a serial bombing in Dream City all those years ago? Everyone was in danger. Had God X not shared that guide, who knows how many more players would’ve gotten injured? Not only that, he even shared it for free! Then your little game company had the face to delete that post. 

Unfortunately, this unnamed Guardian was still their savior right now so Lin Lan kept his mouth shut and drove the bus. 

Time remaining: 1 minute 51 seconds. 

X stared at the real wires of the bomb. 

There were 13 of them in total. 

Bombs in Dream Cities would contain 3 to 13 wires. This was one of the more complicated ones, it was impossible for a new player to deal with it. Especially when there was a fluid device within it. This was a bomb that even experts would have trouble defusing. 

After lying against the hard bus seat for so long, Chu Feng felt his waist hurting a little. 

“Please don’t move no matter what. I need to remove the fluid device from the bomb.” 

Chu Feng nodded his head. 

“Holy shit!” When Lin Lan heard that, his face rapidly paled. “A-A fluid device!? No way…” 

Chu Feng’s face was the same as ever. He didn’t know what they were talking about. 

Lin Lan swallowed discreetly. All OG players of the game knew how scary a fluid device was when inside a bomb. Dream City is extremely popular right now. But there was a time when they had almost gone bankrupt. Dream Cities from all over the world suddenly started getting bombed, hurting players left and right. Even when Guardians had been dispatched, almost all of them had come back dead, and no one knew why. 

And, the reason was that no one noticed that there was something extra hidden inside the bomb. 

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