Chapter 42 – To the Nakran Empire (4)

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“Are you all right, Your Excellency?”

“I have no wounds, don’t worry.”

“How are you, Young Lady?”

“I’m fine too.”


With her calm answer, Plein and other knights secretly praised her. Maybe she was embarrassed but her calm movements covered that, a model of a noble lady.


“Are you okay?”


Benedict approached her and asked.


“I am really fine.”


Alice answered with a faint smile. She nodded her head to Benedict, who said that it took him a while to deal with the assassin, but it was fortunate that nothing happened in the meantime.


“What about the others?”

“They have few scars, but all in all, they’re fine.”


Plein answered his question. Benedict looked at Alice, then whispered,


“I would like you to come with me. The wagon is broken and can’t be used.”

“Oh, all right.”


Alice glanced at Lawrence, and when he said nothing, and coldly accepted Benedict’s offer. This surprised Plein. Even if it was Benedict, he didn’t think Lawrence would let her go.




As Alice mounted Benedict’s horse, Laurence mounted his own and shouted.


“Let’s continue now!”


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Now that their route had been discovered, they couldn’t travel the same way. Lawrence’s group decided to cut through the forest until they reached the next town.


“It’s strange.”

“What do you mean?”


Benedict asked Alice, who tilted her head.


“How did you know?”

“They followed the horses.”

“No, not that. How did the assassins know?”


The people around her heard her words and hesitated. Come to think of it, it wasn’t just one or two strange situations. The most decisive thing was how they knew the path they were moving and the assassin came looking for them.


Those who knew the route were part of Lawrence’s Knights. Except for Lawrence and Flan, there are only two people I know. Among the many routes to the Nakran Empire, no one could easily predict and find it because it was an even path.


“Are you saying there is a spy?”

“It could be. But if you think about it again…”

“If you think about it?”

“If there had been a spy, wouldn’t they have sent more people?”



Benedict agreed with Alice’s words. The other knights and Plein who listened to her nodded as well. Then there is only one number left. The hypothesis remains that assassins were guarding all the roads leading to the Nakran Empire.


“Couldn’t there be someone in front of us?”



Lawrence, who moved closer to Benedict’s words, added.


“You are right.”


Alice’s reasoning was reasonable. If the assassins had made up their minds and attacked, it couldn’t have ended like this. No matter how many magic tools they had, they would have pursued them to the end and killed them all. In such a situation, the only conclusion was that because they could slaughter them the next time.


“I guess we’ll have to split the party.”

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Lawrence’s judgment was swift, and Plein, who understood his meaning, moved quickly. Gathering the knights and dividing the number, they all wore robes so that they could not be recognized by their appearance.


“Let’s meet alive.”

“I will keep that in mind!”


The group consisted of four people. Where Alice was, of course, Lawrence, Plein, and Benedict were together, but Lawrence’s horse was not together with him. The warhorse he rode was also famous as his symbol, so another knight of the House of Littenverk rode it.


At Lawrence’s last words, the knights scattered and when only four remained, Alice let out a sigh.


‘I thought we’ll be safe traveling to the Nakran Empire.’


Who would have known that such a complicated problem could arise? Alice blamed herself. Grinding her teeth at Stella’s weird behavior and finally asked herself.


‘Even if it was the man character, I won’t late her off the hook. Who dared!’


Alice ignited her vengeful spirit. Her face was terrifying as she said that if she got out of this situation and arrived safely in the Nakran Empire, she would cut off the money line she had been providing to the Imperial family of the Erha Empire. To the extent that Lawrence and Plein, who were moving slowly beside her, could not carelessly talk to her.


Fortunately, the trip went smoothly. It was a bright sky and beautiful nature that welcomed the party, which was not expected to be hit by assassins.


The situation elsewhere was not good. A letter came from the knights who rode Lawrence’s horse, saying they had been attacked. Plein was trying to figure out the telegrams flying all over the place, and even ten of them were not enough.


“You said other places were also attacked?”

“That’s right. I wonder if they will attack in this side soon…”

“In that case, we should go to the city quickly.”

“I think that would be good.”


Benedict, who had been listening to Plein and Lawrence’s conversation, whispered to Alice.


“We’ll be in the city soon, so you’ll be able to rest.”

“It’s quite comfortable now, anyway.”


She really couldn’t be more comfortable knowing what she knew she had everything she needed in her magic bag. Unlike the three scruffy men who couldn’t wash themselves, she was always clean. She had no concerns.

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‘This is why people have to have a lot of money.’​


Money doesn’t solve everything, but it does most things. Alice knew that, and she used it appropriately. She tried to give the men a magic tool to clean themselves, but they all refused. The reason for this was that they could not take, and use items used by noble women.


Seeing the city in the distance, Plein was the first to cheer.


“I can finally see you!”


The two knights were fit and had no problem riding their horses, but Plein was not; he could only use rudimentary magic and contractual spells, and he was not fit enough to be called a mage. In short, he was the one who suffered the most, not Alice.


“Now I can rest.”


Plein, who had found a place to stay earlier, sighed in relief.


Alice entered the room and immediately washed up and left after hearing that the bath water was ready. Because she had to wash first so the next people could move.


“It’s refreshing.”


A mirror came into Alice’s eyes as she looked through the inn while drying her hair. She should have gotten used to her new face and eyes of hers, but she was still awkward.


“When am I going to get used to it?”


As she slowly peered into the red eyes that she hadn’t gotten used to, Alice suddenly felt strange. Feeling someone’s gaze on her, she looked around her.


‘There’s nothing special.’


Her feelings were strange. Alice did not just pass over this strangeness. That’s why she’s been able to survive the clutches from the god all this time.


She got up from her seat and searched all over her room. No matter how much she searched, Alice, who couldn’t find anything of hers, took out her magic tool from her magic pouch.


“As expected, people have to be thorough. I would never have thought that someone would sneak into my room and install something strange, so I would use the one I bought in a place like this.”

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What she took out was a magic tool that warned her of the dangers in her room. Alice performed the magic tool. Because she didn’t have any special abilities, it was most comfortable to use what she had.


And just as expected. Her intuition did not betray. After checking the beeping demon tool, Alice looked behind the bedside table next to her bed. She found a red jewel there, and quickly picked it up.


“What is this?”


She looked into the red jewel and saw flames swirling inside it. Alice raised her voice in bewilderment.


“If I touch this incorrectly, it will explode!”


The red jewel-shaped magic tool was the same object Alice had thrown at the assassins in the previous incident. She had used it once, so Alice knew the object’s identity early. She then tried to calm herself down before thinking.


“I have to put this away first.”


It was a city where a lot of people gathered, so she couldn’t just throw it away. Alice took the magic tool and headed to Lawrence’s room. She knocked, but there was no answer from inside. She had to go back, but she hesitated and opened the door.


He must have just come out after washing, looking so hot. His shirt was wet from his dripping hair, but he still greeted her unconcerned.


“What is going on?”

“I’m here to discuss something.”


She didn’t know where to put her eyes, but she just looked straight into his face. However, it was more disastrous. Seeing the water dripping from his wet hair made her drool go away.


‘No. I have to come to my senses.’


Alice opened her eyes tightly to gather her thoughts. At that moment, startled by the face of Lawrence who had strode in front of her, she took a step back from her, but when he pulled her by the waist.


“Now that you’re here, come inside.”

“No, leave this…”

“Are you not going inside?”


Lawrence let go of her waist with a nonchalant expression and nodded his head. The place he touched was as hot as if it were on fire. Lawrence’s room, visible through the open door, was just as plain as hers, but somehow it seemed that if she set foot there, she wouldn’t be able to get out.

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