Let’s Create Sweet Bread

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Father and Mother gave their seal of approval for the wine.
Therefore, I called out to Father to arrange a date to present the wine to His Majesty the King.

“Daisy, could you please add the ‘fluffy bread’ to your offering?” Father said something unexpected when he returned home from work that day.

We changed the conversation location to the living room.

“Huh? I thought we said no bread?”

As I sat down on the sofa, I tilted my head in puzzlement.

“When I was asking His Majesty’s grand chamberlain to arrange a meeting, I just happened to see His Majesty himself. I directly told him in person that I wanted to offer him the wine. Then, His Majesty inquired, ‘Did she only create wine from that book? Does Daisy not enjoy that book?’”

Father leaned his back on the sofa, looking tired, while he explained the situation.

“Thus, Father decided to tell His Majesty about the ‘fluffy bread’…”

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Father nodded his head in agreement at my words.

“His Majesty’s family consists of four people: His Majesty, the Queen, the First Prince, and the First Princess, correct?”

“Ahh, that’s right. The children are six and three years old respectively.”

‘…So fluffy bread is fine, but I’d like to have something that would please their little majesties, too,’ then, greed emerged from within me. (The prince is the same age as me though!)

Incidentally, the offering date was decided to be a week later due to His Majesty’s busy schedule.

“That’s why, since eight loaves are made at a time, I want to make half of them with some kind of twist.”

I sat on the chair in the laboratory, shaking the jar of apple-based yeast solution, and discussed this issue with Marcus. I obtained some good apples today.

“Something that would please the princes… How about something sweet? Put something on a flattened bread? Or, mix it into the batter? No, it looks delicious in its own way, but something’s different,” Marcus pondered while he gazed upward at the empty space.

“Bread and… sweets… When you mention sweets, wouldn’t that mean jam?” I replied.

“That’s right! Put jam in the bread and bake it!”

Marcus slammed his palms onto the desk in epiphany.

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“Then, when you take a bite, surprise! Sweet jam appears from inside!” Marcus continued with an enthralled expression.

““Let’s get Bob and the others to try making it!””

We took the yeast solution and ran to the kitchen.

During our afternoon tea time, I had Mother and my siblings sample the bread as an afternoon snack.

“Wow! There’s strawberry jam in the bread!”

“Mine is blueberry jam!”

“Mine has apple jam with cinnamon. I’ve never seen bread like this before.”

In terms of ‘surprise’, the idea seemed to have been a great success.

“Hmm, my mouth is kind of dry without the tea,” my older sister asked the maid for another cup of tea.

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“Couldn’t you add something more… not jam, but something more moist?” it seems like Mother also wanted me to give it a little more thought.

Thus, the first prototype item became homework to be taken home.

This time, the four of us, including Bob and Maria, had an evaluation meeting in the kitchen.

“Certainly, I would want something to drink after eating this.”

Bob took a bite and sipped the boiled water.

“Even if you have something moist, too much moisture will make the bread soggy after all.”

Maria propped up her cheek with her hand and had a troubled face.

“If we’re going to add a jam, we should add something less sweet… Pudding is a little hard, and it’s different. That thing you could put on a plate and bake… custard tart? Isn’t that moist and smooth?

“That cream?” Bob tilted his head.

“It’s thick so it shouldn’t be too hard to use it as bread filling, I think?” Maria looked like she could do it.

“That’s it!”

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I pointed at the ‘refrigerator’. …Although called a ‘refrigerator’, it was just a simple storage unit that contained large ice cubes inside to keep the interior cool.

“You can put the custard cream you made on a tray, then chill it to make it a little firmer. After that, put the hardened cream on top of flattened bread dough then the jam. Enclose the contents, then we’ll have a loaf of bread with custard cream and jam!” 1

“Well then, let’s try making the second prototype! We’ll make it tomorrow afternoon, matching the tea time!”

Bob and Maria agreed!

The next day was a rest day, so Father was here for afternoon tea.
I asked if he would sample some of the prototypes that I made for his little highnesses, and again, our tea was accompanied by sweet bread.

“Woah, there’s cream coming out of it!” my elder brother, who was the first to sink his teeth into the bread, was surprised to see the cream on the edge of his mouth.

“Huh, the bread itself is slightly moist, isn’t it?” my elder sister, who didn’t like the dry texture, seemed to like it and took a second bite after expressing her impressions.

“The custard isn’t too sweet, so it’s easy for me to eat,” Father seemed to be okay with it.

“I’m glad that you did according to what I requested. It’s delicious,” Mother smiled too.

Thus, I finally decided on the items for the day I offer my goods.

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