“An’an, don’t you like birthdays?”

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Xu Youyou blinked: “You seem unhappy.”

Children don’t speak like adults, will go around so many turns, and Xu Youyou’s personality is much brighter now, so she asks questions directly.

However, once the words were out of her mouth, Xu Youyou reacted with hindsight, An’an never seemed to take the initiative to mention his father, but instead said more about his grandfather.

Xu Youyou and the others have never met An’an’s father, and even An’an’s mother seems to have never heard of it.

Huh, is there something wrong?

Liu Yanzhi was silent.

No matter how precocious he was, he was barely four years old. Suddenly, when his little friend asked this question and thought of that man’s words, his eyes turned red instantly.


“An’an, don’t cry.”

Qian Xin and others suddenly panicked.

Even Xu Youyou anxious: “An’an! An’an, I’m sorry, I won’t ask anymore!”

Liu Yanzhi shook his head: “It’s not Youyou, it’s okay. I…”

Lu Chenjun witnessed everything. He remembered that Qin Yiren had told him about Liu Yanzhi.

But to tell the truth, Lu Chenjun didn’t take it to heart, and he didn’t have any similar thoughts of sympathy. He now looks at the three people except Xu Youyou as children who are a little more familiar than the children in the same class.

Usually they could stay together, show that he was not so unsociable, and let Qin Yiren and others worry less. But Lu Chenjun has never regarded the three of them as real friends, much less included them in his own protection circle.

In addition, Liu Yanzhi has never shown it, so Lu Chenjun, who is afraid of trouble, just pretended he didn’t know it.

However, Lu Chenjun still remembered Liu Yanzhi’s expression when his uncle sneaked over last time.

Since Liu Yanzhi did not tell his father about it, he barely passed.

“Let’s find a place to talk.” Lu Chenjun suddenly spoke: “Do you want to invite my mother to come along?”

Faced with Lu Chenjun’s question, Liu Yanzhi froze again.

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin were full of doubts. What are Juanjuan and An’an talking about?

Is there anything wrong with asking Aunt Qin to come along?

The last time Youyou celebrated her birthday, Aunt Qin was there too, what a nice person!

Then they saw that Lu Chenjun went directly to Teacher Xu, they didn’t know what he said. When they were about to have lunch, Teacher Xu took them to a small classroom that was not usually used.

“Do you really not need a teacher?”

Teacher Xu was still a little worried.

“No need, we will solve it by ourselves.”

Lu Chenjun said with a stern face and a serious tone: “Grandpa should have told you to listen to me.”

Teacher Xu was stunned, she was indeed the person arranged by Mr. Qin, Even Qin Yiren didn’t know, how could Lu Chenjun…

How old is he?!

Although she has long heard that Lu Chenjun is a genius, she could see that Lu Chenjun usually learns quickly in class. Basically, he can memorize and learn it once, but teacher Xu doesn’t have a deep feeling about the word “genius”. She has taught so many children, and Lu Chenjun is not the only one who can do this. Don’t say far, Xu Youyou could also almost do it.

Now it’s different, she is afraid Lu Chenjun is really a beyond everyone’s imagination, the extraordinary genius!

Teacher Xu left, and soon there were only five children left in the classroom.

But no one spoke at first, and the Juanjuan just now obviously scared everyone a bit.

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Why does teacher Xu listen to Juanjuan?

Why does Juanjuan say such things?

Xu Youyou couldn’t help but reached out and touched Juanjuan’s hair, only to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Juanjuan’s familiar expression.

It’s okay, it’s still Juanjuan she is familiar with.


Lu Chenjun muttered softly, but did not waste more time on it.

Instead, he looked directly at Liu Yanzhi: “I won’t let my mother go.”

He made a decision as soon as he spoke, and it was not a good decision for Liu Yanzhi.

But strangely, Liu Yanzhi felt relieved.

Then Lu Chenjun looked at the three Xu Youyou again: “You’d better not go either.”

The three little kids who didn’t understand the whole thing at all suddenly had question marks on their heads.

It’s my friend’s birthday, why can’t we go?

Xu Youyou unhappily pulled on Lu Chenjun’s sleeve: “Why? We are very smart, Juanjuan you have to tell us the reason.”

“That’s right!”

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin echoed together.

This kind of friend has a secret, the feeling of being excluded is too uncomfortable.

“We are all four years old~ we are big children.”

After the new year, one year older, and no longer a three-year-old kid~

Lu Chenjun frowned, he himself knows is one thing, explain and say Liu Yanzhi sad thing is another thing.

It seems that he did it too impulsively.

For the first time, Lu Chenjun, who believed that one thing would not be changed, had a slight regret for his decision.

But before Lu Chenjun could come up with a solution, Liu Yanzhi facing the concerned eyes of his friends, could not help but think of what his mother said before she died.

——An’an, mom doesn’t want you to be like your dad, mom hopes you can make many friends and be a sunny and kind child.


Liu Yanzhi gritted his teeth and said it out loud and directly: “Because my father is a big bad guy! He killed my mom! I hate him! And I don’t want to spend my birthday with him!”

