Let’s Create Depetrification Medicine (2)

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If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 

It has been about a week since Oliver-san came to my house.
The Lodestone, Petrification Liquid Bag, and the wire arrived. The Petrification Liquid Bag, in particular, would be a serious problem if the membrane were to break and let the poisonous substance inside spill out. As a result, the bag was rigorously packed—it was packed in an earthenware pot, wrapped in cotton as cushioning material, then furthermore, wrapped in cloth.

It was not something you should touch with your hands after all.

It would be no laughing matter if I petrified my own hands while trying to make depetrification medicine.
How can I avoid touching it, huh?
Hmm, I crossed my arms and thought about it for a while. Suddenly, I thought of ‘that’.

“Tweezers!” I exclaimed out loud and clapped my hands together.

That’s right, it’s what Mother and Father use to groom themselves!

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I can pick it up with the end of the tweezers and do my work with them, so they are just the perfect tool!
I need a tweezer!

“…Ojou-sama, what is this about a tweezer?”
At that moment Kate, who happened to be walking by, called out to me who suddenly shouted, “Tweezers!” in the living room. However, her expression was slightly taken back. That’s right, the subtle expression on her face as she witnessed the sudden eccentric behavior of her disappointing miss.

“There is something that cannot be touched with hands when experimenting. I thought I needed a tweezer so I can work with the article without touching it directly.”

Despite being the young miss of a viscount house, even I was a little surprised at myself when I shouted, “Tweezers.” I asked Kate if she had any extra tweezers while feeling a little embarrassed at my own exclamation.

“I think there are some spare tweezers in the warehouse. I will ask for Madam’s permission to give it to you Ojou-sama, then I’ll bring it to you. Please wait a moment.”

After I explained the reason, Kate understood and immediately walked down the hallway to get Mother’s permission.

Kate came back to me a few moments later with a tweezer.

“Madam has a message for you. Even if it is within the mansion, don’t suddenly shout something improper like “Tweezers!”, Kate said, then handed me the tweezer along with a scolding from Mother.

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“It would have been fine if you were silent about it though…”

I put the tweezers in the box of the packages that had arrived, held the box in my hands, then trudged to my laboratory with my shoulders slumped dejectedly.

On the way to the laboratory, I asked the red-flowered mandrake to give me some roots today. She(?) snapped off a few roots, then smiled and handed me the roots with her leafy hands. I wonder if mandrakes have different personalities depending on the individual. The blue-flowered mandrake was quite different.
In my daydreams, I wondered if the blue-flowered mandrake was a boy and the red-flowered mandrake was a girl as I headed for the laboratory.

Then, I entered my laboratory separated from the mansion. I sat down on a chair, unpacking the package on the floor while solemnly thinking, ‘I’ll only be using this lab for one more year or so.’
The distilled water had been prepared by Marcus like usual.

‘Well then, let’s start the experiment!’

I slapped myself on both cheeks, trying to get myself fired up.

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First, create a coil from the wire. There is an example in the ‘Alchemy Textbook’. In the textbook, the shape of the coil is drawn there.
First, make a winding part around the middle of the wire. I tried to bend the wire to make it curl… but the wire turned out to be deformed rather than curly.
When I tried a little harder, I could make it curl, but the sizes of each curl varied.

Hmm, I would like to make the coil uniform, preferably as thick as my fingers…
I stared at my fingers.
Ah, that’s right!

I left the lab empty-handed.
Then, I searched the garden for Dan, the gardener. The season was already past autumn and the garden has become a completely desolate sight. In the midst of this, Dan was sweeping the dead leaves.
By the way, my fields were the only ones where the new leaves are as lively as those during spring all year round, probably because it was a fairy garden.

“Dan, good work,” I called out to Dan, then he stopped moving his broom and greeted me with a bow, “Hello, Ojou-sama. Are you going for a walk in this desolate garden?”

The only thing around Dan was the fallen leaves on the ground.

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“I was wondering if you had a straight fallen branch on the ground—about the thickness of my thumb. If you do, I would love to have some,” I said as I held out my thumb towards Dan.

“Let’s see, there is a heap of debris over here that I’ve swept together, so please wait for a bit,” Dan said, then rummaged through the pile of dead leaves and withered branches, looking for one that might meet my request.

“How about something like this?”

Dan held out a straight, smooth, snapped-off branch about the length of Dan’s finger. It was straight and smooth, about the length of Dan’s finger, without any protrusions that might interfere. 1

“Yeah, just like this! Thanks, Dan!” I smiled broadly, thanked Dan for getting what I was looking for, then went back to my laboratory.

I walked into my laboratory, sat down on a chair, then prepared the branch and wire.
Then, I wrapped the wire around the branch. Uh-huh, just as I thought, I knew it would coil around neatly!
When I had formed enough coiled portions, I pulled the branch out.
Afterward, I made the wire base into a square U-shape and the curling part of the coil was on top so that it goes inside the beaker, then it’s complete.

With this, I am finally ready to start the experiment!

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