Let’s Create [Rich Soil]

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The nutrients were finished. There was enough to fill a large pot.
Having done that, after, I’m at the step where it fertilizes (ugh……), stir in the mulch around and round.

I headed to the gardener Dan.

“Good day, Dan.” I smiled cheerfully as I greeted him.

“Yes, good day. What can I do for you today?” He greeted me as he took off the straw on his head temporarily.

“I want to create some good soil for the fields, but I need fertilizer and mulch. Could I get my hands on this immediately?”

As usual, I grimaced at where the fertilizer was located.

“Ahh, come to think of it, Madam told me to help create a field for Ojou-sama. Those two things are easy to obtain. Shall we go get it?” Dan said, then picked up two empty wood buckets and a shovel within the stack of the garden tools.

“Well then, let’s go get the tree mold first.”

We decided to go to the forest behind the house.

Inside the forest.
Unlike the firm soil that I usually step on, the soil at my feet was soft.

“This is what we call mulch,” Dan said, then stepped on the soil several times, “Look, it’s soft and fluffy.”

I imitated Dan and confirmed the soft sensation.

“Mulch refers to the leaves and branches of trees that have withered and fallen during the autumn and winter and have become a soil-like state after many years,” Dan said as he crouched down and showed me the soft, black soil after he cleared away the leaves and twigs at his feet.

There, a long and narrow wiggling pink worm appeared. I cried “Kyah!” and fell on my bottom.

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Seeing my current state, Dan chuckled as he picked up the worm and threw it far away.

“This may seem unpleasant for Ojou-sama, but these guys made good soil.”

I patted my bottom while I nodded.

“Well then, let’s put this fluffy soil in the bucket and head back.”


Classification: Soil
Quality: Good
Details: Soil rich in nourishment. Various living beings are full of life inside.

Yup, I’ll be okay with this!
Dan took care of the transportation and work saying that it was a bit too much heavy work for a five-year-old girl.

Next, fertilizer…… horse manure.
When I went to the stable, there were two horses and there was horse manure at the bottom of some places.

I endured the odor and when I tried comparing some of the horse manures, I noticed that the state of each one was slightly different.


Classification: The base fertilizer.
Quality: Good
Details: A healthy horse’s dung. Fresh.


Classification: The base fertilizer.

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Quality: Low
Details: Dung from a horse with digestive problems.


Classification: Animal
Quality: Good
Details: A healthy horse.


Classification: Animal
Quality: Low
Details: Has digestive problems. Not healthy.

“Hey, Dan. Isn’t there something wrong with this horse’s stomach?”

Dan stopped his hand that was scooping the horse manure and went to the horse.

“I’m a horse layman… but it certainly does not look healthy and it doesn’t seem to be able to calm down. I’ll go call for a stable hand.”

……If the horse is sick, then the potion should also heal horses, right?
I made a short visit to the laboratory and put a vial of [Potion (Normal)] into my pocket.

Then, I called out to my mom on the terrace, “Mother, I think one of the horses has a stomach ache. Do you mind if I give it a potion?”

Mother put her hands on her cheek, “Well, you’ll have to ask the stable boy first. Also, don’t use anything bitter. It probably won’t drink it.”

“Okay! I nodded at my mother’s words and went straight to the stables.

When I arrived at the stables, I found Dan and the stable boy Alan.

“Ojou-sama noticed it? I am in charge of the horses, but please forgive me for not noticing,” Alan bowed to me as I rubbed the horse’s aching belly.

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“No, it’s okay. By the way, do you think the potion will work on horses?” I said, pulling out a potion from my pocket.

“It does help, but isn’t a potion a luxury for a horse with a stomach ache?”
Alan tilted his head thoughtfully and compared my face with the horse’s.
Well, if the horse I take care of on a regular basis is in pain, I want to cure him.

“I’ve received permission from my mother. Try using this,” I said, then handed over the potion vial to Alan.

“Thank you very much! I’ll use it at once!”

Alan then emptied the potion into a bowl and gave it to the sick horse. Then, as if it knew by instinct, the horse sniffed a little to make sure it was okay and drank the potion without hesitation.

After a moment, it shook its head, his ears pricked up, and it began to rub its face against Alan’s in a good mood.

“Oh, I guess it worked. You’re looking much better now!” Alan smiled and patted the horse on its back.


Classification: Animal
Quality: Good
Details: A healthy horse. Its stomach ache is cured and it is in a very good mood.

Yup, I think it’s better. That’s good!
Dan and I moved to the front of the lab, only getting the horse manure from a horse that was healthy from the start.
……As one would expect, I decided not to put these materials in the lab.

Now that everything was in place, it was time for the experiment. Today’s experiment will take place outside the lab.
Also, as usual, Kate is here. She’s here, but…

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“Out of all the things you can make explode, please let it not be that!”

Kate was keeping a wary distance as one would expect.

“I don’t want to be covered in horse manure either!”

‘How rude!’ I thought as I stood in front of a large empty wooden bucket.

The mulch was put inside the wood bucket and I added horse manure to it. Then, I evenly sprinkled a bottle of nutrients over it.

……So that it would become good-quality soil, I gently and thoroughly…
I poured mana into a wood pole whose length was similar to my height, then stirred it around once.

[Rich Soil?]

Classification: Soil
Quality: Low
Details: Insufficient fermentation. The ingredients were hardly mixed at all.

I mixed it up twice, three times, but the results were similar.
I encouraged my five-year-old body and stirred it around ten times.
The insides of the wooden bucket glistened.

[Rich Soil]

Classification: Soil
Quality: Good
Details: If you mixed this in your field, you’ll be able to grow good crops.

Yay! It’s completed!

Later on, when I told my mother that the potion had cured my horse’s condition, she gave me another ten copper coins, saying, “Well then, here is the potion fee.”

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