Their Little Highnesses’ Tasting Party

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If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 

The day to present the gifts to His Majesty the King had finally arrived.
What makes me happy is that on such occasions, the dress I’ll wear isn’t my sister’s hand-me-downs, but a brand new one just for myself. Today, I’m wearing a paler green chiffon dress to match my apple green hair. In my hair, I wore a hairpin made with aquamarine—the color of my eyes—with a small flower.

“Ojou-sama, you look cute.”

Kate dressed me, then looked fondly at me and complimented me.
My mood is superb.
Let’s do our best today!

The three bottles of wine I had tied tightly with string were heavy, so I asked Father to carry them, and I packed the bread in a new basket, covered it with a cloth, then took it with me.
The two of us rode in the carriage to the royal castle.

The audience was held in a small room considerably deep in the castle. Even though I’ve been saying that I’m presenting it to His Majesty, it wasn’t an exaggerated event held in an environment where other nobles were watching. I wonder if this was in consideration for my young age.
The attendant showed us to the room, where my father and I placed a basket of wine and bread on the table and waited for His Majesty to arrive.

Soon after, His Majesty the King, Her Royal Highness the Queen, and two children who appeared to be the prince and princess along with His Majesty the King arrived in the room with their attendants. Then, Heinrich, who had possessed “Appraisal”, entered the room after.

“Excuse me for barging in with so many people. There’s no need to be formal today. Please take it easy.”

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As soon as His Majesty entered the room, he immediately prompted us to sit down.

“When I mentioned that I the “fluffy bread”, William insisted on eating it…”

The queen slightly smiled as she corrected the prince’s sitting posture.

“After all, Mother, I’ve never heard of bread being fluffy! I want to try eating it now!

After protesting to his mother with a childish pout, His Highness turned towards me.

“Are you Daisy? The one who made the bread?” he smiled and his emerald eyes stared at me.

“Yes. Would you like to taste it now?” I asked the prince with a smile, then turned to look at His Majesty and Her Queen. I can’t just hand it over without permission.

His Majesty instructed Heinrich with his gaze.
I removed the cloth that covered the basket of bread on the table.
Heinrich carefully checked the bread in the basket one by one, then finally bowed to His Majesty.
In short, he said something like: “There is nothing in the basket that will harm your body”.

“Daisy, may I have one of these for my son right now?”

“Yes, then, if he could have one of these four loaves…” I said, then pointed at the “sweet bread” in the basket.

“William, which one do you want?”

His Majesty propped the prince up as he leaned in towards the basket.

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“I want this one!”

He grabbed a loaf of bread.

“…Wow. The bread is mushy.”

His Highness stared at the bread with a surprised look on his face.
Then, he took a bite of it.
A little bit of custard cream and jam suddenly came out of the side of the bread and stuck to the edge of His Highness’s mouth.

His face was very childlike and adorable. 1 The maid took out a handkerchief in a hurry and wiped His Highness’s mouth.

“Wow! There was soft, smooth cream in the bread, Father!” His Highness chewed and swallowed what he had put in his mouth with a gulp, then reported to His Majesty in high spirits.

“Is it delicious? William,” His Majesty asked, gently patting the prince’s head as he took his second bite, watching him with fond eyes.

The prince nodded his head while engrossed with the bread.

Then, the other little highness muttered to herself.

“…Cream,” she tugged at the hem of the queen’s dress and pleaded in a lisp.

“Daisy-san, Margaret said wants one too, so we will help ourselves to one,” the queen told me while looking troubled by the little princess’s request.

I found Princess Margaret’s lisped request to be cute and I smiled cheerfully and said, “Go ahead.”

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Her Majesty picked up one of the “sweet breads” and tore off a small piece.

“Oh my, it really is soft.”

Her eyes blinked at the feel of the bread in her hands that she tore it off.
It seems that the small piece was too close to the edge to hold the cream, so she scooped the cream and jam from the larger piece of bread and put it in the princess’s mouth.

Her Highness chewed slowly and her throat swallowed it with a gulp.

“The cream’s… sweet…”

Her Highness broke into a delighted expression and she was very lovely.

Seeing the way their Highnesses was acting, I was glad from the bottom of my heart that I added sweet bread!

The center of the room was completely occupied by their little Highnesses.
His Majesty then apologetically shifted the conversation to us two, parent and child.

“Thank you for the “fluffy bread”, wine, and other unusual things. Is there anything that Daisy would like right now as thanks?”

…Hmm, there is something I want though.
Should I try inquiring as a test?

“Actually, I’m looking for a device called a “centrifuge”…”

“A “centrifuge”? That’s something I’ve never heard of before,” His Majesty cocked his head in puzzlement.

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“Well then, I would be very thankful if you could please tell me if you know any information regarding any stores that might sell it or any potential craftsmen that could make one.”

…As expected, it didn’t work. In fact, I have been searching for one and I haven’t been able to find it.

“By the way, Daisy. What can you do with that “centrifuge”?”

It seems like His Majesty was curious about the function of that unknown apparatus.

“It can separate the thick cream portion and the remaining watery portion of milk from cows and other sources.
In the book, it says that when you whisk the cream with sugar, you can create a very rich and smooth dessert using this thing called “chantilly cream”. I thought about wanting to try eating it…”

In the end, I felt embarrassed about my statement, which sounded like I was a glutton, and my cheeks turned red.

“I see, I see, certainly, that is something I would like to try. Right, my Queen?”

“Well, I wonder what kind of dessert it is,” the Queen nodded in response to His Majesty’s words.

“I’ll try to have my subordinates look for it.”

His Majesty told me to wait for a bit longer.

Afterward, we chatted for a while until their little Highnesses finished eating, then we disbanded.

At a later date, His Majesty wrote a letter to show his gratitude for the wine and bread. With regard to the wine, he thanked us and wrote about his impressions of the different tastes and aromas. It seems like His Majesty and Her Royal Highness had a good time as the two of them talked about their respective tastes and evaluations.

…I’m glad they enjoyed the present!

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