Collecting in the streamlet north of the capital.

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Today, Dan and I were going to a streamlet north of the capital.
I put the potions and handkerchiefs in the backpack Mother had given me, and I had a basket with a small shovel in my hand.

…Hmm, I should probably think of how we’re collecting. It’s bulky.

Like so, the two of us steadily walked there.
In my exchange with the gatekeeper, I did not have my ID yet, but when I showed him the letter Father wrote for me, he let me pass without trouble.

We left the capital’s castle town as we passed through the gate, and there, a lush plain filled my entire sight, and above the plains, a cloudless sky which extended forever.

“This is aaaaamazinggggggg!”

I took a deep breath. The air was different from within the town. It felt fresh.

“Ojou-sama, the streamlet is this way.”

Dan took my hand and walked.
I had started wandering aimlessly, captivated by the large number of plants different from the ones in the forest.

Around that moment, there was a plant that slightly caught my eye.

[Eternal Grass]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good

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Details: Especially high in nutrition. Contains nourishment in both its leaves and roots. Full of life.

……Would this perhaps be super good? I have never used roots as ingredients, but it might raise the quality of the nutrients…

“Hey, Dan,” I pulled Dan’s hand tightly.

“What is it?” Dan stopped walking.

“I want to bring this back. It seems like it’s very nutritious. Let’s see, I want three stalks to experiment planting it in the fields. I want all three of them by the roots,” I request with upturned eyes.

“Well then, let’s dig them up.”

Dan said, “Please watch carefully,” as he probed the soil and dug them out little by little so the roots wouldn’t be cut as much as possible.

“These are quite splendid even up to their roots. Well then, let’s have Ojou-sama try digging one stalk out.”

Being told that, I dug out the soil little by little. While looking at Dan who was next to me digging out one more stalk, I kept digging and was able to receive passing marks more or less this time.

I put the three stalks in my basket and decided to head for the steamlet once again.

We arrived at the streamlet.
The small streamlet flowed smoothly. Its water was clear and reflected the sunlight falling upon it, causing it to shine brightly.

“Well then, let’s search for some,” Dan suggested, then when I thought about searching for the herb I was looking for.

“Ah! Ojou-sama, be careful!” Dan said, then protected me behind his back.

“Unfortunately, there’s a killer rabbit!”

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[Killer Rabbit]

Classification: Monster
Quality: Good
Details: Possesses strong front teeth. Hind-leg’s kicks are strong.

Dan was fighting back with a knife, but it seems like a close fight.

…What should I do?

Furthermore, Dan seems to have been bitten a little by the killer rabbit’s front teeth. He’s shedding blood from his arm.

…Huh? Before my job was determined, I was copying Brother and practicing magic, weren’t I? I couldn’t do it at that time, but…

“Wind Cutter!” I recalled that time and tried shouting as a test, then a vacuum blade flew towards the killer rabbit.

“Dan, avoid it!”

Dan noticed my voice from behind him and shifted his body to the side.

Then, the magic I fired luckily barely cut through both of the killer rabbit’s leg tendons.

“…This! Ojou-sama, thank you very much!” Dan yelled with delight, then he held down the dead killer rabbit’s neck and cut its neck artery.

“Thanks to Ojou-sama, we were able to safely defeat it. I’m relieved that you protected me.” 1 Dan wrapped around and tied the killer rabbit’s legs with rope, then turned it upside down and drained its blood. The killer rabbit was the size of my torso. It was a pretty big monster.

I took a vial of potion from my backpack and gave it to Dan.
“Your arm is injured. Please use it.”

“Thank you for doing all of this,” Dan said, then splashed the point onto his arm injury.

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“Ojou-sama’s potion really does its job, doesn’t it?”
Dan looked happy while he stroked his arm that had been completely healed.

After calming down, we began to search for the herb.

[Medicinal Herb]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Just grinding it can heal injuries and illnesses. Full of life.

[Mage Herb]

Classification: Plant
Quality: Good
Details: Absorbs mana from the atmosphere and stores it in the leaves. Full of life.

I founded what I was looking for and we dug it up. I reached my objective and we headed back towards the castle town.

[Daisy von Preslaria]

Second daughter of a viscount family.
Health: 20/20
Mana: 175/180
Job: Alchemist
Skill(s): Alchemy (3/10), Appraisal (4/10), Wind Magic (1/10)
Reward and Punishment: None

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The skill, Wind Magic, had been added.

For dinner that day, the killer rabbit that I defeated with Dan was served as the main dish at the dinner table.

Brother, who was in his growth period, was overjoyed, “The meat today is so big and extravagant today, isn’t it!?”

The killer rabbit has little fat but is still delicious because of its soft and sweet meat.

“Today, Daisy and Dan went to gather herbs but happened to encounter a killer rabbit by chance. However, Daisy stopped it from moving with her wind magic and Dan brought it down,” Mother told the entire family the report she received from Dan.

“Being able to hunt a monster at the age of five is amazing!” Perhaps because she was in a good mood thanks to the meat, my sister, seated next to me, praised me openly.

“Huh, did Daisy practice magic?”

Father was puzzled.

“I was practicing alongside Brother. I was practicing by imitating him. Today was the first time I was actually able to use magic,” I honestly replied to Father’s inquiry.

“Father, Mother. I want to practice magic like Brother and Sister, would that not be fine?”

My parents exchanged glances.

“In order to continue being an alchemist, I believe that I will need to go outside from now on. Even if I cannot be a mage, as long as I have a little talent in magic, I would like a method to protect myself.”

Father folded his arms and thought for a moment, “It’s as you say, Daisy. Also, it would be regrettable to leave alone the sprout of talent.”

With those words, I received permission to practice magic.

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