What’s more, I don’t want to take advantage of Juanjuan and Aunt Qin, they are both very good people.

This sentence Liu Yanzhi did not say out.


The classroom was quiet.

“An, An’an…” Qian Xin was the first to speak: “I, I… Feng, Aunt Feng…”

He stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi can be said to be good friends who grew up together, and he had also met Liu Yanzhi’s mother, a beautiful aunt who speaks very gently.

But suddenly one day, Mom and Dad told himself that Aunt Feng had gone to a faraway place, and he couldn’t mention Aunt Feng in front of Liu Yanzhi in the future, otherwise he would be sad and cry.

Qian Xin, who didn’t want his little friend to feel sad, kept this firmly in his mind, but now Liu Yanzhi’s words made him confused again.

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To tell the truth, since the development of the Internet, children have had access to too much information.

The meaning of Liu Yanzhi’s words can probably be understood seven or eight.

Aunt Feng, it turned out already…

— so bad! An’an’s father is a big villain worse than Amomo!

This sentence popped up in Xu Youyou’s mind, she has a natural filter for the word “mom”.

After hearing what Liu Yanzhi said, her first reaction was to hate An’an’s father.

How can there be such a bad person?

Liu Miaomiao is not the youngest among several children, but she is definitely the youngest in terms of mental maturity.

Even Qian Xin is “smarter” than her.

She also didn’t quite understand the atmosphere. After hearing what Liu Yanzhi said, she immediately raised her hand after Qian Xin finished speaking: “Then An’an, you should run away from home, come to my house, I will let my dad and mom raise you.”

Running away from home is probably a thought that comes to the mind of every child.

The difference is that some people really do it, and some people just think about it.

Liu Miaomiao thinks that people who run away from home are cool, but unfortunately she has no chance to do so.

Since An’an’s father is so bad, why don’t An’an just run away from home?

Lu Chenjun, who didn’t know how many turns he had made in his mind: “…”

Surely, it’s better not to become friends with them, idiots are contagious.

Unexpectedly Liu Yanzhi was amused by Liu Miaomiao’s words, “No way, Miaomiao, my father will definitely come to me.”

The reason is naturally not any father-son relationship, but he still has 5% of the shares of the Liu Group given by Grandpa Liu before his death, if he encounters misfortune before he reaches adulthood, the shares will be donated directly, this is the last things the old man did for his acknowledged grandson.

So, Father Liu will not let go Liu Yanzhi, but also will not please him because of it.

Because Father Liu felt that Liu Yanzhi was like his mother, kind, gullible and obedient.

When he became an adult, just get the shares back.

Can a son still turn over the palm of his father’s hand?

I don’t know if it was because after saying the words out loud, Liu Yanzhi felt a lot more relaxed.

He simply continued.

“My birthday is not for me, it’s that man who wants to please other people, it’s boring.”

“I’m still too young, but when I grow up, I must take back everything that belongs to my mother! ”

“Will you guys think I’m bad?”

Xu Youyou immediately shook her head: “No way! It was your father who treated you badly first!”

“That’s right!”

Liu Miaomiao echoed again: “Whoever treats me badly, I’ll hate whoever!”

Hearing the comfort from his friends, Liu Yanzhi was in a better mood.

Lu Chenjun spoke again at this time: “When you go back, just say you invited me, and I’ll ask my mother to call that person.”

It is better to leave it to the adults to solve the matter between the adults.

Lu Chenjun can understand that the Liu family wants to please his family, even if they really go to the banquet certainly will not be unpleasant.

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But understanding is understanding, Lu Chenjun doesn’t like this very much.

He even dislikes the act of using him to get close to his parents.

I believe his mother is the same, so “refuse” is also normal, right?

But there is still a problem here, what if Father Liu gets angry with Liu Yanzhi?

“Youyou.” Xu Wenyin’s voice suddenly appeared in Xu Youyou’s mind: “you tell Liu Yanzhi to tell his father when he gets back, saying that Lu Chenjun has a bad temper and treats him like a younger brother. He doesn’t want to go to kindergarten.”

Eh? Why teach An’an to lie?

Xu Youyou was not surprised by Xu Wenyin’s sudden appearance, but she didn’t understand the reason for doing so.

But she believed in her mother, so Xu Youyou just repeated the words.

Got Lu Chenjun thoughtful look and Liu Miaomiao Qianxin did not understand look.

Lu Chenjun: “Just say that!”

Liu Yanzhi thought about it and seemed to understand the meaning behind this sentence. He looked at Xu Youyou with some surprise: “Youyou, you are so smart!” ”

As if outsiders Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin: “……”

What, what, what, is it just the two of us who are stupid?

I don’t understand why you say that at all. Although Juanjuan usually talks less, he doesn’t bully anyone!

Xu Youyou turned her head in embarrassment, she could not say Xu Wenyin’s existence, but the idea was not her own, and she actually did not understand why she had to say that, the compliment was a bit hard to accept.

