Chapter 43 – To the Nakran Empire (5)

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As Alice hesitated, Lawrence whispered while brushing his hair with one hand.


“What did you come for at this hour?”


She didn’t even consider the time, so she just came to realize that it was already too late. Even the moon was bright above the sky. She stared at Lawrence in surprise because of what she did unknowingly.


‘You can’t lower your eyes!’


She was afraid if she lowered her eyes, his wet lower body would be in her vision. She remembered the first time she saw his body and she couldn’t do that once again; her face was heating up due to recalling.


Alis couldn’t move until Lawrence, feeling the strange redness of her face, reached out and rubbed her cheek. Startled by his hot hand on her, she took a step back and Lawrence opened his mouth again.


“Didn’t you come here because you had something to say?”

“A-ah, yes, that’s right.”


Embarrassed, Alice soon remembered why she had knocked on Lawrence’s door. Stepping into his room, Lawrence closed the door and Alice hurriedly took out her business.


“Excuse me…”

“Sit down for now.”


Alice took the seat he suggested, and Lawrence poured tea into a cup. This was a small inn, so she didn’t expect tea, but she felt comfortable because the tea smelled more fragrant than she thought. Alice’s eyes softened as she touched her teacup and felt the warmth.


As her tense body relaxed, her mouth opened of its own accord. Alice took out the red magic tool she had brought and put it on her table.


“What is this?”

“I found it on the nightstand next to my bed.”

“Next to your bed?”

“To be exact, behind the side table. If I had pushed or hit the bedside table, it would have exploded.”

“What does this do?”

“It’s the same explosive magic tool I threw at the assassins.”


Lawrence’s mouth hardened at Alice’s words. His expression disappeared as his lips, which had been drawing a subtle smile, hardened.


“Why don’t you take a look here too?”

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At Alice’s suggestion, Lawrence jumped up from his seat. The same magic tool was behind his bedside table.


“Do you think Plein and Benedict have the same, too?”

“You’ll know when we visit.”


Lawrence jumped up and went into the room next to his. The four of them put their heads on the table with the red magic tool found in Plein and Benedict’s room.


“Who knew and put these here?”


Alice opened her mouth first.


“No one knows except the four of us that we decided to rest here.”

“What if you weren’t notified and you were being tracked?”


Alice, who refuted Plein’s words, stood up from her seat. She rummaged through the magic pouch in the pocket of the dress and pulled out something of his.


“There’s nothing missing in my pocket.”


Lawrence knocked on the table, noticing the identity of the object Alice had taken out.


“What is that, Your Excellency?”

“It’s a magic tool that tells us if something is tracking us. It’s the most useful thing on the battlefield, so I don’t know why a noble lady is holding it.”


Lawrence looked at Alice as she answered Flen’s words.


“Collecting magic tools is my hobby.”



Plein’s mouth fell open. It was an expensive hobby for a typical aristocratic lady. Before he could ask her back, the string in Alice’s hand pointed in one direction.


“It’s over there.”


The yellow glowing rope points to the inn counter. The man standing there saw Alice and the group and ran away.


“Catch them!”

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Before Alice ran out of words, Lawrence and Benedict ran. Plein, on the other hand, stood there and blocked Alice’s way.


“You must wait here.”

“Isn’t it more dangerous here?”

“First, take out all the magic tools that can be used to attack.”


She saw the solemnity in Plein’s face, so she sought what he asked for. While doing so, a crunch of footsteps reached her ears, and without a word, she threw the red magic tool.


Sparks erupted with a pop and set the inn’s counter on fire. Alice, who was afraid to see the burning flames, rummaged through her magic bag again, and Plein shouted.


“What are you doing? We must run now!”

“It’s on fire!”

“Is the fire a problem now!”


Plein did not want her to make a mistake and kill everyone thus grabbed her arm and dragged he rout of the inn. Whereas, she had never been in this risky situation while staying at the Marquis’s residence.


‘Did I come out for no reason!’


