It’s the Chinese New Year, and the streets and alleys of Jiangcheng are naturally very lively.

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Xu Wenyin held Xu Youyou’s little hand tightly at first, for fear of being scattered by the crowd, but later she felt that this was not safe, so she simply hugged Xu Youyou directly in her arms, so that she could feel at ease.

How could there be so many people?

It was the first time for Xu Wenyin, who rarely went out and only went out on weekdays to reduce travel time, to encounter such a huge sea of people.

Her weak human body was almost drifting with the flow.

Speaking of human beings’ ability to reproduce and survive, it’s really amazing. No wonder they could become one of the top ten races in the 24-sided universe.

“Mom, there are so many people~”

It was also the first time Xu Youyou saw so many people, she couldn’t help but a little novel, like a little kangaroo poking a small head out of her mother’s arms, looking around.

Most of these groups of people were a family group, big hands holding small hands, parents with children, they look happy and warm.

Xu Wenyin didn’t know why, but suddenly looked down at Xu Youyou in her arms, and saw that although her eyes swept over those families, she didn’t pause for a second or show any look of yearning and envy.

With such a reaction, it also made Xu Wenyin couldn’t help but ask: “Youyou, it seems you’ve never asked me about Dad?”

Xu Wenyin had read in a book that human children have a natural yearning for their parents, and she had seen some dramas on the Internet in which the children didn’t have a father or a mother, all chased after the same kind of questions.

Why didn’t Youyou ask?

Xu Wenyin didn’t care about this before because the system Itself has no parents, and It can’t personally understand the child’s desire for parents.

In addition, Xu Youyou has never asked, so Xu Wenyin naturally ignored it.

But now, Xu Wenyin remembered this again.

Did Youyou really not care, or did she choose not to ask?

At this time, Xu Wenyin didn’t realize that she was becoming more and more aware of the complex emotions of human beings. Otherwise, the system that had just arrived here would never have thought of the difference between the two.

Hearing this question, Xu Youyou gave a confused “eh”, and then said, “But isn’t Dad dead? Youyou knows what death is.”

To put it cruelly, the children in the orphanage pass away several times a year, mostly because of illness, so Xu Youyou could understand what death was from the time she could remember.

If you die, you will never appear again, and you will not be able to speak or move.

——Since Dad is already dead, what else does Youyou need to ask?

This sentence was written on Xu Youyou’s face, which was completely received by Xu Wenyin.

Eh? Xu Wenyin paused, asking what?

“Just, doesn’t Youyou want to know what kind of person Dad was, why he died or why he was separated from Mom?”

Xu Youyou shook her head: “I don’t want to, Youyou have Mom is enough. What Mom wants to say, Youyou will also listen carefully oh ~”

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Xu Wenyin: “…”

Her cub, isn’t she a bit too mature?

Would a normal human three-year-old say these words?

Only then did Xu Wenyin react to this question.

Probably because there was always a small adult-like Juanjuan next to her for comparison, Xu Wenyin didn’t think there was anything wrong with Yoyo.

But now it seems that Xu Youyou is too sensible?

So her mission went so smoothly this time, not because she was good, but because the mission target was good?

Xu Wenyin could not help but begin to doubt life.

Xu Youyou didn’t notice her mother’s entanglement. After finding that Xu Wenyin stopped asking questions, her eyes were quickly attracted by the surroundings. In her heart, the father who had never appeared and died was really not important.

Since it’s not important, then why ask?

The two of them came out this time, except for the doll that Xu Youyou wanted, they didn’t have a clear goal to buy anything, they just walked around casually, buying what they wanted when they saw it. Anyway, they had enough money.

Moreover, probably because the Chinese New Year is approaching, many mobile vendors have sprung up in places where stalls were not allowed on the street. At this time, no one has come to catch them. In addition, many things sold have a New Year’s atmosphere, and business is good in almost every place.

“Youyou, do you want to eat candied haws?”


After Xu Wenyin saw all kinds of delicacies that are rarely seen in ordinary times, she quickly put the entanglement behind her.

After all, the system is not a human being, and does not have so many complicated ideas.

