My First Magic Practice

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My daily routine now also had watering the fields in the morning and evening, and magic practice.

Currently, the field had five kinds of plants: Healing Herb, Mana Grass, Eternal Grass, Medicinal Herb, and Mage Herb.
One week after transplanting, the leaves were growing well, and while I picked some leaves to use, I collected the seeds and planned on improving their quality.

Raise nutrient-rich herbs → Good seeds can be obtained → Plant good seeds → Raise nutrient-rich herbs → Even higher quality grass → Repeat above.

I’m wondering if it’ll happen like this, but who knows?

After I did the morning watering and ate breakfast with everyone, it was time for morning magic practice. In our courtyard, there was a practice area with a target for children to practice magic, so we practiced magic there.

The teacher is the mage, Yuria-sensei. Yuria-sensei is a former court mage who retired after marriage, and when her children had left the nest, she was asked by her former colleague—my father—to be our private tutor.

I bowed then greeted, “My name is Daisy. I’ll be in your care starting today.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Yuria. Let’s do our best starting today, all right?” she said, then stroked my head.

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Sensei had pale light-blue hair and gentle eyes. 1

“Remus and Dahlia, today you’ll be reviewing yesterday’s lesson, okay?” she called out to my older brother and sister who were facing her.


Brother and Sister faced the training dummy and began to fire magic.

Then, Sensei turned towards me once again.

“Daisy, have you ever felt the mana inside your body?”

“Around here,” I told her, then touched the area below my belly button.
This was the place that felt warm when I mixed things with mana in alchemy.
Thus, I answered there.

“Oh my, you’re already practicing alchemy at the age of five?”

Sensei’s eyes widened in surprise.

“After all, when I was baptized, I was declared an “Alchemist”. I thought my job would be a “Mage” so, I practiced magic early on just like Brother and Sister.”

Sensei smiled and nodded, “Henry-sama is truly passionate about his children’s education, isn’t he? I believe that practicing magic will benefit you more than just being able to use it. If you can learn to control your mana better, it will surely help you with your alchemy.”

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I became happy hearing those words!

“Yes! I’ll do my best!”

Then, on that day, I practiced the basics—mana manipulation—instead of shooting magic.

Just like how the human body has a heart and blood vessels, mana too, also has a part located at the heart below the belly button, and there are vessels that allow mana to flow throughout the body. However, unlike blood, mana does not circulate on its own. By consciously moving it, mana flows through the body.

“Well then, let’s start below the belly button and rotate that warm feeling around.”

Nghh, I can’t get it to move.

“Sensei, it won’t move,” I informed Sensei as I tilted my head to the side.

“Well then, do you remember how it felt when you put infused mana during alchemy or when you cast Wind Cutter the other day?”

Sensei put her hand over the area below my belly button again.

“Didn’t you feel something warm running from here to your hand? Try to remember.”

When she said that, I closed my eyes and tried to remember what had happened and recreate the image. Then, I felt a warm sensation flowing to my dominant hand.
I told Sensei about that feeling.

“That’s it! That’s mana manipulation!”

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She told me, “Well done,” and patted my head. I was so happy I grinned.

While I tried my best to circulate the mana around my body, I tried to find out where it could pass through. Incidentally, it seems that just manipulating magic power uses mana, and the mana in me is gradually decreasing.

When I looked at my status with Appraisal, this is what showed in the [Mana] entry.

[Daisy von Preslaria]

Second daughter of a viscount family.
Health: 20/20
Mana: 160/180
Job: Alchemist
Skill(s): Alchemy (3/10), Appraisal (4/10), Wind Magic (1/10)
Reward and Punishment: None

When I looked at it now, I had already begun to manipulate mana, so it decreased to 160. Then, it was decreasing gradually, getting closer and closer to 0…
Then, I suddenly collapsed.

I woke up a little past noon.

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“Oh, you’re awake? You used up all your mana, so you passed out.”

It seemed that my mother was watching over me as she combed my hair.

When I used up all my mana and passed out, my magic power was 180, but when I woke up, it had increased to 183.
I was surprised and told my mother about it.

Then she said, “Oh my, that would be amazing if it’s the truth. Let’s report it to your father when he comes home!”

Mother was very excited.

When Father came home in the evening, he was very excited by the information, saying, “If that’s true, this is a huge breakthrough!”

“Remus, Dahlia, and Daisy must also use up all their mana before going to bed tonight, all right!?”

That night, us siblings went to sleep after burning up all our mana through mana manipulation.

The next morning, when I tried looking at everyone with [Appraisal], my older brother’s mana went up by 3, my older sister’s by 2, and mine went up by 2 mana.
Father was overjoyed.

“If we start adopting this now, we can expect great things from our children in the future!”

Thus, us children were ordered to use up all of our mana before going to bed every day.

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