Xu Wenyin said: What is mine is yours, what I said is what you said, what is there to be embarrassed about.

She just didn’t expect Liu Yanzhi’s family to be quite complicated.

And that idea just now was a trick Xu Wenyin learned in the internship world.

It’s called “retreat in order to advance”, right?

In this way, what can Father Liu say?

Not only will he not agree to Liu Yanzhi’s request, but he will also let him continue to endure it. If he has a little conscience, he may even say a few words of comfort.

After all, the Liu family is really inferior to the Qin family and the Lu family, and Father Liu wants to go further, then it is necessary to please Lu Chenjun.

I’m really a courage and intelligent good system.

After Xu Wenyin boasted, she continued to observe the little guys.

Today, she was just worried that Xu Youyou would be a little uncomfortable on the first day of kindergarten after the New Year, so she quietly “ambushed” in Xu Youyou’s mind, originally if there was no such thing, Xu Wenyin was not going to appear.

She knew that Xu Youyou had feelings for these little friends, if Liu Yanzhi was sad or injured, Youyou would definitely be sad too.

And Liu Yanzhi didn’t do anything bad, so give a hand if you can.

“So, no birthday then?”

After getting along with Xu Youyou and the others for nearly half a year, Liu Miaomiao hadn’t learned anything else, but she had improved a lot in terms of heart.

After all, her little friends all seem to be smarter than her.

If you don’t understand yourself, you won’t bother to think about it. Anyway, my friends will solve it in the end.

It’s just that Liu Miaomiao is still very concerned about the birthday problem: “Then come to Miaomiao’s house, and I’ll let my mom buy a big cake!”

Before Liu Yanzhi could reply, Qian Xin spoke up first: “No, go to my house! My mom cooks delicious food!”

He is the kind of personality that can easily be carried away.

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Just now, he was still thinking about what Xu Youyou meant by her words, but Liu Miaomiao suddenly said something else and was immediately brought to a new problem.

“Come to my house!”

“My house!”

After that, the two even started arguing.

Liu Yanzhi hurriedly panicked and went up to stop it, as if he was really afraid that two people would fight over him.

In the end, they stopped for some reason, and the three of them laughed together again.

Then Xu Youyou was infected that she couldn’t help smiling. She felt like a hero who beat bad guys with her friends, full of pride and a sense of mission.

At this time, Liu Yanzhi is more like a child, not a machine that is suppressed by hatred every day.

I don’t know if it’s because they shared secrets together, came up with ideas to fight against bad guys together, the relationship between the children is also much closer.

Lu Chenjun also seemed to accept them slowly, and would occasionally spit out a few words with a vicious tongue.

You know, even if he stayed with them before, he rarely talked, even if he said most of it was at Xu Youyou.

Such a change of Lu Chenjun, also made Qin Yiren couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

She could actually hear about other friends from her son?

Qin Yiren learned the whole story from Lu Chenjun’s retelling. Although she was surprised at the children’s intelligence at first, she thought about it later.

Be smart, as long as it is not used for bad things, it is always good.

Then Qin Yiren followed the children’s plan and called Father Liu.

She even “acted” a little longer.

On the surface, it was a refusal to attend, but in fact, secretly sarcastic father Liu said that she did not want his son to be led astray.

Everyone knows that Liu’s father was a playboy. Less than a month after Liu Yanzhi’s mother died, he remarried and even brought home the illegitimate son and daughter from outside, as if he had completely let himself go.

This made Qin Yiren, who had high demands on relationships, really disdainful, and she was not afraid to offend the Liu family because of her family background.

Between the two, the difference is at least several ranks.

By the way, I’m glad again that Liu Yanzhi is like his mother!

On the other side of the Liu family, Liu Miaomiao was going to bed this day.

Mother Liu was telling her fairy tales as usual, when it came to the end that the prince and princess lived a happy life together.

Liu Miaomiao suddenly opened her eyes: “Mom, can the prince and princess really live happily ever after?”

Although Liu Miaomiao didn’t quite understand the middle process of Liu Yanzhi’s matter, nor did she understand the final solution, but she understood the truth that not all parents are as good as hers.

Can the prince and princess really live happily together all the time?

Mother Liu was stunned. It was reasonable that she should answer “of course”, but it was rare to see Liu Miaomiao ask a question so seriously. She thought for a moment and said, “Why would Miaomiao ask that?”

Liu Miaomiao: “Because Grandma said Miaomiao can always be happy and joyful as long as she marries the prince and doesn’t have to do anything, but An’an’s mom and dad don’t.”

To marry the prince, is what Liu Miaomiao said several times.

Neither mother Liu nor Father Liu took it to heart. Isn’t it normal for a little girl of this age to say that she wants to marry the prince?

But this time when Liu Miaomiao said that again, Mother Liu suddenly felt something was wrong.

What does it mean that as long as you marry a prince, you can be happy? Don’t have to do anything?

Why does this affirmation sound wrong?

“Miaomiao, what else did Grandma say to you, tell mom all about it, okay?”

Mother Liu herself did not even notice, there was a tremble in her voice.

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