Since the ultimate goal is to complete the task, it doesn’t matter who is good, right?

As long as the task can be completed.

Two strings of candied haws, one of hawthorn and one of innovative fruits, were exchanged and finished off by Xu Youyou and Xu Wenyin.

“Youyou, how about a cotton candy?”

“Okay~ It’s to be a flower!”

Walking and eating all the way, they didn’t buy anything, but Xu Wenyin and Xu Youyou’s stomachs all became round.

It turns out that Chinese New Year is such a fun thing.

Xu Wenyin was immediately filled with good feelings about this festival. At first, she still didn’t understand why the people of Huaguo deliberately chose such a day in a year. Not only did people have to go home, but they also had to abide by various customs.

Posting New Year couplets, posting blessings, setting off fireworks, etc., just listening to it was very troublesome.

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Now it’s understandable. This is the festive atmosphere, right?

People are creatures who need a sense of atmosphere and something to express their feelings, which is why there are so many festivals and a Chinese New Year that they must go home and spend with their families.

Xu Wenyin, who decided to follow the local custom, soon bought a bunch of decorative things, of course not forgetting Youyou’s doll.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the two mother and daughter started to walk back. Their car was still parked far away, and it was too crowded to drive in.

However, just after arriving at the car and putting the things in the trunk, Xu Wenyin keenly heard something crying from under the car.

“Youyou, did you hear anything?”

After Xu Wenyin became a human, her hearing was about the same as that of ordinary humans, at most slightly better. She wondered if she had heard it wrong.

Unexpectedly, Xu Youyou tilted her head, and said in an uncertain tone: “Mom, it seems to be a cat?”


Xu Wenyin walked around the car several times, knocking along the way, and finally found a kitten lying tightly on top of the rear tire.

It looks bigger than a palm, and the hair has just grown, I don’t know if it’s been half a month or a month, but it’s very weak.

Xu Wenyin asked Xu Youyou to take a step back, and carefully caught the cat out by herself.

Fortunately, the cat is relatively well-behaved, gently meowing twice and not moving.

Xu Wenyin guessed that the weather might be too cold and her car was still hot from just running, which is why it attracted the stray kitten.

But what if you know the reason?

What should I do with this cat, throw it away?

It won’t take long to die outside in this kind of weather.

Xu Wenyin thought about it and saw Xu Youyou’s expression next to her.

“Youyou, do you want to keep this cat?”

“Don’t want, don’t want!”

The little girl who heard the question shook her head like a rattle. Of course, if her eyes could not be so fixed on the kitten, it would probably be more convincing.

Xu Wenyin: “…”

Keep a cat.

She did read in the book that you can give children a pet, which will cultivate their love and make them more responsible.

If Xu Wenyin’s body is not limited by time, then she doesn’t care, just raise it.

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But the problem now is that she can only have more than two hours a day. What if she raises this cat and it gets sick?

Xu Wenyin couldn’t do it right away and had enough time to take the cat to the hospital, do you want the child to watch the cat die?

Wouldn’t it be crueler?

Of course, this is also based on the fact that cats will get sick. Maybe this cat is healthy and won’t get sick?

Do you want to satisfy Youyou’s wish for this possibility?

Xu Wenyin felt that after becoming a human being, she really faced a lot of choices. No one knew whether the current decision would be good or bad in the future, it’s really a big deal.

If you don’t keep it, what should you do with this cat? It’s not reliable to send it to a pet store, right?

In fact, for the system, life is a very fragile thing. Even if the kitten really died in front of her now, the system would not feel much.

All she cared about was Xu Youyou’s feelings.

Xu Wenyin struggled for a second, and at this moment the kitten in her hand let out a soft “Meow” and raised it head slightly to look at Xu Wenyin.

To be honest, the kitten’s eyes are not good-looking now, the surroundings are all blurred into small balls, and only a little light-colored pupil can be seen.

But such a weak, pitiful and helpless cat somehow reminded Xu Wenyin of the scene when she first met Xu Youyou.

Thin and small, weak and frail, with an adult-like distress in his eyes, for food or something.

