Let’s Create Depetrification Medicine (3)

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With the coil completed, I decided to resume my experiment.

First, I finely minced the mandrake roots and put them into a large beaker, then followed to pour distilled water in.
Then, in the same manner, as when I made the Potent Detoxification Potion, I boiled the water with a magic heating tool to fully extract the properties of the roots.

[Mandrake Extract]

Classification: Medicine Ingredient
Quality: High
Details: The components are well-extracted.

I used the ice magic to produce ice water in the bowl and chilled the beaker thoroughly.

Well now, I am going to add the Petrification Liquid Bag and a coil into this…
If I pour my mana and it fails and explodes, I will be in quite a bit of trouble.
What can I say? The strength of the glass is terrifying.

First, I put the beaker in a metal bucket a size larger than the beaker.
Then, when I gently put the bag of petrified solution into the mandrake extract with the tweezers, the bag melted and the mandrake extract and the petrification liquid mixed together.

[Depetification Medicine???]

Classification: Medicine, or rather, poison.
Quality: Low—
Details: A solution that only comprises ingredients necessary to create medicine. Danger, don’t touch!

‘If I’m going to want a reaction from here on, I’m afraid I’m going to need a lid,’ I thought, so I went through the miscellaneous things piled up in the corner of the laboratory, aka the former detached building-cum-storage shed.

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Then, I found a lid of a small wooden container, neatly split in half. The lid was made of hard, solid wood and was plenty thick. It was also just the right size to cover the top of the bucket.

The two U-shaped ends of the wire under the lid were placed in the solution while I sealed the bucket with the broken wooden lid.

After putting on the cloth gloves I brought just to be safe, I picked up the Lodestone and tried to move it closer and further away in a cycle from one side of the coil. By doing this, ‘something invisible’ should be flowing in the wire.
I slowly amplified the Lodestone’s “attracting power” with my mana and continued to do so softly and gently.

…Honestly, I was very scared. My heart was beating fast and loud.

There was no sign of an explosion so I opened the lid and took a glance inside.

[Depetification Medicine?]

Classification: Medicine that contains poison.
Quality: Low–
Details: The material’s substances have begun to slightly react. The medicine’s ingredients have changed a little. However, there is still danger, do not touch!

“…Ah, I’ve progressed a bit.”

My heart was filled with relief. To be honest, I was scared out of my mind.
First of all, let’s approach this slowly and cautiously, prioritizing safety. After all, it will be fine since the materials properly reacted.

I spent the whole afternoon working on the Lodestone, pouring mana into it.
By the time the orange light shined through the gap of the laboratory door, I verified my work so many times that I had forgotten how much I did it.

[Depetification Medicine]

Classification: Medicine
Quality: High
Details: Has the effect of releasing petrification. Apply thoroughly on the petrificated portions.

“It’s completed!”

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I cheered on the spot with both hands raised in the banzai gesture. Then, I gazed up at the worn-out ceiling.

“…That was scary,” I suddenly thought after lingering in a daze for a while.

“I should have charged extra for the danger I had to undertake. I need to think more carefully when deciding the estimated contract payment.

After I sighed and straightened my posture, I strained the resulting medicine through a cloth, filled the solution into a somewhat larger vial, then corked the potion.

“Well then, I have to invite Oliver-san and his daughter over!”

After tidying up my laboratory, I returned to the mansion with the precious, completed medicine vial in both hands.

After dinner that day, I wrote, on my own, a letter inviting Oliver-san and his daughter along with Father’s help.

Three days later, Oliver-san and his daughter, Katya, came to our house by carriage.

“Today, I heard that you have completed the medicine to heal my daughter’s foot!”

As the father, Oliver-san was already filled with emotions. Aren’t you being a bit too hasty here?

Katya then took both of Oliver-san’s hands to support her down the stairs of the carriage as she slowly made her way down. As she came down to the ground, she received a cane from her servant. She used the cane to compensate for her inability to move her left foot, ankle-down and stood next to Oliver-san.

“My name is Katya. I heard that you prepared a potion to treat my foot. I will be in your care today.”

As Katya bowed her head, her light blue hair—pulled into twin tails—slid smoothly down her shoulders. She was half a head taller than me and had a slender figure. She was a girl with a strong temperament and a strong-willed look in her eyes.

