Meeting Marcus

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If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 

The “fluffy bread” was popular in the family, furthermore, creating the yeast solution occasionally was added to my things to do.
…Yeah, it’s getting harder and harder for me to do it all by myself.

How should I put it? I think I’m being extravagant, but as long as I’m relying on “Appraisal” to determine the quality of alchemy, I can’t help but feel that another person cannot reach my quality unless they have the same “Appraisal”. More than anything, there’s the problem that it’s hard for me to convey various timings, so the problem of needing someone to help me has been sitting in the backburner.

Furthermore, there doesn’t seem like there’ll be any person who wants to be a disciple(?) of a six-year-old alchemist…

I’m having these problems nowadays, but today the morning market is going to be held, so Kate and I are going to town to buy ingredients for what I’m going to make next. I’m not practicing magic in the morning for just today.

When I was walking around the city, a boy about my age opened the door of a shop violently with a bang and left, yelling, “I can’t be an apprentice of a store that only makes such poor quality things!”

“Don’t talk to me about bad quality! I’ll excommunicate you from this place myself!” a man shouted from inside the store, angered by the boy’s words.

Then, a bag was thrown outside. It must have been the boy’s belongings.

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When I looked up at the store’s sign, I saw that it was an alchemist’s shop.

I was really curious about what he had said about the “poor quality” of their products, so although I might be a bit in the wrong, I decided to take a look at him with “Appraisal”.


Eldest Son of a Commoner
Health: 50/50
Mana: 170/170
Job: Was an alchemist apprentice…
Skill(s): Appraisal (3/10)
Reward and Punishment: None

As expected, he possesses “Appraisal”! Furthermore, he’s an alchemist apprentice! ‘Was’ not to mention! He’s the only one! I found an outstanding talent!

I ran over to him and firmly grabbed his hand as he went to get his bag that had been thrown out. Kate, who I had neglected, was surprised to see what was going on.

“I’m Daisy, an alchemist. Can we talk for a moment?”

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“Haa? This pipsqueak is an alchemist? What are you talking about… it’s real.”

At first, he looked at me suspiciously, but then he stared at me (probably with Appraisal), then opened his eyes wide in surprise, then muttered.

And then, there was a loud sound from his stomach, *Growl*.

“Are you hungry?” I asked him, then his face bright red.

“I got into an argument with the boss before breakfast, so I haven’t eaten.”

He scratched his head roughly while holding his stomach.

“Hey, Kate. There aren’t any eateries open at this hour, are there?” I asked Kate, who was dumbfounded behind me.

“It’s still early in the morning after all,” Kate agreed.

“I have something to talk to you about, so come to my place! I’ll let you eat breakfast,” I said, then asked Kate, “Is that okay?”

“Let’s try asking Bob.”

Kate nodded as if it couldn’t be helped, then I decided to give up on the market for the day and go back home with him.

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When I got home, I asked him to wait at the entranceway for a moment, then I asked for Mother’s permission to show him in.

“Mother, there is a boy I would really like to help me with alchemy. He was kicked out of his previous workplace this morning and he’s hungry. May I invite him into our home and give him something to eat?”

“Sure,” Mother smiled and nodded.

Though she did warn me more or less, “If he’s going to help you, make sure you’ll set up a proper meeting to meet him with your father and me later.”

Finally, I invited Marcus into the house, then we headed to the kitchen together. In the kitchen, Bob was absent, but Maria was there

“Hey Maria, he hasn’t had his breakfast yet and he’s hungry. Is there anything you can give him to eat?”

“One of our servants is taking a break just now, and we have a loaf of bread and some soup leftover. I’ll reheat it for you,” Maria said, then moved to prepare the food.

We both sat down at the servant’s table in the kitchen and waited.

“What’s with this bread? It’s so delicious!”

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Marcus was surprised by the bread that was served. It was the usual “fluffy bread”. In our house, “fluffy bread” is always the bread served, including to the servants.

“That fluffiness was also created due to alchemy, you know?” I said as I watched Marcus bite into the loaf of bread that looked delicious.

“Also, you see, I can also make these sorts of things.”

I put the potion and high potion I stored in my pouch on the table and showed them to him.

“Eh!? I’ve never seen anything of such high-quality before! Did you make them?”

He was surprised to see the two vials.

“Yup, I also make mana potions and deliver them to the country’s army.”

Perhaps even more surprised to hear that I was supplying potions to the country, Marcus’s eyes wavered.

“You’re amazing despite your looks. Ah, I’m Marcus. Seven-years-old, and as you can see, a commoner,” Marcus introduced himself after finally finishing his breakfast.

“Yes, I know because I saw it when I appraised you. You may not have been able to see it because I concealed it earlier, but I can use “Appraisal” too. I’m Daisy, I’m six-years-old. Nice to meet you,” I smiled and introduced myself.

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