Zheng Wei was unable to change the minds of the persuasion of He Yi and a helping colleague who she usually got along well with, so she was obliged to take them all out to dinner that night. In the private room, everyone was noisily offering her wine for longevity, and while Zheng Wei marveled at how she had gained another year, she unwittingly drank a lot.

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He Yi saw her looking at her cellphone many times, and laughed at her. “Whose phone call are you waiting for? You wouldn’t have arranged a blind date on your birthday, [would you?]”.

Zheng Wei gave him a look. “What nonsense, I’m afraid my mom will call me.”

Right as she said it, her phone rang, and she grabbed it. He Yi sneakily leaned over to look, but was avoided by her nimbleness. She hurriedly walked outside of the private room, and closed the door before picking up the phone.

“Hello?” She didn’t know whether her own voice revealed the secret speeding up of her heart.

“It’s me.”

Of course she knew it was him, today she kept bravely having premonitions, so she had been waiting for this call from the beginning.

“Anything wrong?” (the words used here can mean, is there anything up?, are you busy?, etc.)

“Nothing’s up, I suddenly remembered that today was your birthday. Happy Birthday.”

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Zheng Wei bit her lip. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Your side is very noisy, are you outside?”

“He Yi and the guys from the company forced me to take them out to eat.”

“[So] It’s like this… … Okay, then you should go eat.”

She was suddenly filled with intense dissapointment, she waited a [whole] night, and in return she actually got this kind of response, therefore her anger was authentic. “I’ll go in and eat now, if there isn’t anything I’ll hang up now. Goodbye!”

“Goodbye… … Wait … …”

Right when she was about to disconnect the call, he impatiently supplemented (added on) another sentence.”

Zheng Wei grinded her teeth. “Chen Xiao Zheng, if you’re a man than don’t be so fainthearted, what do you actually want? If there isn’t anything then don’t waste my time.”

“What time are you guys ending at, I want to see you,” he said in a low voice. He was always like this, weaving this way and that way, if you don’t pressure his weak points, he isn’t willing to voice the words from within his heart.

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“If you have something to do soon than forget it.”

She suddenly wanted to severely reprimand him, but in the end she let it go. “I’ll call you after I eat, we’ll talk more later.”

When she walked back to the table they were all looking at her.

“What are you looking at, you’ve never seen a woman?” Zheng Wei said to the leading He Yi jokingly scolding him.

He Yi said, “Did you bring a mirror, take a look at the smile on your face. Why is your smile so full of amorous feelings after receiving a call from your mom?”

Zheng Wei actually took out her makeup mirror and said, “Is it that extreme?” Her reflection in the mirror was flushed, and even her eyes were shining.

“Quickly, tell us who it was, we’ll go after him. There were originally a lot of Buddhist monks in Er Fen (aka, bachelors), and we finally (with much difficulty) got a normal girl. There’s actually a lecher from the outside who snatched it, really not letting people live.”

Zheng Wei pointed at them and said, “This group of malicious guys, you guys have wives, and also girlfriends, when I was single I never saw you guys having pity on me, now when a pair (couple) has appeared, who was the one who spoiled my good fortune, I’ll fight him (hard).”

He Yi said, “This child has been single for a long time now, truly madness. Saying it that way, are there really men who come knocking on your door?”

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“What does that have anything to do with you?” Zheng Wei lightly smiled while eating.

“That meddling woman Li Cui Fen from the union would probably be spitting out blood now, a few days ago she even said, looking around at Er Fen, that she estimated only Chen Xiao Zheng could enter your eyes. She even said to pull some strings for you guys (manipulate them), and we actually might even be able to.”

Zheng Wei was secretly alarmed, but with a natural face, she laughed, saying, “Auntie Li’s confused again about a couple.”

He Yi’s heart was saddened. “I also think its like that, you can pick a guy but not that guy Chen Xiao Zheng, what’s so good about studying abroad, its sad, if you aren’t quickly dragged to heaven, if you became his girlfriend you’ll go mad.”

Zheng Wei was reminded of the past, and indescribably wanted to laugh, the majority of the days they spent together, the one who seemed to be angry most of the time was him.

The assistant head of the marketing department who was on pretty good terms with Zheng Wei said, “He Yi, don’t say anything, Li Cui Fen’s news is usually right, this was actually a silly mistake, what type of person Chen Xiao Zheng is, getting pulled was completely because he had the means, I’ve heard a person from the Personal Relations department say before, the first day he returned from the construction site, it was our Boss Ouyang who personally brought him the Personal Relations office, and said in front of the director of the Personal Relations office, he wants to go to that office to train for a few years, he directly suggested it.

“That’s right, I’ve also heard that when Chen Xiao Zheng chose Er Fen,  Zhou Qu actually went to visit Boss Ouyang, saying that that kind of person coming to Er Fen was just wasting talent, asking if he wants to insist on not seeing it. But in the end Zhou Qu was deflected by Boss Ouyang with a single sentence. You guys also know, these past few years Zhou Qu has been in the limelight too much, how much he has to exercise restraint on the outside. He could only receive it saying what’s done is done, he’s also usually very polite to Chen Xiao Zheng all the time.”

“What do you guys think Boss Ouyang sees in Chen Xiao Zheng? I’ve heard that sometimes the boss calls him to go fishing together on the weekends. If you say it’s love, the ocean of Zhong Jian isn’t only him (aka, he’s not the only fish in the ocean), if you say their relatives, this also isn’t very likely, the boss’s family isn’t from the north, and Chen Xiao Zheng seems to be a person from the province.”

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“What do you guys understand, in this world there’s a type of relative bond that doesn’t require a blood relation.”

Once this was said, everyone immediately understood very clearly, and one after another their expressions of sudden realization appeared.

Surprised, He Yi said, “Could it be that he and Ouyang (婧 I actually have no idea what this means, is Boss Ouyang a girl? Or his daughter? Tell me what you think…) … … that’s right, how could I have not thought of it, he and she should’ve went to the same college in America.”

“That’s right. You guys can take it easy in the future, I didn’t know I wasn’t to offend the emperor’s son-in-law. He Yi, you know Boss Ouyang?”

He Yi said, “What, that Ouyang girl has lived across from me since I was young, back then my dad still had power, and Ouyang was the assistant secretary, I’ve even seen her naked butt before.”

Some people laughed, “Then why don’t you drop it, and let someone else pick it up cheaply.”

He Yi patted his stomach. “Spare me, that temper of hers … … all men in the world are seen as dirty in her eyes, I can’t imagine there’s actually a man who has entered her eye (as in, been deemed worthy enough for her to consider), not easy, really not easy. But Ouyang(婧) doesn’t seem to have returned to the country.”

Everyone discussed spiritedly with their mouthes moving rapidly, carrying the slight excitement of clearly understanding a secret. Of course, most of it was mixed with envious resentment. Only after a long time did some people realize that the star of today (Zheng Wei) wasn’t participating in their discussion, her back turned, silently concentrating on watching the TV in the corner of the private room.

He Yi glanced over, what was broadcasting on the TV was the most recent episode of the prime <<The Mute New Bride>>. The daughter in law, after suffering from all kinds of bullying and humiliation, was sobbing in the midst of the music. He good-naturedly patted Zheng Wei on the shoulder, “Hello, you don’t like to watch these kinds of sappy soap operas, its not your style.”

Zheng Wei laughed as she turned, but her face was full of tears, “Yeah, I also didn’t think that such an inferior program, actually made me cry.”

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