Chapter 41 – To the Nakran Empire (3)

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Lawrence was aggravated because Alice kept on avoiding him whenever he showed up in front of her. She couldn’t dare face him due to embarrassment, but he disliked it because he doesn’t know the reason why.


“Why does she keep avoiding me?”


He spoke to Plein but he just shook his head without response. However, something caught Lawrence’s keen eyes, narrowing his eyes then told.


There was something.


“There’s an attack.”


“Everyone takes defense! I will go to the carriage!”


As Lawrence shouted, arrows rained down as if waiting for him to reveal. Cutting off the rain of arrows with his sword, Lawrence opened the carriage door. Alice’s looked at him in surprise.


Without even time to give a proper explanation, he pulled Alice from the wagon and mounted her on his horse. A lit arrow hit the carriage and set it on fire.


“What is all this about?”


He heard Alice’s voice from the seat in front of him, but he couldn’t answer her; he was too busy deflecting arrows from behind. Grabbing the mane of the fast-moving horse, Alice fell flat on her back.


Clinging to him, she rummaged through her magic pouch. Taking one of her round jewels from her pocket, Alice called out to Lawrence.


“Keep down!”


The jewel shimmered and Lawrence moved away reflexively leaning over. With a bang, the bomb exploded in front of the people who were chasing them.


“You have something like that.”

“I have a lot of money, so self-defense items are essential.”

“Self-defense… what?”

“There is such a thing!”


Alice laughed cheerfully. After a while, an arrow pierced the thigh of the horse they were riding, and the two fell off the horse but Lawrence took her waist and jumped off.


Lawrence took her in his arms and rolled over her, couldn’t even tell that she was sick. It was because the assassins who rode horses wanted to trample him down.


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“Where, how dare you!”


Lawrence swung the knife and cut the horse’s neck. The assassin’s horse, who fell down with a long cry, could not stand up. Alice blinked, her eyes covered in blood, but Lawrence grabbed her hand and dragged her away.


The assassin who fell off his horse rose from his seat and charged them. He pulled Alice into a hug as he reached out his knife and stabbed him in his heart. He felt her trembling and nervous but he didn’t have time to soothe her.




Benedict shouted as he cut down the other assassins riding horses from behind with his sword. Lawrence ran holding Alice’s arm and, relieved as they disappeared over the bush, removed the cloak he had and draped over her shoulders.


“Let’s do this right.”


The assassins, noticing the ferocious energy in his sharp eyes, rushed at him.




Alice kept on running with him and despite she was exhausted, he urged her.


“If we don’t go now, they’ll find us soon enough.”

“Wait for a minute, please! I can’t run anymore!”


She stepped aside from where she was fleeing. Sitting under the tree, she rummaged in her pockets.


“What are you doing?”



The voices of the assassins were getting closer and closer. Alice’s hand movements also became faster.


“I found you!”


What Alice took out was a round marble. Lawrence’s eyes widened as she noticed the orb smaller than a child’s fist.


“Do I press here?”


When one side of the round marble was pressed firmly, a small light appeared and the two disappeared. He held her close tightly with her mouth even covered. The magic tool could hide their appearance but it doesn’t make them inaudible.


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Lawrence also hid her breathing for a moment. The assassins show up which startled her, tightening her grasp on Lawrence.


“Where did they go?”

“I’m sure they came this way!”

“Go find them!”


At the assassin’s shout, the others stirred, but only one remained motionless. Alyss froze at the assassin’s stare as he stared at her and Lawrence.


‘If there had been a wizard, the situation would have been different.’


“Find the woman! We don’t care about the Duke!”

“There is a trail this way!”


Others rumbled at the cry of one assassin. However, only one person did not move from the spot. Alice froze at the assassin’s gaze staring at her and Lawrence.


‘We won’t be visible.’


The efficacy of the magic tool was perfect. Because the assassins ran out without finding them in front of them. The assassin, standing in his seat and tilting his head, turned and disappeared in the direction the others ran. Alice tried to move, but Lawrence still grabbed her and wouldn’t let go.


