Let’s Create Some Nutrients

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“[Nutrients] is created by mixing plant leaves, water, and mana grass.”

This is the recipe written in ‘Introductions to Alchemy’. I don’t have anything that fits it perfectly.
I thought, but [Plant Leaves] must surely be ‘leaves with nourishment’.

I decided to try searching in the small forest behind the mansion. In my hand was a small harvesting basket.
When I was looking for plants, the [Appraisal] entries have increased. The contents in the details have gone slightly more into depth. I wonder if it’s because the level increased.
Putting that aside, there are plenty full of life, good-quality herbs. I wonder if the forest’s soil was as abundant in nutrition as I thought.

[Plain Grass]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Normal grass. There is not much nutrition. Full of life.

[Tress Grass]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Normal flower. There is not much nutrition. Full of life.

[Bell Grass]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Normal flower. There is not much nutrition. The roots are poisonous. Full of life.


Classification: Plant
Quality: Good

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Details: Can also be used as a herb. There is not much nutrition. Full of life.

[Green Leaf]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Nutritious, preferred by animals and eaten by them. Full of life.


Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Nutritious, flower lasts longer. Full of life.

[Mana Grass]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Contains mana, can be used as an ingredient in medicine. Full of life.

[Healing Herb]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Nutritious, rich in medicinal properties. Full of life.

Huh, the healing herbs and mana grass were growing naturally in the wild. However, the quality was better than the ones in stores. I should harvest these ingredients.
After that, I should harvest the ones that grow here, along with the green leaf and zinnia.

I decided to bring back these four kinds of plants.

Kate accompanied me and we entered the laboratory.
Well, the quantity ratios weren’t written down.

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It can’t be helped, so let’s go with the amounts as potions: plants, mana grass, water at a 2:1:2 ratio.

First, let’s try the green leaf.
I finely chopped the green leaf and mana grass, then put it in the distilled water.
Afterward, I put the beaker on top of the heating magic tool, then started heating it.
Bubbles formed in the beaker, then small bubbles began to appear.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: Normal–
Details: The active ingredients are on the weak side.

When I let it sit for a bit longer, the bubbles grew larger.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: Normal-
Details: The active ingredients are slightly on the weak side. A little bitter.

When I let it sit even longer, the water started to burble sometimes.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: Normal Fine-
Details: The raw material’s active properties are well-extracted, but slightly lacking ingredients. Bitter.

……Huh, I wonder what ingredients are lacking? I wonder if this means that just these plants aren’t enough?

Then, it started boiling.


Classification: Medicine

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Quality: Low+
Details: A portion of the active ingredients have been lost. The bitterness has also become weaker.

Next, I don’t think I need it to boil.

Next, let’s try mixing the green leaf and zinnia.

The green leaf, xinnia, and mana grass were processed down, finely chopped, then put into distilled water.
Afterward, I put the beaker on top of the heating magic tool, then started heating it.
After a while, the water started to burble sometimes.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: Normal Fine-
Details: The raw material’s active properties are well-extracted, but lacking ingredients.

……Huh, I wonder what ingredients are lacking? I wonder if this means that just these plants still aren’t enough?

Then, I turned off the magic heating tool before it started boiling.

Hmm. I put my chin on top of the desk with the beaker in front of me, and I looked inside the beaker.
For the time being, I took out two new beakers and separated the liquid into three portions.

1. Left is as is.
2. I tried just stirring it.
3. I tried stirring it with mana (alchemic fermentation?).

The second had no changes.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: Normal Fine-
Details: The raw material’s active properties are well-extracted, but lacking ingredients.

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When I tried the third method, it seemed like there was too much mana so it shined furiously, then exploded.
Even though there were no issues since I used the normal potion that I created the other day to heal my injury from the glass, Kate was angry. While being scolded by Kate, she tidied up the broken glass tool.

Coincidentally, it seems like the product changed into [Industrial Waste]……

[Industrial Waste]

Classification: Garbage
Quality: Useless
Details: Can only be thrown away. An unnecessary object.

I tried the third method again. I used the remaining liquid from the first method, then I held back the mana infused and stirred it. While Kate was tidying up the glass and was not paying attention, I quickly concealed myself. Then, the liquid sparkled and transformed into the nutrient material.


Classification: Medicine
Quality: High
Details: The active ingredients are all present.

“Kate, I did it!”

“Eh!” After Kate tidied up the glass and took it out of the room, she peeked into the beaker.

“I was wondering what was going to happen for a while…… but thank god.”

However, she smiled and said, “I will be reporting the explosion to the Master and Madam.”

It goes without saying that I was scolded by my parents to be careful that night.

Coincidentally, I used the leftover high-quality healing herbs and mana grass to make potions and I was able to make a high-quality potion! Like I thought, it seems like the quality of the ingredients is important!


Classification: Medicine
Quality: High
Details: The active ingredients are enough. A little sweet. Can cure a person with a slightly bad condition.

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