“I never expected to meet you in a place like this, especially at such a late hour,” she said.

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He approached me immediately upon spotting me. The corridor where we now stood was rarely used, with no artificial light except for the moonlight streaming in through the windows. I couldn’t bring myself to question why he was here in a place like this at the moment.

“Surely, you didn’t come all the way here to inspect the servants of the gods,” she said, playfully.

He came closer and his expression hardened after a brief silence. It was understandable. A princess dressed in a single nightgown and barefoot, weeping in a secluded place with rare visitors.

After a moment of contemplation, he spoke again. “If you don’t mind, how about we indulge in the dessert we couldn’t share last time? My private chambers are wonderfully quiet and suitable for conversation, I believe.”

As he spoke, he politely extended his arm. It was a gesture indicating that he would escort me if I agreed. I gazed at him, reminiscing about the letters he had sent over the past few days.

“With this person…”

Even if he proposed spending the night together at this very moment, I would never refuse. I took his outstretched arm. Now, I need this man.

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“Then, allow me to escort you to my chambers…”



I held onto his arm tightly and quickly walked down the corridor. Soon, the corridor turned, and there were several doors along the way. When I opened the nearest one, it revealed an empty room with only minimal furnishings. This building was originally meant to accommodate guests who came to substitute for the absent prince. As the prayer ceremony had just ended and most of the envoys had returned, there were many empty spaces.

I pulled him into the room and closed the door. The prince looked at me with surprise in his eyes. Without turning back, I tightly closed my eyes, and then I fervently spoke.

“Sleep with me.”

“Pardon? What are you…”

“I said sleep with me. Do you object?”

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In an instant, his face turned red as if he were spewing fire. I had never imagined uttering such words to a man who had barely engaged in a few conversations with me. Moreover, it was as if I were pressuring him.

But now, I couldn’t afford to feel ashamed of such things.

“If you don’t want to, say so. Then…”

“What will you do?”

He suddenly approached, grabbing my wrist, and pulled me towards him. Taken aback, my body lost balance and swayed, falling into his embrace. Through his clothes, I could sense his solid physique, accompanied by a deep fragrance.

“If I were to refuse, would you go outside again and search for someone else?”


He did not respond. There was no need to respond. Then, the prince spoke again.

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“I have heard rumors, but I never expected you to be so audacious. In fact…”

“You talk too much.”

I interrupted his words. I had no time for leisurely conversation right now. I pushed him away and turned my body towards the door. What I needed now was not a conversation.


With a rough sound, my body spun around. When I regained her senses, I found myself once again in the prince’s embrace.

“I apologize for not understanding your urgency. If that’s what you desire.”

Saying so, the prince bowed his head and immediately his lips covered hers. Between colliding lips, his tongue swiftly intruded.

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The sound of a probing tongue roughening echoed. Like a famished beast, his tongue explored every nook and cranny of her tender flesh. It pressed firmly, as if to confirm. Then, it pierced her throat.

[Huh! Ugh!]

I struggled in his embrace, pushing him away, unable to catch my breath. Yet, the Crown Prince remained motionless, as if finding amusement in my whimpering. He wrapped his hand around the back of my head, pulling me closer, and pressed his lips fervently against mine. I quickly grew breathless, surrendering to his every desire without even closing my violated mouth.

My strength waned rapidly. The books had depicted the act of kissing as something beautiful and tender, an exchange of emotions between two souls. But the reality was far from that. It was an onslaught, a forceful intrusion, devoid of any emotions. All I felt from him now was desire.


While I clung to him, gasping for air, a sharp pain shot through my chest. Unbeknownst to me, the Crown Prince’s hand had ascended, covering my entire chest in a tight grip.


At my plea, his hand retreated. I felt a faint ache in my released chest, accompanied by a tingling sensation in my lower abdomen. Soon, his hand returned, but this time, it caressed me slowly and gently, unlike the previous aggression.

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