“Don’t move.”


A tiny whisper reached her ear. It was strange that Lawrence didn’t move, but Alice quietly followed his words. It was then. Breaking through the bushes, the assassin from earlier appeared.


“This is strange.”


The assassin, who continued to mutter, looked around slowly. Lawrence’s bangs were almost cut off by his movements as he swung his knife around. Alice, who witnessed the scene right in front of her, couldn’t even breathe.


The assassin continued to search for the two who were not moving but eventually gave up and walked away. Sensing him gone, Lawrence let go of her Alice but her legs gave up, couldn’t even move.


“We have to go.”

“Why are they looking for me?”


Alice said in a low voice. She tried to calm her confused mind, but it wasn’t easy for her. Lawrence looked at her and tried to console her.


“This must be what the Crown Prince arranged.”

“Oh, I see.”

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Understanding him instantly, she nodded her head. Unlike Alice, who thought that this situation was possible because she had seen Stella’s malice, Lawrence had other ideas.


‘This is the Empress’s doing.’


It must have been known that he was going to the Nakran Empire in search of the princess. Otherwise, the assassin would not have been able to find Alice. Lawrence’s eyes darkened.


“Let’s go first.”


A low voice fell on the hesitant Alice. She barely managed to pull herself together, and she got up with strength in her legs. With people following her, she had to move quickly.


“Let’s go.”


Lawrence took Alice’s hand and supported her, and the two walked slowly. It was fortunate that the magic tool still had the effect of hiding them from other people’s view.


“Ha, I just wanted to go to the Nakran Empire.”


Lawrence smirked at her mutterings. He wondered if she would say the same thing in the Nakran Empire so she turned to her and asked.




“Why do you want to go to the Nakran Empire so much?”



After a moment of hesitation, Alice opened her lips and whispered. The whisper was too small for Lawrence to hear.



“It’s because God is different.”



‘She didn’t seem a person who believes in God?’


Lawrence felt strange when Alice, who seemed completely devoid of her religion, said such a thing. he wondered if he was missing something. With such a bitter expression on her face, he couldn’t said a thing for a while.


“I just want to escape from the Erha Empire.”

“What if we go to the Nakran Empire and things get worse?”

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“Ah, wherever I go, it’s better than Erha.”


Alice said firmly. Lawrence pursed his lips with a rather puzzled face, but Alice pretended not to know and pulled him by the arm.


“Come on, let’s go! It’s not long before the effect of the magic tool disappears!”

“I need to find a horse. I can’t move on foot like this.”

“Then bring it quickly!”

“Maybe there is an assassin?”

“Oh right.”


Lawrence pulled a small flute from her bosom. It was a flute that only well-trained horses could understand. War horses trained in the Nakran Empire were supposed to follow the sound of the flute when they heard it. As he blew the flute, there was the sound of horses’ hooves somewhere.




In the distance, Lawrence’s horse appeared. Emerging from the green grass, the black steed stood before them in all its majesty. Alice marveled at the horse, which stopped directly in front of Lawrence, as if sensing his presence, even though he could see nothing.


“What a smart horse you are.”

“The warhorses of the Nakran Empire are the best wherever they go.”


The first emperor of the Nakran Empire built a country in a barren land with nothing. The most important thing in Nakran was the military power since he conquered the empire with a single sword and raised the country. In the Nakran Empire, the emperor was the one who had the military power, but now the empress was increasingly coveting that power.


In the meantime, the Crown Prince was lining up with the nobles to claim the throne, and he needed Alice for him. Because there was no bond better than marriage. He did not seek her out of a sense of duty to find her but because he was of the same blood as hers.


The Crown Prince of the Nakran Empire was not so weak-minded.


‘Would you still be fine if you know that?’


Lawrence thought as he looked down at the dreamy Alice, unaware of anything.


‘Shall we really run away like this?’


It was fine not to go to the Nakran Empire. It would have been better if he could take her away with her and run away from those Empires. It was the first time he forgot his mission.


“I found you!”


Plein’s cry shattered his thoughts.

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