Inside the bomb was a fluid device formed with a small mercury column and a metal ball. When the wires are cut, this device will be activated and the metal ball will shatter the mercury column. Even after cutting the wire, the bomb will explode anyway. 

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The cruel perpetrator of the serial bombings hid this within the bomb, and when the Guardians failed to defuse the bomb, they died together with the players. 

There was a certain risk in defusing bombs from the start so the follow-up investigators could only chalk the deaths off to an accident or the incompetence of the Guardian. They had never once thought it would be because of the bomb itself. 

The bomb disappeared after it exploded so no one could recreate the scene from happening. Anyone who tried defusing the bombs with a fluid device would still die. 

The first person who thought of the fluid device was God X. 

Because Lin Lan was basically an information powerhouse, he had the luck of coming across God X’s post in the community. He had first logically proved that there was an extra device hidden within the bomb and then made an educated guess on what components could have been inside it—he even went so far as to draw a diagram of the device. Finally, he wrote out the 49 possible positions it could’ve been placed in. 

—It was fucking crazy, to say the least. 

After 10 minutes of posting it, the reposts had broken through 50,000, easily reaching one of the highest reposted posts. 

Ever since that post had been made, Dream Cities all around the world were no longer exploding. But the savior, God X, had disappeared. 

Not only had their posts got deleted, but even their account was gone. Some people speculated that the fluid device guess was just too good and saved the entire company from going bankrupt, so the higher-ups decided to hire him. 

Time remaining: 1 minute 35 seconds 

Lin Lan drove the bus while staring nervously at what the Guardian was doing. 

He thought he had gotten the easiest bomb to defuse. As long as he followed X’s guide down to the “T”, he’d be able to do it himself. Who would’ve thought it’d turn out like this… Xie ge was truly Xie ge, even the bombs he got were the hardest ones. 

13 wires. 

Chu Feng watched quietly. This Guardian wasn’t all bark and no bite, he did have the ability to back himself up. It was as if he had X-ray vision or something. He reached his hand inside and pinched the eighth red wire two-thirds of the way up and twisted, peeling away the plastic casing, revealing the fluid device within it. Not a single movement was wasted. 

Within the wiring was a small mercury column and an even smaller metal ball. It was so small, Chu Feng felt that it was more suitable calling it a metal grain than a ball. 

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The Guardian reached into his pocket and took out a needle, turning towards Lin Lan. 

“Do you mind driving a little steadier? It takes a lot of stability in order to extract a fluid device.” 

“…Alright! That’s no problem, just… Good luck!” 

Lin Lan drove the bus slowly towards the river that separated both districts, the cool breeze brought humid vapor together with it. Lin Lan looked at the scenery outside of the window. Below the road was a wide expanse of water, and rays of light shot through the white clouds in the blue sky. There weren’t any cars on the road in front of them, nor were there any beside him. Lin Lan felt a little more confident. 

“I will now use the needle to take the metal ball out, please just hang on a little longer.” 

Chu Feng was extremely cooperative. The Guardian looked down and pinched the needle with his index finger and thumb, inserting it into the fluid device and picking out the metal ball. 

Chu Feng knew from this alone that removing a fluid device was extremely difficult. The diffuser would have to slowly squeeze the metal grain out of the outer layer of the mercury column while making sure no mercury would be released. Not only was the fluid device nanoscopic, but the outer layer of the mercury column was also thin. The second they use a little too much strength, the outer layer would break during the extraction process and the bomb would explode. 

If they want to successfully do this, their hands would have to be extremely steady. Not a single tremble could be tolerated. 

Under the bright sun, the small metal ball slowly but surely started shifting out of the mercury column. Chu Feng watched the outer layer of the column strain against the ball and just as it was about to get out… 


The bus suddenly shook! The tire had run over a rock. 

X tensed the muscle in his wrist, using all of his strength to steady the needle in his hand. 

The small metal ball was stuck in between the opening of the outer layer, not a single drop of mercury had dropped. 

“What happened?” X raised his head and asked. 

Chu Feng also looked toward Lin Lan. His heart almost stopped just now, he really thought it would’ve exploded. 

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“T-The road breaks off at the front!” Lin Lan shouted. 

When Chu Feng looked out the window, he saw the road going straight… straight… and then— 

It broke off in the middle! 

The break was about 15 meters. The entire bus would have to fly up in order to cross it! 

“Ge! You didn’t build your roads properly!!!” 

Lin Lan was about to go crazy. The road was above a river. Underneath the break was a surging river, but because the road was too straight, by the time Lin Lan would be able to see the exact location of the break, it’d be too late to do anything. 

“It’s not possible.” 

Chu Feng thought about it. According to the schedule, the worker Xies should’ve finished building the road last week. 

Ding dong! 

The system fairy jumped out of his phone and informed him. 

[Due to the main target audience of your teacher-student roleplay being student Xies, the worker Xies weren’t given enough of your love and have gone on strike. Thus the road was left unfinished.] 

Chu Feng: …

The bus driving at 55 km/h was steadily getting closer to the break-off. Lin Lan wanted to cry, “What do we do?! Ge, what do we do???” 

The break was right in front of their eyes. 

Yet they couldn’t stop the bus, the second they went lower than 50 km/h, they’ll explode anyway. 

“I… I…” Lin Lan was scared shitless, “Do I just fly over it??” 

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The second he finished that sentence, no one else spoke. 

The break was around 15 meters long, the bus was around 10 meters long. If they went at full speed, they should be able to make it. But— 

If the car speed exceeded 60 km/h, the bomb would still explode. 

Time remaining to break: 10 seconds 

“No need to accelerate, keep at 55 and drive.” The Guardian said before turning. 

“Can you call another car over?” 

Chu Feng froze for a second before quickly understanding what he was trying to do. 

The bomb would explode unless the bus stays at a steady speed between 50 – 60, so if they wanted to jump over the break, they couldn’t rely on the bus to accelerate. 

But they could add another force from behind the bus to help. 

Lin Lan also understood what the Guardian was trying to do, so he looked out the window and examined the wide expanse of land. 

—The entire road was empty except for themselves. Where would they find the pushing force they need? 

“I could probably hook a sports car.” 


Lin Lan was shocked. 

Is the married man going to pull another shenanigan? Is he going to telepathy and hook Xie ge over? 

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He then heard the system. 

[Congratulations, your transaction has been successful. You have purchased the item: fishing pole] 

Lin Lan: …

Turns out it was a logical kind of hook. 

[Function: You can hook any Xiao Xie within a 500-meter radius toward you.] 

[Penalty: Target happiness will be deduced by 50. They will require intense comforting afterward in order to return to normal.] 

[Warning! If a character’s happiness is negative, they will commit suicide. Please keep this in mind before using this.] 

Chu Feng could feel phantom pain in his waist as he activated the hook. 



A Lamborghini popped out behind them! Lin Lan cursed under his breath. The smooth sports car sliced through the air, its engine roaring as it charged toward them at 200 km/h! The sound of the Lamborghini’s tires squeaking against the concrete ground would’ve excited countless men. But when Lin Lan heard it, he couldn’t stop himself from trembling. 

The bus had just reached the start of the break when the crazy fast sports car crashed into them with all of its 200 km/h speed, boosting the bus over the huge opening. 

Chu Feng looked back at the Guardian. 


The speeding Lamborghini hit the back of the bus and shattered all of the windows at the back. The front wheels of the bus drove over the opening and the front of the car was suspended in midair— 


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