“Youyou! Get in the car! Let’s go buy some cat supplies right away!”


Xu Youyou was happy at first and then frowned immediately: “No, don’t keep the cat.”

She knows that it is very troublesome to keep a cat. Her mother has worked so hard, Youyou didn’t want to make her mother work harder.

Although, although the cat is really cute Oh!

This kind of cuteness is different from that of a doll. Cats can breathe, have warmth, run and jump.

But Mom ……

“It’s okay, trust mom, it’s just a kitten!”

Xu Wenyin still couldn’t bear Xu Youyou’s lost expression, and she thought about it just now.

As long as there is money, in fact, many things are not necessary for her to do personally. In the case that the cat is really sick, the big deal for her would be to have someone come to the door to pick up the cat to send to the vet. Even live streaming the process in real time is no problem.

This was still the inspiration given by Qin Yiren.

It doesn’t matter if she can’t cook and do housework, as long as she hires someone to do it.

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There are people who are willing to earn this money!

Now a small problem will be taken into account, how to do great things in the future?

Don’t be afraid of difficulties, just try to solve them ~

Tons and tons poured herself two mouthfuls of chicken soup1that reads too much and only knows how to move yourself, but can’t understand the essence. Chicken soup refers to chicken soup for the soul, which means similar to success studies or small WeChat articles, which use gorgeous language to paralyze you to accept the reality but fail to solve any practical problems., Xu Wenyin quickly started the car, and went straight to the nearest pet supply store according to the navigation.

Today is not enough time to go to the hospital to check the cat, and Xu Wenyin saw that the kitten is currently in good condition, the meowing is also loud, so let’s try to raise it by herself first.

It took fifteen minutes, and under the patient guidance of the shopping guide, Xu Wenyin bought a bunch of things the kittens needed, and then returned to her little home with the big bags and small bags.

Under Xu Youyou’s expectant and excited gaze, laid out a soft cushion for the cat, and prepared special milk for the kitten.

All this takes time, and Xu Youyou seems to know this, running around with short legs to help Xu Wenyin.

It can be seen that she really likes this kitten.

In the end, watching the kitten regain its strength little by little, and began to drink milk from the bottle, both mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Wenyin also quickly released her body, and communicated with Xu Youyou with her consciousness.

“Youyou, the cat is still dirty today, you can’t touch it.”

The kitten ate and drank enough, and in a warm environment, it soon fell asleep.

The whole body fell together, the fur shook with it, and looking at it made people want to pet it.

But a closer look reveals that the kitten is still a bit dirty, after all, it was a stray cat before, certainly not as clean as a domestic cat.

It’s okay that Xu Wenyin is an adult, but she is worried about the poor resistance of children. She is not afraid of 10,000 and is afraid of 1,000.2It means that you are not afraid of the expected situation happening 10,000 times, but you are afraid of the unexpected happening once. Warn people to do things to prevent accidental accidents, not to be taken lightly.

“Okay, Youyou doesn’t touch the cat~”

Fortunately, Xu Youyou was obedient and could see that she wanted to get her hands on it, but she still suppressed the urge.

But she didn’t leave, she moved a small stool and looked at the cat in front of her, it seemed that just looking at it like this made people happy.

No cartoon or building block toys can compare to this kitten at this time!

A few hours later, Xu Wenyin appeared again to feed the kitten.

It was said on the Internet that this kind of kitten needs to eat less and more meals, and it has to be fed four or five times a day. Fortunately, Xu Wenyin didn’t need to sleep; when the time comes, just come out and feed it.

But because of the cat, there was not much time left today. Xu Wenyin could only order takeout for dinner to save time, and Xu Youyou was not at all unhappy about it.

1that reads too much and only knows how to move yourself, but can’t understand the essence. Chicken soup refers to chicken soup for the soul, which means similar to success studies or small WeChat articles, which use gorgeous language to paralyze you to accept the reality but fail to solve any practical problems.2It means that you are not afraid of the expected situation happening 10,000 times, but you are afraid of the unexpected happening once. Warn people to do things to prevent accidental accidents, not to be taken lightly.

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