“Uh, ugh!”

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His touch, teasing my lingering sensitivity, sent a shiver all the way to my head. My legs grew weaker, struggling to hold me up. Finally, when his tongue penetrated deep into my mouth, I succumbed, collapsing under the overwhelming assault.

“Oh dear.”

With a laughter-tinged voice, he grasped my waist as I fell. His palm glided gently across my flattened belly, as if claiming ownership of this territory. The sensation sent shivers down my spine, as if foretelling what awaited me in this place.

“I’ve heard that you have quite an experience…”

His unexpected words made my body tremble. Had he misinterpreted my movements? He hastily spoke again.

“Apologies for my presumption. I was merely surprised by your sensitivity.”

“Fine. Just hurry…”

All I could think about was the need to proceed quickly.

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“Even with such trembling, you urge me on. Truly.”

After saying that, he lifted my waist with both hands and placed me gently on the nearby bed. He climbed on top of me, enclosing me in his arms, bringing his body close. His lips parted, and without hesitation, he seized my breast forcefully.


A moist and hot sensation seeped through the thin fabric. As he licked my nipple repeatedly, it rose above the wet cloth. He seemed to be waiting for that moment, as he playfully tugged on it.

“Uh, ugh! Stop, please!”

Every time he did so, a rough breath escaped my mouth.

Good heavens. It felt as if my mind were melting away. Everything gradually faded away as I experienced a sensation I had never known before.

After tormenting my breasts for a while, he lifted his face. The composed expression he had worn before entering this room was now absent from his features. Overflowing with excitement, he mounted me like a beast ready to devour its prey.

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“I thought it would be delicious.”

With those words, he pressed his finger firmly against my nipple.

“It tastes even better than I expected.”

“Ah, black!”

It felt as if a lightning bolt struck my forehead. My body quivered under his, just like a fish on dry land. With a sense of delight, he extended his hand toward my chest.

His long fingers fearlessly removed my thin nightgown. In the moonlight streaming through the window, my white breasts were revealed. He gently grasped both mounds, treating them with reverence. Then, the tip of his finger began to explore the peaks.

“Ah, aah! Stop touching my… my breasts!”

My plea was cruelly ignored. Instead, he firmly grasped both peaks with his two fingers and quickly stimulated them. At that moment, a sensation of something flowing between my legs became apparent. A dizzying mixture of pleasure and pain pounded through my body. His lips descended, tracing my throat, while the hand that had caressed my breasts began to descend slowly.

“Well, it seems the Holy Maiden is more eager for this than for her breasts.”

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His hand slid over my belly button and slipped beneath my undergarments as smoothly as an eel. The hand, which had been wandering through the forest above, confidently covered the territory below. His palm, in its entirety, caressed my mound slowly. In an instant, my mind turned white with a rush of embarrassment and shame.

The hand, though leisurely, exerted pressure from below, only to halt its movement with a mere breath.


His finger pierced into me.

“Oh, ah!”

My lips involuntarily parted as I experienced a sensation deep within me for the first time. All my senses erupted from below. Unbeknownst to me, my toes curled involuntarily. Good heavens. Fear washed over me in torrents. What am I doing? What has entered my body?

His finger moved swiftly, sweeping against my inner walls. With each stroke, my hips jolted and my waist arched reflexively. I wanted to beg him to stop immediately, but all that escaped my lips were stifled moans, and I found myself incapable of uttering any other words.

“Did you request a quick completion?”

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“Uh, yes!”

As his finger retreated from within me, I heard the sound of him removing his clothes. Simultaneously, coarse breaths mingled with the sound of fabric being torn, accompanied by brief profanities. Just those sounds alone conveyed how consumed by lust the prince was at this moment.

“Allow me to satisfy you from below, first.”

As soon as he uttered those words, a moan of satisfaction escaped my lips, and something trickled down from beneath my thigh. Raising my head, I looked at him. His eyes gleamed with the desire he had suppressed. His intense gaze swept over my body.

Merely his gaze made me feel as though I had already succumbed to him. His body found its place between my legs. Then, he firmly grasped my waist with both hands, pulling me towards him. And then, something large and blunt made contact beneath the part that had opened up.


I gasped for air at the sudden overwhelming mass. The sensitive area pressed against it trembled uncontrollably. And in response, his member that rested below made a squelching sound as it pushed against me and glided upwards.

Finally, reality hit me. I am now in the act of intertwining my body with a man.

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