She regretted it inwardly, but the regret was short-lived. If she had stayed in the Erha Empire, she would have been trembling with anxiety because of God. At Plein’s urging, she ran hard and ended up in her dark back alley.


“Ha, there’s always thugs in places like this…….”

“Thugs, what’s that?”


Plein had similar stamina to Alice and panted with her waist bent to the point where he almost fell to the ground. Exhaling heavily, she pretended not to hear him and looked around.


“That way!”

“They don’t even let us rest, really!”


Annoyed, Alice took out the most powerful magic tool from her magic bag.


“What else is that?”

“You’ll know when you see it!”


Alice, who threw the blue magic tool before Plein had time to stop her, stood there and pulled out a white marble. At the appearance of a larger magic tool than her other magic tools, Plein’s suspicious eyes turned to her.


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“What is that?”

“Close your eyes.”



A bright light arose as she tossed the white orb into the house at the rolling blue orb on her floor. Because of the flash that appeared in the dark, the pursuers who had been chasing them struggled on the spot for a while.


Among them, there were those who shouted incessantly.


“Catch the princess!”

“I don’t need the man; I just need the woman!”

“They’re crazy, really..”


She’s a princess. Hearing what those chasers were saying, she could only click her tongue.


‘I was so exhausted, I was not even sure if I did that properly.’


Alice jumped again as she swallowed the words she couldn’t bear to say because of Plein who listened next to her. There was a commotion behind, and screams were heard.


Plein watched the blood spattering behind them, grabbed Alice, and dragged her away. She agreed with his words that there was nothing good about them getting caught up in it. It would have been better for her to show up after everything was sorted out.


“Swallow this!”

“What is this again!”


Plein asked her Alice, swallowing the pink orb she held out for her. The sudden rise made him part from Alice.


“See you later on land!”


Alice, who had landed on the roof above the building before she knew it, shouted at Plein. He called out her name in panic as he had been separated from the princess in an instant, but Alice was already running away.


‘Couldn’t they be monitoring the top of the building?’


Since there were people chasing her earlier, Alice, thinking that the pursuers must have been tied up, jumped up and down the building with her lighter body.


Fortunately, there are many houses with rooftops. Alice pulled her map out of her pocket.


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“It was fortunate I used this properly.”


With a sigh of relief, Alice guessed her direction. She was fortunate that at the Marquess of Hamilton, she let her imagination run wild and learned to read her map.


There was a difference between real and imagined, but the urgent situation made anything possible. She immediately found her direction, and took her foot towards the building to the south of her.




Forgetting that her magic was off, she moved and lost her balance, and fell under her building. She rummaged through her magic bag as soon as she became a bewildered Alice, but she couldn’t come up with anything.


All she remembered was that her dress has an anti-shock enchantment on it. When she remembered that fact, Alice closed her eyes tightly.




She thought she would break somewhere, but her body didn’t touch the ground. When she gently opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face.


“Is jumping off buildings a hobby?”

“H, how…”

“You kept looking. You should have waited.”

“I almost died waiting!”


Alice shouted at Lawrence, who accepted her. When he put her down on her ground, he showed her a sorry laugh at her.


“So, you ran.”

“Oh, really!”


He knew Alice too. That it wasn’t Lawrence’s fault. But what can she do? Upon her reassurance, she grumbled and nothing nice came out of her.


As if to caress her anxious heart, Lawrence hugged Alice, who was standing there with her trembling body.


“It is strange. They were blabbering nonsense about I am the princess and catching me, but what should I do? Had I known it would be like this, I would have just stayed home!”


Her voice, which came out as if she was complaining, was mixed with crying. Lawrence just held Alice in his hand but did not open his mouth.


It was lucky that he found her Alice. The inn clerk he was chasing caught Benedict’s hand and as soon as he confirmed it, he ran to the inn. Then, following the sounds in the dark back alley and noticing that the pursuers had missed Alice, Lawrence scoured the surrounding alleys.


It was truly a coincidence that she caught Alice falling from the sky. An inevitable coincidence, as if something had led him to her.

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