Let’s Create Fluffy Bread

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Translator PSA: I have been translating with things in [text]. I will be swapping over to quotes more often now.

The gift from His Majesty the King was “Alchemy Textbook” Part 1, 2, and 3. In addition to that, I was given “A Delicious Table with Alchemy”; four books in total.
Which of the four books would a six-year-old girl in her growth phase be interested in first?

Delicious things of course!

“Fluffy Bread”, I’m sure my older brother and sister will be happy to have some too. Just hearing the name itself makes it sound delicious. There is also an application of the Fluffy Bread called “Danish”. I wonder what bread slices with butter tastes like!

The bread that we eat is usually made by kneading yeast from the flour, then leaving it to ferment naturally, but it is not very fluffy. Rather, it is almost flat and actually not very tasty. If it were “Fluffy” as its name suggests, I’m sure the whole family would be happy!

First, I went to collect fresh berries from the blueberry natural habitat that the fairies taught me the other day.


Classification: Ingredient, Food
Quality: High
Details: The right time to eat. Juicy and sweet.

The fruits that the ferries taught me about were of good quality!

Then, I went to the kitchen to get honey.


Classification: Ingredient, Food
Quality: Good+
Details: A crystallization of bees’ efforts created from collecting nectar from various wildflowers. Gentle taste.

Put the same weight of water as blackberries in a jar that has been sterilized by boiling, then add about two tablespoons of honey.
Cover the jar then shake gently while stimulating alchemic fermentation.


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Classification: Ingredient?
Quality: Low
Details: Blackberries floating in honey water. Just that.

…O-Of course it’s still like that.
When I further stimulate alchemic fermentation, bubbles gradually form.


Classification: Ingredient
Quality: Low+
Details: Blackberries floating about to become yeast.

When I let it alchemic fermentate for a bit longer, the bubbles grew larger.


Classification: Ingredient
Quality: Good
Details: Blackberry yeast. Fermentation is completely over.

I filtered the contents with a clean cloth to obtain just the liquid.
Then, I added the seeds, polishing up the yeast even stronger.

I put the yeast solution I just made into a jar and add a little water. I added a little honey, slightly less than before. Then, I added the same amount of blackberries as before. Afterward, I put the lid on.
The rest of the procedures were the same.


Classification: Ingredient
Quality: Good+
Details: Blackberry yeast liquid. Fermentation has just started.



Classification: Ingredient

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Quality: Good+++
Details: Blackberry yeast liquid. Just needs a little bit more fermentation.



Classification: Ingredient
Quality: High
Details: Blackberry yeast liquid. Boasts high fermentation ability due to seeds.

I stopped at this point and filtered the contents through a clean cloth to get only the liquid.
It’s complete! Now all that’s left is to turn it into bread!

I took the jar filled with yeast solution and headed for the kitchen.

“Good afternoon, Bob,” I greeted Bob, the head chef, as I entered the kitchen.

“Oh my, Ojou-sama, good afternoon. What brings you to the kitchen this time?” he was very friendly and asked me what I wanted.

“I’m going to use this magic liquid to make “fluffy bread”. Do you mind if I use the kitchen for a while?” I held up the bottle of yeast solution to Bob and asked.

“‘Fluffy’ bread? Would it be possible for me to watch?”

“I want to watch too!”

In addition to Bob, Maria, who was in charge of the kitchen, also wanted to see it.

I don’t know how to use the kitchen, so I’d rather you stay.

“Sure, of course! Well then, I’ll be borrowing the place. Would you mind heating up the oven so I can bake the bread later?”

“Yes, of course!”

Bob and Maria gladly agreed to help.

In a bowl, I mixed the flour, honey, and a pinch of salt together.
Then, I added the yeast solution and hot water, the flour and liquid mixed together.
I followed the quantities exactly as described in the book “Delicious Food with Alchemy”.

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“The counter is high so it must be hard.”

When I noticed, Maria was secretly presenting me, who was tiptoeing, a footstool for me to stand on. I’m thankful.

“Thank you, Maria,” I smiled and thanked Maria.

I worked hard to knead the dough, slapping it against the counter and kneading it some more, then, the dough became smooth.
I added the butter and kneaded it to blend it in.
I formed the dough into a round shape, then let it ferment in a warm place for a while.
(I’d really like to speed it up with alchemic fermentation, but I’ll hold back for Bob and Maria’s sake.)

[Bread Dough]

Classification: Ingredient
Quality: High
Details: Sufficient fermentation. Next is punching it down.

Huh? “Appraisal” is acting as a guide and giving me instructions…

Bob and Maria were amazed to see the dough bulge in a way they had never seen before.

I did as the Appraisal-san said and punched the dough down, cut it into eight pieces, then made them round. I covered it with a wet cloth and let it rest for a while…

“Well now, let’s bake these!”

I asked Bob to put them in the oven. I’m not sure how to use the oven.

“It’ll expand even more when we bake it, so leave some room in between.”

When I asked them to do so, the two were surprised that they would still expand.

…Then, when the dough had expanded double in size and was a beautiful light-brown color, Bob took it out of the oven.

“Let’s try eating it!”

The two of them were holding back, but I handed them one at a time, and the three of us held in our hands a loaf of the freshly baked bread.
I split the crisp bread in half. Then, a soft, fruity, alcoholic aroma wafted out.

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“It’s not just fluffy, it smells really good.”

Maria was entranced.

I took a bite out of the loaf of bread and the aroma filled my mouth.

“This is delicious! You won’t be able to eat any other kind of bread after eating this!”

Bob was very agitated.

The “fluffy bread” was a great success!
The remaining five loaves were to be reheated and served at the dining tonight.

“Is what we are being served today… bread?”

First, Father picked up a round loaf of bread and cocked his neck in puzzlement.

“Yes, it is ‘fluffy bread’ made using alchemy. It is very delicious, so please try eating it.”

At my words, everyone in the family took a bite of the bread.

““It’s delicious! And so fluffy!””

The first to shout were the children—my older brother and sister.

“Oh my, it smells really nice too. I think it smells like some kind of fruit…”

Mother tilted her head to the side.

“I used blackberries to make the liquid ingredient that makes it fluffy, so I believe that’s what it smells like,” I replied to her guess.

“Yes, this is delicious. I don’t want to eat any other bread than this bread now.”

Father was satisfied.

““Me too, it has to be this bread!”” Brother and sister chorused.

As expected, we agreed that we couldn’t eat any other bread anymore, so I made the yeast, taught Bob and Maria how to make the bread, then they did the rest.
Fluffy bread has become the staple bread in our house.

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