As Katya walked slowly, Kate and I led the way to one of the smaller guest rooms. In that room, In front of the single sofa in the guest room, there was a vial containing the cure, as well as a washbasin and towels. I had Katya down.
By the way, since I will have Katya—female—take off her socks, I had Oliver wait for her in the other guest room since I thought it would not be a good idea to have a man here, even if he was Katya’s father. I asked Ellie to guide him to another guest room.

“Miss Katya, I will be taking off your left shoe and sock.”

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Kate bent down on the floor and took off her shoes and smoothly slipped off her dainty-looking sock. Then, she placed her feet in the washbasin that was already prepared.
As one would expect, it would be unbecoming of me to touch the feet of a commoner girl as the noble young miss, even for the purpose of healing, so I asked Kate to assist me.

“Katya-san, I am going to start applying the medicine gradually, so if you feel any pain or discomfort, please let me know.”

When I told her so, whether from anticipation or anxiety, Katya-san nodded her head as she clenched her fists in front of her chest.

When I requested, Kate opened the vial and poured the medicine over Katya’s petrified ankle and below. The medicine penetrated into the dry stone, turning it into a blackish color.
Kate repeatedly scooped up the medicine that flowed down into the washbasin and applied it to her feet, making sure that all the petrified parts of her feet were covered with the medicine.

“Give it a little rub so it will heal better,” I said.

Then, Kate scooped up some of the medicine and rubbed it onto her stony foot. Gradually, her dark, gray feet turned into a lighter shade of gray.

“The surface of your foot is becoming a little more elastic.”

Kate, who was constantly in contact with her foot, could see the change and her expression brightened.

“The color of your feet is changing too!”

Katya’s face was filled with anticipation.

Kate thoroughly stroked the tips of her toes, then they gradually regained their softness to the point where she could go between her toes.

“…I can move my toe that I couldn’t move for almost two years!”

Katya’s eyes began to blear. Her toe, which had not moved at all for two years, finally moved. She must be very happy. The skin color of her toe had recovered to a pale, flesh color.

Slowly but surely, the areas that were being rubbed were increasing. As Kate did so, the top of Katya’s toes began to move, followed by her ankles. With Kate’s careful rubbing and massage, her range of motion gradually increased, and the color of her left foot began to regain its complexion.

“M-My ankle that used to be stiff and could not move… now I can move even the top of my foot!”

Katya-san held her hand before her mouth. When I saw a tear trickle down her cheek, I offered her my handkerchief. She accepted it while she apologized and held it to her wet cheeks and eyes.

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Eventually, her left leg regained its healthy color, her complexion surfacing on top of her white skin.
Kate checked her foot by moving each and every one of her toes, moving them up and down her instep, then slowly turning her ankle clockwise and counterclockwise.

“Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” Kate looked upwards towards Katya’s face to confirm.

“No, there’s none! There is no sense of discomfort! I want to try standing up!”

When Katya asked Kate, Kate smiled and lifted Katya’s legs, moving the washbasin away, then wiped her feet with a towel.

“I will support you, so let’s try standing up.”

Katya grabbed both of Kate’s hands with her own and slowly stood up from the sofa.
Then, she began to take a step, then two. The various joints in her foot moved properly, supporting her movements without interfering with her walking.

“I can walk! I can move my foot! Miss Daisy!”

Katya-san suddenly turned her head towards me and gave me a full-blown smile.

“…Thank you very much!”

Suddenly, Katya-san let go of Kate’s hand and came towards me with both arms wide open. Sure enough, she was still not used to balancing on both her feet, so she fell down and hugged me.

“It’s dangerous, so please practice walking properly first.”

As Katya-san nodded her head in agreement while being supported by my arm, I hugged her back, filled with happiness and a sense of accomplishment of having been able to heal a crippled person back to normal.

Afterward, I asked Katya-san to sit down and let Kate put on her sock and shoe. Then, I headed over to Oliver-san, who was waiting for me in another guest room.
When we arrived near the room, Kate moved ahead of us and opened the door.

“Father! My leg is healed! If I practice walking, I won’t need a cane anymore!”

Although Kayta-san still needed a cane, she walked more smoothly on her feet than before and walked up to Oliver, telling him that she was cured of her petrification.

With tears streaming down his face, Oliver-san hugged his beloved daughter with his big body.

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